
Billionaire Single Dad: My Daughter's Crazy Nanny

Rebecca, a crazy young lady accidentally clashes into the rude, saucy, cruel and famous Cold billionaire Single Dad as she was in a rush to deliver some ordered goods because she was already late. Robert, the famous cruel cute boss harassed and refused to let her go and threatened to arrest her for reckless driving, he thought of a punishment to get back at her and at the same time he was uncomfortable leaving his daughter to be in the mansion alone without a mother figure. It was then he got the idea of a perfect punishment for Rebecca and that is if only she would be his cold daughter's maid. Robert's Ex wife, Melissa wants Robert back after dropping him but Robert seems to have someone already in the picture, someone he wasn't sure could love him because of his cruelty towards her. How is that even possible? To live with an arrogant cold billionaire and his spoilt daughter. And who is this mystery lady that melted Robert's heart? Find Out with me as to unravel the mystery together.

Blue_Navi · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Two

Billionaire Single Dad

 (My Daughter's Crazy Nanny)

 Chapter 2


"What the fuck." Robert yelled, staggering backwards. It took all his stamina for him to balance back.

"Sir Robert." The Security Guard called, rushing towards him.

"Are you blind or something?" Another guard asked, turning to Rebecca who was still lying sprawled on the floor.

Murmur filled the arena, people started to whisper to themselves...

"Ohh my goodness"

"Did she just hit Sir Robert with her haggard-looking bike??"

"She even got his shirt stained... She is so dead today, I pity her... Robert is going to have her arrested"

Rebecca groaned in annoyance at the offensive chattering of the people, she stood up angrily and shot them a deadly glare.

She turned to meet the angry face of Robert, he was glaring hard at her that all the courage she had mustered up left her.

"Uhhhm..." She murmured thoughtfully. 

"Am deeply sorry for the mess up, I guess I wasn't concentrating on my driving, I was kind of carried away and mistakenly ran into you." She stuttered, putting up the most pleading face she could ever think of.

"You guess..." Robert spat out. Women never seem to surprise him.

"Take her to my office." He ordered and her eyes widened.

"No, no, no, no, you aren't taking me away, I'm gonna sue you in court for harassing and humiliating me." She yelled moving backward, the guards caught her and hauled her away.

She struggled and kicked her feet in the air still ranting words that won't come to reality.

Robert stared at the young naive lady and shook his head.

"This gonna be one hell of a tough girl." He thought, staring at their retreating figure.

Later that same day.

Rebecca had calmed down and she was sitting in his office.

Robert's office was very large, well furnished, and beautiful. The view and everything in the office were so perfect.

She stared around, everything screamed of wealth, she sat down and stared into space, different thoughts running through her mind.

The door opened and Robert stepped in, he paused and stared at the back view of the lady.

He cleared his throat and walked the remaining distance to his chair. He sat down and quickly accessed the tigress in front of him.

Blonde hair, deep ocean blue eyes, well-rounded face, portable pink lips all fitted in a small body.. Very small body.

"Why am I here?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"To be punished for intentionally trying to injure me in an accident with that outdated scrab that you can a bicycle." Robert scoffed.

"Punished? You're the one who's supposed to be punished, you harassed me in public even after I apologized and tried getting this into your rich empty skull that I didn't do intentionally." Rebecca said, standing up angrily.

"How about I sue you in court for careless driver and attempted murder." He smirked, staring at her.

She sat down and stared at him. "You won't do that?" She asked, shaking terribly and Robert smirked.

And for the first time in his life, he was proud that he could make this strong-headed girl quiver in fear.

"Would I?" He asked, staring at her. He rested his back on his chair thoughtfully.

"OK fine, I'm sorry, I'd say it a million times, I'm so damn sorry." She apologized and this time he could hear sincerity in her voice.

"Do you know how much that suit cost?" He asked.

"Hmmm...I will do anything to pay for the damages but please don't sue me in court." She pleaded.

"Anything... You'll do anything?" He smirked.

"Yes, anything." she blurted out without thinking.

"Meet me here as early as eight o'clock in the morning." He said and she nodded reluctantly.

She stood up and with one last glare at him, she went out.

As soon as she got outside, she heaved a sigh of relief.

She mounted her bike at the corner of the huge building and drove out.

It was then that it all dawned on her, everything she said began coming into space.

She dismissed the thought and concentrated fully on the road.

AZ restaurant

"Where the hell have you been?" Peter asked as soon as she entered the restaurant.

"Bad news Peter..... I had an accident." She said, sinking into a chair nearby. There were no customers so everywhere was quiet.

"How come? weren't you looking at where you were driving? what did the person do?" Peter asked at once without waiting for an answer.

"For now, he didn't do anything." She said tiredly.

"So you're free, the person is not going to take the matter to court?" He asked, sitting close to her.

"He said I should come to his office by 8 am tomorrow, I agreed to do anything so that he won't get me arrested." 

"Who's this person?"

"He's the CEO of Wilson's Empire." She said less concerned.

"What?" Peter yelled standing up. "The famous young billionaire."

"I don't even know." She said, confused. "Do you know him?"

Peter shook his head in amazement and sat down back.

"Who the hell doesn't know Robert Wilson?" He asked

"Sir Robert Wilson is the...." And with that, he narrated who he was and Rebecca couldn't help but wonder if she was in big trouble.

Later that evening…

Rebecca got home and met her mum in the kitchen preparing dinner.

She walked past her into the bedroom, shut the door and she slumped on the bed.

She has been out of space ever since Peter narrated who Robert Wilson was. 

How could she have been so foolish and unfortunate to hit a famous billionaire... For all she cares she could be killed for it.

Suddenly the door burst open and Rebecca groaned.

"Mom, I am not in the mood for your nags," Rebecca said as soon as her mom entered.

"What's wrong baby? What happened at work today?" Veronica was quick to sense the tone in her voice.

Rebecca sighed and sat up. She had to tell her mom because she won't give up.

"Mom I had an accident and worse still I involved Robert Wilson the famous billionaire in it." She said as the tears she had been trying to hold fell freely.

"Oh darling it's okay, everything is going to be fine," Veronica said, hugging her.

"Mom I'm scared, what if he takes me to court?" Rebecca asked, staring at her.

"Trust me he dares not or else I'll pluck off his eyes." She said and for once, Rebecca was glad.

She was thankful her mom supported her and didn't nag her as she had thought.

"Is that why you didn't greet me?" She asked.

"I'm so sorry Mom but I have lost my appetite. I'll just go to bed." Rebecca said and her Mom sighed.

She patted her hair and with one last glance at her she left the room.

Rebecca sighed and curled up on her bed awaiting what fate presented her tomorrow.

Would she be humiliated? dead or alive?