
Chapter 16: Counteroffer


"No," Grandpa Delta slowly answers, "I'm not a fan of the sexual intercourse part. However, I understand you're a beautiful young lady and Brent a man. Men are going to get pleasure where they can."

I press my lips together and hold my breath as I watch Grandpa Delta.

I can see his mind slowly moving as he's formulating his answer. I'm not sure why it's taking so long to answer.

"But?" I prod.

"Your parents," he stops and moves his head from side to side. "Suzy-May and I, for that matter, haven't left you with a manageable financial path for the future. This contract will give you more money than you can make right now."

"So you're saying what?"

"Add in the contract that he will pay for college and nursing school, then sign it."

I shrug. "Do you think Brent will pay me ten million and pay for my education?"

"What do you think?" Grandpa Delta starts eating. "Oh, and let Isley review since you don't have a lawyer."
