

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Urban
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16 Chs

Realization (part 1)

"This isn't sex Laura" Alec let out.

She reasoned to herself and accepted it wasn't sex, she knelt back down and started giving him a hand job. Ale was letting out some sounds and moaning in happiness.

"I will always love you, Laura"

Laura continues for a while and then was going in for a blowjob.

She opened up her mouth and was proceeding to eat a big cock.

"[wow he turned me on already, I am horny as fuck]"

Laura on her kneels going in for a blowjob and at that very moment she speaks"Alec, don't ever try this again" she stands and looked him in his face"you must be a bad friend to want a blowjob from me, knowing fully well I am still recovering from what happened".

"Nooo, sorry it was a mistake, I was feeling aroused...I didn't mean... I am very sorry"

"That's okay, nothing happened, wait for me in the living room"

Laura turns and enters the bathroom"[What was I thinking, Even if it is a big dick, I shouldn't, we are friends, I don't even....Ahhh!!! Laura you want to get yourself pregnant again after just losing one, I am so so so stupid]".

She thinks everything through and sees she is being foolish, "no big dick is going to manipulate me".

She has her bath finished and comes outside of her bathroom.

"hmmm what's that smell, I did leave something on fire, noir haven't even gone to the kitchen, gosh" she hurries to the kitchen in haste just to find Alec there cooking with an apron on and nothing beneath, Was completely naked except for the fact that he was wearing an apron that only covered his front and not even his butt.

"What are you doing?!!" Laura reacted.

"oh, see, the thing is that after the long and cold day we have had I wanted to make us something".

"Hmmm, very thoughtful of you but not what I meant, I meant, why are you naked in the kitchen".

Alec looks down at what he was wearing and responds "technically, I am not naked".

"you get the point, so speak".

"well as you know my clothes are dripping wet or I can just go and wear them if you want me to"

"hmmm not still what I exactly meant, what of the robe I gave to you"

"well I haven't seen anyone wearing a robe and an apron in a kitchen before but I have seen just an apron and I wanted to try it out today"

"hmmm you can try it out but there is one little problem with this"

"Which is?" he questioned.

"This is my house, my home, and NOT A FUCKING PORN INDUSTRY!!" she shouted. "oh, my bad but my front is covered," can you say that about your back, with your butt shooting out like that" she replied. "mmm but I thought you liked it".

"liked what, your piece of meat, be for real, I don't," she replied."I wouldn't agree with that, weren't you the one that dropped on your knells and felt the piece of meat and liked it and was even going in for a blow.... *SLAP!!*". Alec was amazed by what just happened. The slap he received was unexpected." you..you slapped me," " yes and I would do that again if that comes out from your jaws to spit out rubbish again".

"But, I was only joking"

"keeping joking and you would forget you knew me"


"No qualms, now get up and don't get my house burnt, when done, you can go back to the bathroom and find a cloth's dryer and decide it over there *POINTS*"

"Okay thank you very much" she walked out on him." [why did I have to be so stupid, piece of meat?, I am so dumb. Playing silly jokes on her after what she has been through and I claim I love her,(remembrance" keeping joking and you would forget you knew me"), no I can't lose her no matter what, if she has to fall me, let it be real and nor because of my dick, yes, I have been proud of her, flirting might work but first, let me start by giving her the sexiest meal ever"

Alec decided and quickly ran to put his clothes in the dryer and continued cooking, he was making cooked eggs with crispy bread and coffee for stepping down with.

By the time he was done, he got his dried clothes from the dryer and only put on his boxer and his top and headed with a tray with Laura's supposed food. He went to the living room and she wasn't there." Laura, where are you? The food is ready!!" he shouts.

"Come to the room but hope you are putting something on now other than the apron or the robe? ".She asked.

"you are no fun, yeah I am, I am coming now"

He got to the room to see Angel wearing a big baggy top that covered her almost to her knees.

He sees her pressing her phone on her bed and thought to himself"[I never knew I and Laura would be friends like this, from friends just at the eatery to literal common friends and I think this started....oh, yes the day I invited her to the club]".

"Will you keep me waiting or you will serve me my good"Laura smiled as she said, Alec Also smiled and gave her the tray containing booked eggs with crispy burned bread and coffee".

"hmmm it looks nice I expected this from you, and now for the flavor "Laura put some egg on the bread and took a big bite and then came, an irritated gesture on her face.

"oh, you don't like it," Alec said with a sad-looking face.

"Sorry, no I don't like it"

"Oh, okay it's fine I will throw it away" Alec was disappointed in himself.

"and why would you do that I said I don't like it, "

"that's the exact reason I want to throw it away".

Alec took the plate and was heading out, "I love it,"

"what!!" he reacted, thinking he didn't hear her well.

"I said I didn't like it because I love it"

He looked back to see Laura smiling. "but you had that expression on your face".

"you mean this one(She does the same expression on her face again and then looked at him and started bursting into laughter)you should see the look on your face, Hahaha, as if you want to cry, hahaha"

"but that isn't funny, you just played with my feelings"

"oh sorry braa, but your face, it was just a joke"

"the same joke I wanted to play on you and you slapped me"

Laura stopped smiling and replied with a more serious voice" that wasn't a joke, mine is different because this is a joke between friends, and yours was caused due by a mistake I made".

"And do you know another difference between our jokes, you know I see you as more than a friend and you still played with my feelings but well it's okay"."hmmm if that's how you feel I am sorry".

"Hahaha(Alec bursts into laughter)you should see your face, hahaha"

"Why are you laughing!!"

"you fell for it, now you will never play pranks on the joke master, hahaha" he hands him the food tray

"I am no longer hungry," she said

"you can't fool me, I know you just want to do yours back"


"wait are you for real"Alec was confused.

"The fact that you think I will be joking is utterly ridiculous" She stands up and heads out of the room.

Alec quickly drops to his knees"please forgive me, don't get mad at me, please!!"

She turns back" look at me," she said, Alec looked up at her *Click*"wow this would make a nice wallpaper, hahaha, got you again, haha"

"FUCKK" Alec found out he was fooled.