
Billionaires with Benefits

Could lust turn into love? *COMPLETED* *Mature Content.* *This book is not for young readers.* Paula was arranged to marry William although he already had a lover, Lea. Sounded like a cliche arranged marriage story because he planned not to touch his wife and intended to divorce her one day when his lover returned. However, his plan failed miserably. He did not expect that his wife was an aggressive woman and always demanded her rights as a wife. She had him wrapped around her little finger. Finally, William and Paula agreed to live like friends with benefits. They would do fun things in bed, with no feelings attached. Of course, they did it in secret, without telling a word to Lea. In addition, they also agreed to get a divorce one day, when everything was under control. However, things got complicated when Paula and Lea were found pregnant. Who would William choose? Paula or Lea?

Rachel_ET · Urban
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

69. Cracked Disguise

"Paula Anderson? Anderson is the owner's name, no?" the front desk girl asked again. Her brows frowned, recalling something. 

"Yes. She is the daughter of the owner," the visitor explained. He looked relieved when the front desk girl finally understood him. He was afraid that his English was too fast and difficult to understand. But now he realized that was not the problem.

She then asked the visitor to wait for more. "I will ask Mr. President. Maybe he knows something about it."

Just when the front desk girl was about to dial the number of Kato's office, Paula ran into her while wide-eyed the visitor, demanding him to shut his mouth.

"I know her! I know Paula!" Paula said, raising his voice. "Paula is coming next year. She planned to visit earlier but postponed her visit due to personal reasons."

The visitor was about to say something but Paula stepped on his foot to force him to close his mouth. She quickly turned to him.