
Chapter 95: Make sure you are fast

Nicole ordered for a cab of which she was lucky enough to get without stress and she drove down straight back to Mr Gavriel's house.

She paid off the driver and he zoomed off as she walked into the house and went up to Tina's room.

" Hey, Tina are you okay? " Nicole asked when she entered the room and saw Tina gazing at her phone, then she turned when she heard Nicole's voice.

" Yeah, I was looking for you in the house, where did you go and where is everyone because I am definitely sure I saw a lady earlier, so where the hell is everyone? " Tina asked inquisitively and Nicole strolled to the bed and sat close to her.

" I think this conversation can wait...allow me to wash your hair, I think it is already due and I would not want to to loss any other strand of your hair " Nicole said and Tina bluffed.

" Okay...your command has been granted " Tina said childishly as she had totally forgotten about the question she was asking Nicole few seconds ago, well that was because the main reason she called Nicole was to tell her that it was already time to wash her hair.

" Okay, you can go to the bathroom while I turn on the heater, hot water would be the best to use and wash your hair " Nicole said, the fact that she knew things like this because of what she studied in school and he current job.

" Well what can I say, you know the best... cosmetologist " Tina said as she smiled for no just reason, she just felt happy, her heart was joyous that at least no one was at home, obviously meaning the Mr Gavriel was not at home to so she would have a peaceful night, so nice.

" I can see you are beaming with joy tonight " Nicole said as she fixed her gaze on Tina anxious to know what what going on.

" Well you do not have to be anxious because it is definitely not something worth it okay, I am just happy maybe because this is going to be the first night I would sleep peacefully like a child without stress because Mr Gavriel is not at home. " Tina said as she smiled endlessly and jumped around the room.

" Ohh, remember you still have a burn on your chest " Nicole bssid as she smirked at her best friend, she was happy to see that Tina was happy, it really meant alot to her because Mr Gavriel was not at home and this felt so serious.

Nicole put on the heater switch and called for Tina's attention.

" Tina I am waiting for you okay! make sure to be quick, come along with a towel and put on an underwear to avoid you clothes getting stained " Nicole explained and Tina responded from the room.

" Okay, I will do just that and I will be there in a few minutes time " Tina shouted so Nicole could hear her clearly.

" Okay, just ensure that you are fast, that is all I want to know " Nicole said as she put on the water to check the temperature.