
Chapter 8: You are late

Immediately Nicole left Mr Gilbert office, she rushed to her office and picked up her phone and stuffs.

She then headed to the elevator, she needed to leave this place, she needed the natural air to touch her face.

She picked up her phone from her bag and dialed Tina's number.

" Hey babe, I am on my way to your house now, get ready " Nicole said as she entered the elevator and pressed the last floor button.

" Babe what about your work, I mean it's almost 4pm and you are leaving work " Tina inquired.

" Tina forget about my work, get ready we are going to where we talked about two days ago " Nicole said in a faint voice.

" Okay I will, I just hope you are okay " Tina says hoping her best friend was okay.

" Okay, expect me in thirty minutes time " Nicole says as she hangs up.

She couldn't believe what happened thirty minutes ago in the Chairman's office.


" Oh my God, There is BIG TROUBLE.. " Lucas exclaimed with as he was short of words.

" How do we explain to boss what happened with Seamus Group shares?" Lucas asked as he paced I to and fro the office.

" I don't know but we have to tell him and we must not waste time, it's been two day and his coming back from France today, in an hour or so his flight should have landed " Aaron says as he sits and cross his legs.

" You are talking like it is easy, just like that I should tell him, for Gods sake I am the managing director of this company " Lucas says as he angrily throws everything on the desk as they crash on the floor.

" Boss wasn't around for a month and the shares falls suddenly, Aaron how do you explain that " Lucas asked  quietly staring at Aaron.

"Lucas, for God's sake I am the financial manager, how do you expect me to know " 

" I am as shocked as you are, it happened so suddenly, I can't point my finger at what happened " Aaron explained, he was surprised when he heard the news.

Beep beep

Lucas turned and stared at his phone ringing, he stared at Aaron and then picked up the call.

" A group of people sent their application letters Sir" the caller says.

" Was there an exception? " Lucas asked.

" Yes sir " the caller responded

" Okay, do what is needed to be done " Lucas said and hanged up and dropped his phone on the desk.

" Lucas, what are you up to? " Aaron asked

" Doing the rightful " Lucas said.

" What rightful? " Aaron asked again with a confused tone.

" Employing a secretary for the boss " Lucas answered calmly.

" What? You must be kidding right " Aaron said

" It was the boss order not mine " Lucas said fiercely.

" Something is fishy here, I'm out of here, I have a meeting to attend to " Aaron says as he makes his way to the exit.


Nicole drives in to the packing lot and sees Tina sitting on a waiting chair in the packing lot as she blows her car horn but Tina was sleeping.

I wondered why she was sleeping here.

" I asked you to wait for me not to sleep Tina " Nicole says to no one in particular as she steps out of her car and goes to Tina and taps her gently.

" Hey, wake up " Nicole says as Tina opens her eyes and yawned.

" You said you would be here in thirty minutes but it's and hour and fourty three minutes, you are late " Tina says with a sleepy eye as she glaces at her phone screen and checked the time.

" I'm so sorry, the traffic was too bad, come on get up, let's leave here " Nicole says as she helps Tina into the car and they zoom off.