
Chapter 51: Ivy presence 2

" Gavriel, now look at me straight in the eye and tell if the reason you poured your secretary a hot tea, did she really put a quantity of sugar in your tea, I want to know the reason you left that young lady in serious pains " Ivy demanded as her eyes did not depart from his face.

" Ivy, I am only answering you all this questions because you are my sister and I cherish you " Mr Gavriel said and Ivy frowned at him.

" Really...if it happened that I was not your sister, you would not have answered me, right? Mum and Dad need to hear this, how you held a lady hostage and end up punishing her " Ivy said straight to Gavriel's face and turned to leave.

" Yes, I poured her the hot tea not because there was sugar in it but because I love to she her in pain and in case you do not know there was no sugar in the tea...if you want to tell mum and dad about this, I do not care, you can tell them for all you care and I would not give a damn because they can not tell me how I am going to live my life, they do not know the reason I kept her here to punish her, after all I built my life..I built my company and I built my empire all by myself so they should not interfere in my life now " Mr Gavriel said furiously which made Ivy turned around and gazed in shock. She could not believe it that Gavriel could say such a thing, even though their father was not in support of the type of life he wanted to build all by his own, then why did he include mother, she tried her best for his sake. Why is he so ungrateful. He is an ingrate.

" How could you Gavriel? How could do such a thing just because of fun? How could do say such about our parents, if you had said it about father, what he did to you then I would have understood but about Mum, she tried her hard best for you, she gave you all she could and you are saying this, I think you have to think twice about what you said and about that lady you poured hot tea on for fun still did notind and saved you from the biggest mistake of your life an hour ago and you still had the conscience to burn her hair! What are you turning yourself to, Gavriel? If someone had told me this to be sincere I would not have believed it but seeing it with my eyes is a different thing and the worst thing is that you are not remorseful? You have to go and beg that lady for her forgiveness, she helped you and that was the biggest gift she could ever give you and you appreciated her by hitting her, hmm, I just wonder how she is coping here in your house " Ivy said as she stood staring at Gavriel.