
Billionaire Single Dad: My Daughter's Crazy Nanny

Rebecca, a crazy young lady accidentally clashes into the rude, saucy, cruel and famous Cold billionaire Single Dad as she was in a rush to deliver some ordered goods because she was already late. Robert, the famous cruel cute boss harassed and refused to let her go and threatened to arrest her for reckless driving, he thought of a punishment to get back at her and at the same time he was uncomfortable leaving his daughter to be in the mansion alone without a mother figure. It was then he got the idea of a perfect punishment for Rebecca and that is if only she would be his cold daughter's maid. Robert's Ex wife, Melissa wants Robert back after dropping him but Robert seems to have someone already in the picture, someone he wasn't sure could love him because of his cruelty towards her. How is that even possible? To live with an arrogant cold billionaire and his spoilt daughter. And who is this mystery lady that melted Robert's heart? Find Out with me as to unravel the mystery together.

Blue_Navi · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter One

Billionaire Single Dad

 (My Daughter's Crazy Nanny)

Author Michael 

Chapter 1



A figure lay on the bed sleeping peacefully, her brown curly hair messed up her face making her look very beautiful.

"Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca." A high-pitched voice called, her slippers making crazy sounds as she marched to the bedroom.

She opened the door and stepped in, she took slow strides to the sleepy head on the bed.

She bent down to her ear level and screamed. "Rebecca." Veronica, Rebecca's mom yelled, stepping back.

Rebecca shook frightfully and jumped up from the bed holding her ears which stung like hell.

She turned to see her mom staring at her, hands akimbo, her face lit up with a devilish smirk that she needed no one to tell her mom did it.

"Mom, what the hell was that for?" Rebecca asked fuming up, her folded fist by her side, her face turning murderous.

Only if looks could kill, her mother would have been dead by now.

"Young lady, how many times do I have to tell you about the use of vulgar words?" She ignored her daughter's question.

She stared at her daughter and couldn't help but smile at the grown-up in front of her.

Rebecca just stood still glaring at her mom who looked unfazed at her character.

"You're late, go and dress up for work." And with that, Veronica walked out of the room.

"Arrrrgghhhhh!" Rebecca yelled throwing her fist in the air while her mother chuckled behind the door.

Rebecca came out fully dressed for work and met the dining room set. She sat down and began eating hurriedly.

"Eat slowly or you'll choke," Veronica said coming out of the kitchen with a packed lunch kit and dropping it on the table.

"What's this for?" Rebecca asked, shoving the thought crawling into her head.

"Lunch kit, I noticed recently you're losing weight so I packed you this," Veronica said, settling opposite her.

"Mom, are you being serious right now?" Rebecca asked Surprised.

"Do I look like i'm joking?" Her mother asked another question.

"Mom, you're crazy," Rebecca yelled laughing.

She wouldn't believe her mom packed her a lunch kit to work as if she were a kid.

Well, that's Veronica for you. You call her crazy, annoying, mad woman but she's the sweetest mother any child would ever think of having.

"Make sure you take the kit to work or don't bother stepping your foot into my house," Veronica said and from the looks of it, she was kind of serious.

"I hate you, Mom," Rebecca said standing up, she grabbed her handbag and the lunch kit and headed towards the door.

"I love you Darling daughter, please be careful," Veronica said, blowing kisses at her while Rebecca just hissed and walked out.

She stopped a cab and entered. "AZ restaurant please." She said and the car ignited.

"Speed it up, I am late!!!"

Wilson's Mansion

"Good morning sir." The maids and security guards greeted him as he stepped down the stairs.

He picked up his suitcase which was dropped carelessly on the sofa and walked out when a soft tiny voice stopped him. He smiled.

"Daddy, won't you kiss me goodbye before going to work?" Lillian asked, blinking cutely.

"Sunshine, Daddy didn't know you were downstairs already. How was your night?" He said changing directions and walking towards her.

She squeezed her fingers and turned her back to him. He chuckled and wondered where his little princess was learning all this attitude.

He bent down at her back and held her waist gently, turning her slowly to meet the beautiful smiling face of his daughter.

He hugged her then pecked her on the cheeks, and she giggled. He stood up and walked out.

He stepped outside and the security guards bowed a greeting to him.

"Drive me to the company." He ordered in a thick masculine voice ignoring their greetings.

It was so surprising how he managed to turn from the sweet caring father a few minutes ago to the authoritarian boss.

The guard opened the door and he stepped in, sitting gently and comfortably, the remaining guards entered the other car and followed behind.

The cars beat the traffic and in no time arrived at the company which was already bustling with activities.

The guard came down and opened the door and Robert stepped out.

The workers began murmuring as soon as his car drove in.

 "He's here, he's so sexy and dashing"

 "He's the reason I come to work every day".

"Am satisfied just by looking at his face".

 "How I wish I could date him"

AZ Restaurants

Rebecca finally got to the restaurant, she was Thirty-five minutes late and she knew she was in trouble for that. She rushed out of the cab and paid the driver.

She hurriedly ran into the restaurant and luckily for her, Mr Smith, her boss, was nowhere in sight.

She went to the dressing room and hurriedly changed to her duty clothes.

A figure leaned on the wall awaiting her, she opened the door and almost rushed back in fright.

"Peter! Like what the hell, you almost scared me to death?" She said, hitting him hard on his shoulder.

"Sleepyhead, must you always be late to work? Thank your stars. I always have the workaholic to say words for you anytime you're late." He said with an eye roll.

"Awww." She gushed and hugged him, pecking him lightly on the cheek.

"Lemme please." He said pushing her off and she frowned.

"Am sorry, Peter my baby." Rebecca pouted and blinked cutely and he couldn't help but smile at her.

Rebecca is his childhood friend and he can't get mad at her even if he did, not for long.

"Why do you like coming late to work?" He asked and she groaned.

"Not today Peter please." She whined and he sighed.

"There's an order." He said walking away.

He gave her the details and she hurriedly packed the order and zoomed off to the Location.

She drove the bike staring confused at the area, she picked up her phone and turned on Google Maps.

She stared briefly at her phone before looking around, not watching her front.

"Hey watch out." A guard screamed but it was too late, her bike crashed into Robert's Vehicle; Robert who was on the verge of stepping out of the car, got the food orders spilling over his body.

"What the fuck!." He yelled staggering backward.