
Chapter 48: Nicole's help

" if you do not want me to call her your lover, I would rather call her your mistress and you know what, you mistress poured some contents into the drink she gave to you.. you know what you should be thanking me because I saved your life.. you might think I am lieing but I absolutely do not care, when you asked me to go to bed, I came here because I had to prepare something simple to eat and then she walked in here and I hid beside the fridge, I was so scared that I would get caught but I did not give up but I still stayed in there and then she walked to the fridge and brought out a juice which she poured into the glass cup she was holding and after that she brought out a content wrapped up in a polythene, do you know she is so heartless just like you and I believe you deserved that but you are lucky I am not as heartless as you are " Tina said as she mocked him at the same time and Mr Gavriel who got confused at everything had already started to develop a headache.

" She wanted to pour a little from the polythene but she said you deserved to take all so she could subdue you and then she would frame you up because you would be wasted and would not remember what happened at night, that lady is pregnant and she want to frame you up as the father of the child, do you want to know why? " Tina asked as Mr Gavriel looked up at her childishly.

" She said you hurt her and someone else, do you see now, so you have tortured someone just like me and now they want a pay back and I helped you win the first war and that does not mean I would always help you out, I had to stop you from taking any content from that cup but I had no excuse and I did not even want to help you but my heart could not just watch all of these going on without doing something to stop it, I had no excuse but after much thought that was when I came up with the idea of the fire but I just found out that you are an ungrateful boss, if you do not mind please excuse me, I have to sleep so you can have your house to yourself " Tina said as she walked out in Mr Gavriel and out of the kitchen, she did not even Ivy's presence beside the door, a she knew was that she was upset and she needed to have a shower and a good sleep.

But then the burn on her chest began to ache her and gasped in pain, she had not treated the burn since morning after she applied the ointment and she had not cleaned the burn, it hurt her so much that she quietly and quickly she ran up to her room.

' I think I need to call Nicole, I need her help right now because she is the only one who can get me treated ' Tina said to herself as she barged into her room.