
Chapter 50: Ivy's presence

" Long enough that I heard everything that went on, I do not understand, what is going on between you and that lady?, Why was she crying? Gavriel, what did you do to her? You must have done something to her that was why you did not respond all the time she was crying and pouring out her heart, so this is the reason you sent away the butler, chefs cook and other people working for you, you even went to the extent of making her sign a contract, what the heck is wrong with you Gavriel? I never expected this from you to be honest and Mum is going to be highly disappointed in you, how could you Gavriel? " Ivy yelled as she continously hit Gavriel on his chest.

" Did you see how severe that burn on her chest was, that could cause serious pains for her and if what I heard was true about all she did here and all the help she rendered you then you did this to her, it is obvious that you are a beast, I am sorry to say that but that is exactly what you are, to be sincere I never expected this from you " Ivy said admist tears.

" Ivy, you do not have to cry okay?, It just had to happen, I just had to teach her a lesson for a crime she committed and the burn on her chest is her business, she should fix it up " Mr Gavriel said to Ivy as she stared transfixed at him.

" What offence did she commit that made you want to punish her like or would I say that made you punish her like this " Ivy asked, she felt so disgusted and she had to te her mum what was going on, what her brother has been hiding from them.

" She threw up on me at the bar then I told her she was going to pay for what she did and God made it, she came to the company to apply for the post of a secretary and I just had to use that opportunity to show her who I really was " Gavriel said proudly and all Ivy could do was to shake her head, she was so disappointed in him, for the fact he could do this to a woman, immediately it dawned on her that Tinaust have gone through a lot, she was indeed a strong woman.

" What!! So you are trying to tell me that you did that because she threw up on you, of which I am sure happened as a mistake, no one would throw up on another person when they are alright, she was probably drunk and mistakenly she threw up on you. Gavriel where did all you understanding mindset go to... because currently I think you need it so much..do you even know what is making me more crazy, the fact that you poured her a hot tea " Ivy said as she looked Gavriel straight in the eyes just like how their Mum always did to them when they did something wrong.