
Billionaires with Benefits

Could lust turn into love? *COMPLETED* *Mature Content.* *This book is not for young readers.* Paula was arranged to marry William although he already had a lover, Lea. Sounded like a cliche arranged marriage story because he planned not to touch his wife and intended to divorce her one day when his lover returned. However, his plan failed miserably. He did not expect that his wife was an aggressive woman and always demanded her rights as a wife. She had him wrapped around her little finger. Finally, William and Paula agreed to live like friends with benefits. They would do fun things in bed, with no feelings attached. Of course, they did it in secret, without telling a word to Lea. In addition, they also agreed to get a divorce one day, when everything was under control. However, things got complicated when Paula and Lea were found pregnant. Who would William choose? Paula or Lea?

Rachel_ET · Urban
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

42. Punishment

Samuel looked at Paula hopefully. He was wondering what Paula asked him to do.

"Then …," Paula's eyes roamed. She then clapped her hands, calling the old janitor who was in the middle of work.

The man stopped cleaning the empty table and came closer to his employer. "What can I do for you, ma'am?" he asked, politely smiling at Paula.

"Fred, thank you for your hard work. Starting tomorrow, you can have three days off!"

"What?" The old janitor was shocked. He wanted to decline Paula's order since he was afraid of the salary cut.

"Don't worry! There is no salary cut. I will pay a full salary as usual," said Paula in amusement.

"But… why? I didn't do anything great that deserved a reward, ma'am!" Fred, the kind old man, wanted to know the actual reason behind the reward.

Paula chuckled. Her stern face turned to light. "Because, we have a volunteer here," Paula said as she glanced at Samuel. "Just pretend you won the lottery!"