
Chapter 434: I'm sorry

Thankfully it helped him realize that his step brother, Leonard was in the building.

"I am so sorry sir for the delay, we decided to compensate you for the delay by sending everything you have ordered to where you want" the attendant said.

"better, do well to send it to the CEOs office" Raymond said.

There was a surprise look on the attendant face, it looked like he did not expect that it was from the acting Chief Executive Officer office, his wife to be because after all by that time tomorrow they were going to be officially married.

"that look" Raymond said as he stared at the attendant..

The young man shaked his head "I am so sorry for the delay, I had no idea that it was from the CEOs office because he does not request for what you requested for, I am so sorry, I will do well to apologize to him" the man assured.

Raymond took a deep breath knowing that the man was wasting his time because all he wanted was to leave so that he would meet Leonard.

"There is no need for that, Mr Gilbert is not around so he handed his position to his niece, my wife for the main time till he returns....... so there is no need for you to apologize to him rather apologize to my wife" Raymond said. "I will be leaving now, please send in the food..... you know how Nicole behaves" he added and smiled.

"yes, I know... I will send it in immediately, every one avoids falling in to her trap and no one crosses her path. You are a very nice man to love her, we thought she will never succeed in a health relationship but them she is married... with out inviting us her" the man said.

When he realized him self he smiled, Raymond had quietly been watching and listening to what he was saying "I am sorry if I went to far, I will send the dishes now" the attendant said and Raymond nodded his head as he smiled after wards. 

The man walked in to the kitchen and Raymond headed back to Nicole's office.

He quickly rushed in to the elevator, all he hoped for was that he wanted to meet Leonard.

It might be as well possible if they could talk out the issue because he did not understand what the problem was, he had made it clear that hee did not want the throne, which was- his birthright but then Leonard was still after him and Nicole.

The elevator binged and he walked out, turning the handle of the door he pushed it open and walked in.

He bumped in to Nicole who happened to be walking out of the office.

"Heyyyyyy, I am sorry" he said as he held her tight.

Nicole nodded her head as she flipped her hair backwards. "Come on, where were you?, I was just stepping out to look for you" Nicole asked as she balanced her self.