
Billionaire's Surrogate In Love

Author: Fairylove
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 94K Views
  • 339 Chs
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What is Billionaire's Surrogate In Love

Read ‘Billionaire's Surrogate In Love’ Online for Free, written by the author Fairylove, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "As cruel as life was to her, her only wish was to grow up and be a better woman. She was independent despite being 19 y...


"As cruel as life was to her, her only wish was to grow up and be a better woman. She was independent despite being 19 years old, bold with endless beautiful. She never relied on anyone because she was all alone in the horrible world. Vivienne Payton was raised in an orphanage. She knew nothing of her birth parents or who brought her to such a place. At the age of ten, she was thrown out for a crime she didn't commit. She never thought life was easy. She submitted to become the billionaire's Surrogate for her future. He was broken, betrayed and disappointed. It changed her after being with him for 9 months. "I'm only doing this for money...that's the important thing to me" She needed it but what happens when her fate is twisted? What started fine turned serious. What if feelings and the heart are involved? Will Vivienne be able to reach her goal of being successful or will she embrace her new life? Will Victor ever get over his wife's death and accept love for the second time? A MUST read story full of drama, lies, betrayal, hot romance, forbidden passion, and a possessive Male Lead.

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香菜牛肉饺子 · General
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714 Chs
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Volume 1 :1


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This young lady has such an unfortunate life thus far. I believe this situation will be her salvation.


Reveal spoiler


Super novel..Interesting plot..I thoroughly loved it


Hmmm, quite an interesting plot, I love it.


Reveal spoiler


This is definitely a good catch. Very interesting and dramatic


😱omg. I read the synopsis, then chapter one and I‘m like more please


I like this story. For one, it engrosses the mind of the reader and it has a few similarities with reality. It truly is a masterpiece. I recommend it


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