
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Twenty -one: officer Joe

Chapter twenty-one: Officer Joe

"Yes, yes his name is...." Commissioner Reynold paused and remembered what Mike said about Officer Joe, he then said "I don't know him,"

"But Sir, you just said yes," Officer Joe said. He looked at commissioner Reynold who was trying to get back on his own feet.

"I said I don't know!" commissioner Reynold shouted. He was attended to by the police medical team.

Officer Joe was about to ask another question but he was interrupted by Inspector Eric, "Joe, please let him be, as you can see, he is tired, you can ask him any question tomorrow, right now he can't answer you,"

"Okay I understand," Officer Joe said. He turned back to assist other policemen doing forensic and search the whole place for clues or anything.

Inspector Eric called him back and said, "Joe! Joe! (officer Joe turned back and looked at him) you did a great job today, I really appreciate your help," . He gave officer Joe a thumbs up.

"I am glad to help, it is my job," Officer Joe replied with a smile on his face and walked away.

The police squad got the commissioner out of the confinement, as they brought him out of the police station, the press pointed their microphones and sound recorder towards him, their camera lights flashing, he heard so many people speaking at the same time, asking several questions.

"Sir! Who was the alleged suspect?"

"Commissioner! How do you feel been nabbed and held in your workplace?"

"Sir, do you think your workplace is safe? Following the recent incident,"

"Why were the police unable to apprehend this suspect?"

"Do you see the suspect? What is his name? Or can you give us a description?"

All these questions were asked by the press, they almost blocked the entrance but the police officers cleared the way.

As police commissioner Reynold walked through the crowd he was speechless. His eyes moved left and right, he was not listening to the questions asked by the press nor answering them. Police commissioner Reynold looked at everyone and he had only one thought in his mind, he said "what if they know what I have done? How will they feel about me (he gasps) I need to end this before it gets out of hand,".

He was being escorted into the police car by some police officers and he was driven home while Mike stood afar, watching the event. Mike got a text message from Pearl and it says, "please, we seriously need to talk, please can we meet?". Mike gasped and replied to the text message and said "okay, see you tomorrow at Jameson coffee store by 3 pm,".

Mike put his phone in his pocket and walked away, thinking of the mistake he made and what is the next move.

The following day, police commissioner Reynold woke up early. He sat on the bed thinking about the whole situation that occurred yesterday.

He thought out loud saying "how could he? So what am I going to do? I have an idea, I will contact billionaire Andrew,"

As he finished his statement his wife heard him talking to himself and she asked, "are you still in shock over what happened?". She put her hand over his belly as they lay down on the bed.

"No, I am not, I am a policeman and a commissioner of police, I can't be in shock," police commissioner Reynold said boastfully. He placed his hand over his wife.

"That is better, go back to sleep," she said. She cuddled him and she went back to sleep.

"Yes, I will," police Commissioner Reynold replied. He patted his wife smoothly and looked up to the ceiling and was still lost in thought.

By 9:00 am, police commissioner Reynold woke up again after going back to sleep as his wife instructed him to do. As he woke up, he did not see his wife on the bed. Clearly, she was preparing breakfast, as usual, every morning.

Reynold got out of bed and went straight to shower when got back, the house phone was in the room and he picked up and it was a call from billionaire Andrew.

"Hello, good morning Sir, this is Commissioner Reynold speaking," the police commissioner Reynold said over the phone.

"Good morning Reynold, I heard about the incident and I am deeply sorry," billionaire Reynold said. Over the phone, with a deep cracked voice.

"Yeah, sir I don't think it is time to start apologizing," police Commissioner Reynold said. He checked if his wife was coming.

"And why is that?" billionaire Andrew asked over the phone.

Police Commissioner Reynold checked again if his wife was coming but she wasn't, he went again to check if one of the police officers who was sent to guard his house was at the window but there was no one.

"Hello, are you Still on the line?" police Commissioner Reynold asked over the phone.

"Yes I am but I asked, why is that?" billionaire Reynold asked with his deep cracked voice.

The police commissioner gasped and said "he knows,"

"He knows what? And who knows what?" billionaire Andrew asked. He was confused by police commissioner Reynold's statement.

Reynold looked around again and said, "he knows about the diamond case that happened years ago,".

"I don't understand, who knows?" billionaire Andrew asked, showing that he is still confused about the statement made by Reynold.

Police Commissioner Reynold heard the voice and footsteps of his wife coming into the bedroom, where he was, he quickly said "Sir, I will call you back, something came up," and he hung up immediately after that statement.

His wife walked into the room with a tray holding his breakfast. She placed it on the mini table that was in the well-furnished bedroom.

"Umm., dear, I overheard you talking to someone on the phone, who was that?" she asked. Reynold could see the curiousness in her eyes.

"Don't worry about it, it was just someone from the governor's office who wanted to check on me after the incident," police Commissioner Reynold said. He quickly formulated a lie to save him from more questions.

"Okay, so what did you tell them?" she asked.

"I just told them, I am fine, that is all," Reynold replied. He sat down on one of the luxurious couches in his bedroom pulled the mini table closer and started to eat.

"Okay dear, enjoy your breakfast and it looks as if you are dressed for work," she said.

"Yes I am, I just need to file a report concerning the case, don't worry, I will be safe," police Commissioner Reynold said.

His wife gasped and said "Okay if you say so, but be careful," Reynolds's wife advised.

"Okay, I will, and tell my angel (referring to his daughter) that I love her so much," police Commissioner Reynold said.

His wife chuckled and said "You usually say that,"

"Yes, but this one is special," police commissioner Reynold said. He finished eating, stood up, and cleaned his mouth with his handkerchief and he adjusted his suit.

"Okay, I will," his wife laughed and helped me out with his tie and the collar of his shirt.

Police Commissioner Reynold gave his wife a hug and a kiss before he left the house.

Police Commissioner Reynold that morning was escorted by three policemen as his personal security (normally Reynold doesn't take security). Before he got to the station, he made a quick stop at the coffee shop.

Police Commissioner Reynold walked into the cafe and his police guards followed him. The policemen were distracted by the people in the store who wanted to approach Reynold for a little talk or question about the incident.

The police Commissioner Reynold tries his best to ignore them while making his order but he can't ignore a tap from behind. He turned his back and saw Mike for the first time after many years.

Mike said "Hello commissioner, here is your phone (Mike gave Reynold back his phone), and remember that I am still holding your confession videotape (Mike showed him a memory card) so be careful,"

Mike finished his statement and was lost in the crowd.