
Chapter 393: He looked dull

she said pointing at her self.

She always tried her best not to steal glances of him, he was still breath taking and after all this while she has missed him so much, too bad that she could not act nice because he would take her for granted again and again and then she did not want that, 

She could see how stressed up he looked, his face was so dull and it seemed like he smoked, the body spray he had on tried it's best but the she could still perceive it.

He had dark circles under his eyes like he had been lacking sleep lately but then she wondered what would make him lack sleep and his eyes were a little bit swollen.

She could feel the urge in her to raise her hand and touch his face bit then she could not do that, she held her hands to her laps tightly and tried not to look at him any more.

' Was he worried about me or is there some thing else? ' she asked her self.

Gavriel thought that since she wanted to hear about it so much then it would be nice if he tells how, would she believe him? would it being her back to him?.

He shrugged his shoulders as he rested on the head rest.

" Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 8C4 with service from South Korea to New York. We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately six minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Alternate Airlines. Enjoy your flight. " The voice of a lady echoed in the whole plane, Tina had not experienced that because the last time she was on a plane she was with Gavriel.

She looked around her and saw people fastened their seat belts.

Then she remembered when Lorenzo told her to fasten her seat belt.

Suddenly she felt Gavriel on her as he was doing some thing on her, with out saying a word he fastened her seat belt, she felt a little bit suffocating.

His breath which cringed on her skin was more discomforting.

" You need to have this on, so you would not fall " she had him speak nicely and calm as he withdrew from her and fastened his belt.

" Thank you, but you did not have to do that " Tina said looking out of the window.

" I am sorry " he apologized, dropping his head as he stared at his shoes.

" Is that how easy it leave your mouth now? " She asked curiously because he hardly apologized to any one but then he had apologized to her for the second time now.