

  Susie, God bless her soul, stayed behind until I was ready to leave with my new meal. Xavier stayed behind too but he merely crossed his arm across his chest, looking at us as we passed by him. Susie made sure I walked in the front while she stayed behind me in a protective manner.

  Guys, always remember to get a best friend who will be true to you as my Susie.

  "Don't think I'm letting her go just because you are acting as a bodyguard, okay?" Xavier said when we were halfway through the stairs.

  Susie and I both knew he was referring to her, so she responded.

  "How about you try to touch her on my guard? I promise you won't live to tell the tale."

  "Don't worry, Susie darling. I know just how to handle you. You just wait," Xavier said calmly.