
Chapter 67: Who did this to you? 2

Nicole arranged the medicines she and Raymond had bought into the first aid kit.

" Tina you will have to lie down, I would not want to stress you okay? " Nicole said.

" Okay " Tina replied as she laid down still reminiscing on what Nicole would do to Mr Gavriel as she put on the bed stand lamp.

" Gosh, what happened to your hair, Tina? " Nicole asked when she saw Tina's hair, she must have really been through alot these few days she arrived here.

' I should not have let you leave when you wanted to, I would have kept you by my side, I would have searched for a more comfortable job for you, this is suffering ' Nicole said to herself as tears fell off her eyes and she cleaned it up immediately, she was so going to deal with Mr Gavriel that in his next life he would handle every woman that cross his path with utmost care, respect and importance.

" Nicole, why are you crying? " Tina asked when she noticed Nicole clean her eyes and puked her nose.

" No I am not crying anymore, I just could not bear to see you like this and I know Mr Gavriel is responsible for everything you have been through in this house, how could he do this to your hair?, this is not fair at all " Nicole said.

" Nicole please do not do anything to him please, I have already challenged him, he would not bother me again, I promise, you just have to treat me and cut my hair to shoulder length, with that I will be okay " Tina assured but that was not true, she still would not be fine but she had to try her best to be fine.

" Okay " Nicole said as she cleaned up the burn and applied the ointment.

" Does it hurt too much? " Nicole asked when she saw the expression on Tina's face.

" Yeah it does, but I can manage " Tina responded as she closed her eyes.

" Take this " Nicole says as she stretched out her hand for Tina to take the drugs in her hand and on her hand was a glass of water.

Tina took the drugs and gulped them down at once, that was part of her life style.

" How did all this happen? " Nicole asked as she sat close to Tina.

" Part of my job as a secretary is to offer tea to my boss every morning without sugar and I did as I was instructed but he claimed that I put sugar in the tea and then he poured it on me but I did not tell him anything rather I went to prepare another one for him " Tina explained.

" You know I can not do a thing like that right? I follow instructions but Mr Gavriel has always been on my neck, since I came to this house I have not rest my head peacefully, he always find fault in whatever I do " Tina said as tears flowed down her cheeks and Nicole embraced her.

" Hey, do not cry anymore because your saviour is here, you know what I can do right? I know you did not put sugar in his tea? Today he will go to where he deserves so do not waste your tears for someone who does not value it " Nicole said as she consoled Tina.