
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: The Love Last Chapter

Chapter thirteen: The Love's Last Chapter.

"Somebody stop him!" Mr. Parker shouted, he ran out from the open enclosure to confront Mike, who was dressed as a cleaner. Mr. Matthew, because of fear, picked up the switched briefcase and held it tightly.

The security men in the store blocked Mike, "Sir! Please stop!" one of the security men shouted.

Mike turned, looked at them and asked "what is the problem?"

"Arrest him! He stole my wallet some days ago and he is not even a staff here" Mr. Parker said.

"What! Who? Me? Look you have a lot of staff here and you might not remember employing me" Mike said.

"I didn't remember employing you" Mr. Parker said, he signaled the receptionist to call the police.

"Okay fine, to prove to you that I am your employee, check my ID in your staff database" Mike said, he gave Mr. Parker an ID card. Mr. Parker check the ID card in his computer and saw it was valid.

"Sorry Mr. Bob, (referring to Mike) I thought you were someone else" Mr. Parker said. He gave the fake ID card back to Mike. After the deliberate distractions, Mr. Justin (Manson) could not be seen again.

"Yeah I know, sometimes people look alike" Mike said, he continued to push his trolley to the back. Mr. Parker went back to the open enclosure to continue his business but he didn't see Mr. Justin (Manson) again nor did Mr. Matthew know where he went but they did not care.

"Is everything fine?" Mr. Matthew asked, still clutching to the wrong briefcase.

"Don't worry it was just a misunderstanding," Mr. Parker said.

Mr. Matthew opened the briefcase to confirm the package but the briefcase was empty.

Panic and confusion sets in, Mr. Matthew could not explain how it is missing and Mr. Parker clearly that he sold the diamond ring to Mr. Matthew, both of them became confused and started to blame each other.

The police arrived and the diamond case party (which is inspector Eric, officer Ruby and officer Joe) were part of the policemen that were sent to the scene. The policemen search the entire building but could not find it and also questioned the staff to no avail.

"Are these all your staff?" officer Joe asked Mr. Parker.

"Not all but there is one of them that I discovered that he works for me today" Mr. Parker replied. He describe Mike to officer Joe.

Officer Joe quickly brought out his sketch drawing of Mike he did earlier and asked "does he look like this?".

"Yes, yes, it is quite a match" Mr. Parker said.

Officer Joe immediately had a mixed feeling of happiness and surprise because he predictions were making sense, he met his colleagues and said "he was here".

"Who was?" inspector Eric asked.

"Him!" officer Joe said. He showed inspector Eric the sketch drawing.

"Look, we have been over this" inspector Eric said, disagreeing with officer Joe.

"He also had an ID card that shows in my database that he is my staff and was on my payroll" Mr. Parker said, interrupting officer Joe and inspector Eric conversation.

"Really? Show me" officer Joe said. He accompanied Mr. Parker to the receptionist computer and searched, Mr. Bob but nothing came up, It was like no one bearing a name Bob had ever worked there.

Confusion sets in, Mr. Parker doesn't know what to say, he just looks confused. "Officer Joe do not bring up this (pointing at the sketch drawing of Mike) again, because this is a distraction and I don't want that" , inspector Eric said, warning officer Joe because his claims appear like false information and a waste of time.

Mr. Matthew was not arrested and taken away because he was the only suspect that was in contact with the diamond ring.

Meanwhile, Mike and his friend Manson had escaped and had gotten to their layer.

"I can't believe we did it" Manson said, as he dropped the briefcase on the table.

"Yeah I know," Mike said.

"But how do you know that the plan is going to work?" Manson asked.

"Simple, after our discussion a day ago, I decided to do some snuck around in jewelry store, I found out about the appointment between Mr. Parker and Mr. Matthew and the diamond ring and Mr. Matthew was guy that loves luxury he will even last dime to get it, and I created a fake ID just for distractions purpose and not leave the escape window open for you after you have switch the briefcases" Mike explained.

"You are a genius! So what are we going to do with it?" Manson asked.

"We keep it or sell it to help poor" Mike said.

"Okay I will add it to the other one (the diamond necklace) " Manson said. He removed the diamond ring from the briefcase.

Mike admired it and said "I wish I can give this to Pearl as a gift".

"Yes you can" Manson said with a smile on his face.

"No I can't, this is revenge not just stealing of diamonds" Mike said with a look of disappointment. In his face.

"You love her so much I know that and I hope she knows but you have to take something personal" Manson said.

"Yes I know. Pearl has been my soulmate since I met at highschool but I keep messing things up" Mike said.

"Don't see it as if you are doing something wrong but see it as you are doing it for your father and he would be glad" Manson said.

"Yeah, thanks bro for your help right from high school. I really appreciate, you are like my brother from another mother". Mike said. Mile and Manson did their friends handshakes and laughed.

"Okay, see you tomorrow and keep the package inside the safe". Mike said.

"Alright, I will do that and besides I am going to open the store" Manson said. Mike exited the mansion's clock store and head home.

Mike got home that evening, this time, he was early. Mike met his son Roy reading the book he gave him.

"Hey, Champ!" Mike called him.

Roy turned and gave Mike, his father, a hug and said "welcome dad".

"I can see you still reading THE JOURNEY OF JOHN TOM" Mike said.

"Yeah and this chapter name is love's last chapter" Roy said.

"Interesting... but why it is called love's last chapter?" mile asked with a smile on his face not because he love reading with his son but their relationship always remind him of his father and the good days they shared.

"I think it is because John Tom's true love leaves him," Roy said. Pearl walked into the room with an envelope in hand.

"Welcome dear," Mike greeted but she didn't respond. Mike noticed her mood and said "umm.. Champ (that is Roy, his son) can you go to your room, we will talk later,".

"Alright" Roy said. Roy went to his room while Pearl, Mike's wife, sat down and said nothing but she was looking at the envelope in hand.

"Dear, why do you look Moody? I came back home early today, what is the problem talk to me" Mike said.

Mike tried to come close to Pearl but she gave him a gentle push. "What is wrong?" Mike asked.

Pearl gave mike the envelope and said "open it".

Mike opened it and read the paper inside and was shocked.

"I am sorry Mike but I am filing for a divorce," Pearl said.