
Billionaire Single Dad: My Daughter's Crazy Nanny

Rebecca, a crazy young lady accidentally clashes into the rude, saucy, cruel and famous Cold billionaire Single Dad as she was in a rush to deliver some ordered goods because she was already late. Robert, the famous cruel cute boss harassed and refused to let her go and threatened to arrest her for reckless driving, he thought of a punishment to get back at her and at the same time he was uncomfortable leaving his daughter to be in the mansion alone without a mother figure. It was then he got the idea of a perfect punishment for Rebecca and that is if only she would be his cold daughter's maid. Robert's Ex wife, Melissa wants Robert back after dropping him but Robert seems to have someone already in the picture, someone he wasn't sure could love him because of his cruelty towards her. How is that even possible? To live with an arrogant cold billionaire and his spoilt daughter. And who is this mystery lady that melted Robert's heart? Find Out with me as to unravel the mystery together.

Blue_Navi · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Four

Billionaire Single Dad

(My Daughter's Crazy Nanny)

Genre: Romance

Chapter 4

AZ Restaurant

A Black car drove roughly into the restaurant.

The car stopped and a guard came out and opened the door, the occupant stepped out.

He stared at the building ahead of him and adjusted his suit.

He walked briskly into the restaurant and stopped at the cashier's table.

"I'd like to see the manager of this restaurant." The man said without waiting for any greetings.

"The door to your left-hand side is the manager's office," Peter said, staring at the man.

He walked straight and barged into the office.

Mr Smith looked up annoyed at the intruder but the angry face faded away immediately after he saw who the intruder was.

"Ahh, Mr. Robert, what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" Smith asked, surprised.

Today was indeed his lucky day, having the most powerful and influential young billionaire in his office.

"I'll go straight to the point. Release Rebecca Graig to me" He said and with that, he tossed a wrapped brown paper to him.

Mr. Smith stared at him and picked up the paper. He opened it and surprisingly the paper was filled with dollars.

"Uhhmm....May I know the reason why I am releasing her to you?" Mr Smith asked unsure.

"You may as well just give me back my money then ask me unnecessary questions." Robert scoffed.

"No problem, I have released her as my staff." Mr Smith replied, grabbing the money and dropping it in his locker.

"It was nice having business with you." Smith smiled and offered him a handshake which Robert gladly accepted.

Robert smiled within himself and walked out.

"Mission completed." He muttered and entered the car.


A figure stepped down from the plane and inhaled the fresh air.

"It feels good to be in America." He smiled and came down.

Another figure waved at him motioning for him to come.

He nodded and walked to the figure.

"Marshall Robinson right? Red asked.

"Yeah, I presume you're Roberts bodyguard right?" Marshall asked, staring at him.

"Yes, sir Robert ordered me to bring you." The guard said and with that, he opened the door and he entered. He put his luggage in the boot and went back to the driver's seat.

He drove speedily but carefully through the busy road.

Wilson's Mansion

The car drove in and the occupants came out.

"Yay! I'm back home." He yelled and the maids stared at him.

A figure stood at the top of the building watching the show of craziness Marshall was exhibiting.

"He still hasn't changed." Robert smiled, shaking his head.

He turned and went downstairs, he met Marshall coming in, their eyes locked and they smiled.

The brothers clasped hands and hugged each other.

Robert stared at him affectionately, he patted his hairy head and hugged him again this time not wanting to leave him.

"That's enough bro, I know you missed me but that doesn't mean you should choke the life out of me," Marshall said teasingly.

Robert flicked his forehead and he groaned. "Must you always be naughty and cocky?" He asked, staring at him.

Marshall smiled and turned around staring at the living room.

"Nothing much has changed except a little touch here and there," Marshall said and nodded.

"Let me show you your room." A maid said curtseying and he nodded following her.

12:30 PM That Same day.

"So bro how's everything, the company and Lilian," Marshall asked, pausing on his food.

"Well, the company has been moving on fine except for some clashes with my rivals and Lillian is doing good except she's becoming more difficult to handle these days," Robert replied, chewing gently on his food.

"So what are your plans, I mean Lilian.....you can't leave her alone," Marshall said.

"Well, I have got someone as a maid for her... My fear is of her accepting the maid." Robert said worriedly.

"So when is she resuming?" Marshall asked.

"Tomorrow, the driver will bring her here," Robert said.

"Don't worry, am here now okay?" Marshall said, patting his back.

"Sure cousin," Robert said sarcastically.

AZ Restaurant

Rebecca got out of the cab and went in, she walked straight to Mr Smith's office and knocked.

A voice sound permitting her in, she opened the door and went in.

"Mr. Smith, I am sorry for...." Her words got stuck as Mr. Smith waved a hand for her to sit.

"I know why you're here but I still don't know why you're leaving urgently." Mr Smith said.

"Uhm...sir....how did you ....know." Rebecca stuttered confused.

"Mr. Robert came here and paid for your freedom from my service." Mr Smith said and Rebecca stared blankly at him.

"So can you explain what's going on?" Mr Smith said and Rebecca narrated everything that happened to him.

"Hmmm... Rebecca, just be careful, okay?" He asked and she nodded.

She stood up and left the office to go back to the restaurant. She met Peter there servicing his bike.

"Peter," Rebecca called and he turned. She engulfed him in a hug.

"So what's up, what did he say?" Peter asked, staring at me.

"He asked me to be his daughter's maid, so I'll be resuming at his house today," Rebecca said ruefully.

"It's okay, just be yourself there and don't get into trouble, okay?" Peter said and she nodded meekly.

"Am going to miss you, Peter." She said and hugged him again.

"Hmmm...let me go home and get my bags ready," Rebecca said and he nodded.

She bade him farewell and left the restaurant, she turned back to stare at it and tears dropped from her eyes. She wiped it off and continued walking.

Graig's House

"Mom, I'm back," Rebecca said as soon as she entered the house.

Veronica wiped her hands and came out. She met Rebecca sprawled on the chair.

"So how was the meeting?" Veronica asked, settling beside her.

"Well...he said I should be a maid to his

daughter," Rebecca said.

"A maid....what....you can't be a maid? what about me?" Veronica asked.

"I bluntly refused at first but I had no other option than to accept when he decided to call the cops." She said, staring at her mom.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll find a way, okay?" She said, hugging her.

"I need to get ready, I am leaving tomorrow." She said and Rebecca nodded.