
Chapter 386:. Airport

" Yes, we have been like this- just because Julianne have been with me for six or seven years now so we are pretty close _ but trust me it was not like this at the beginning, at the beginning o hated her clumsiness " Lorenzo said to her and it was truth, Once a tims Julianne had been clumsy but now she was better.

" Trust me, I know why you are asked me about this and I want to assure you that he would come to his senses, all you need to do is to give him your own terms and he will surely come around " Lorenzo said to her.

" Yeah, I understand all of these and I will do as you have said, I am just scared that he might hurt me again " Tina said laying out her fear. 

" Alright, let us have breakfast... Julianne is waiting for us on the dinning table " Lorenzo said as he closed the gap between them, hugging her tightly.

After a while, he drew him self out of her, held her hand as he led the way.

At a point he did not like the fact the he was going to to let her go but he had to do it- to allow her make her choice.

" ohhh, I have been waiting for you guys.... the food is getting cold " Julianne said the moment she say them walk down the stairs.

" Sorry about that, see was feeling a little bit dizzy so she had to stay in bed longer " Lorenzo said, he knew he had the right to keep quiet with out responding but then he just found the words coming out of his lips, he could not help it.

Julianne stood up and turned her gaze to Tina, " how are you feeling now? ... I would prepare a glass of black tea to calm you down " she said, walking towards the kitchen.

" Julia, there is no need for that, I am feeling better now " Tina said calling Julia back.

She had grown fond of Julia even though she had only been with her for three days, she found her interesting and she always cared for her.

But then when she mentioned black tea, she remembered Gavriel, she wondered why he was so stuck in her head.

" Are you sure? " Julia asked her as she went back to her seat.

" Yes, I am very sure " Tina said nodding her head as she gave a wide smile.

Lorenzo who had been watching the ladies smiled and cleared his throat " can we eat now? " He asked as he drew out a chair for Tina.

She moved aside while he dragged out the chair, them he gestured her to sit of which she did.

" Yes, we should do that.... we happen to be lucky because I had dished out the meal on a metallic plate, so it retained the heat, breakfast is meant to be eaten while still hot " Julianne said as she sat down and Lorenzo did same as well.

Julianne dished out food in to their various plates and they began to munch on their food quietly.

In less than thirty minutes they were done eating.

Tina stood up as, clearing her plate and that of Lorenzo when Julianne stopped her.

" Ohhh nooo, Tina! You should not be doing this okay? " Julianne said as she stood up from her chair and stretched her hand to collect the plates from Tina.

Tina's eyes widened " why should I not do this? I mean it was not said who or who clear the plates, I am just doing what I know is right " Tina claimed.

Lorenzo and Julianne stared at her, listening to what she was saying, she was very right about it but then they did not want her to do that- she was still a guest and the job was given to Julianne.

Lorenzo slowly rubbed his nose as he stretched his hand to her shoulder " come in, sit down " he said pulling her down as she sat on the chair.

Julianne sighed, " Tina, I did not mean it that way, darling, all I was trying to say was that I would pack it up.... and you know why because I am already ready for the flight, you should go up and have a shower... I will be there in a jiffy to prepare your water " she said, she did not want to go in with the argument and she knew that Tina was good at it especially when it come to her rights.

Tina turned her face to Lorenzo direction staring at him as if asking him what she should do.

Lorenzo understanding the look on her face nodded his head " Do not worry about this, go upstairs and get ready, we will be leaving in thirty minutes " he concluded.

Tina smiled as she shrugged her shoulders, she stood up and nodded at Julianne " I will be fast about it " she said to them as she walked out of the dinning room.

" Enzo, you know that we can not avoid the fact that we will be seriously late for this flight .. do you think we would make it there before it takes off " Julianne said staring at Lorenzo and then on the table as she packed the dishes in to a cart.

" Nothing is going to make us miss this flight okay? if by any chance we do miss it, them there is not a problem because we would have to use the private airline " Lorenzo said to her as he lifted up a jug, pouring the contents in to his empty glass cup, filling it up with juice.

He began to take sips and then he stood up when Julianne started pushing the cart away.

" He is so damn serious about this flight... Such a stubborn ass boss like him " Julianne said almost whispering at her self.

Lorenzo smiled on hearing what she heard said " I can hear you clearly.... ' stubborn ass boss like him ' " he stated mimicking her.

She paused and turned to look at him, she was shocked at it but them the expression was not there on her face.

" How is that possible, I mean I barely whispered.... You keep on confusing me day by day " she said.

" Well, you should know that I meditate a lot, so I can hear the most tiny noice head now nit to talk more of you inner voice, you were even loud " Lorenzo said as he poured all the contents in the glass cup he was holding in to his mouth, gulping it down all at once.

Then he turned his direction to Julianne " I think you should be mindful of what you say about me now because I will hear ever single thing " Lorenzo said to her smirking.

" Yes sir, I will ..... the information really worths it " Julianne said as she pushed the cart in to the kitchen.

Lorenzo smiled as he looked up at his room and sighed, he walked to the couch and slumped on it.

" I will get your water ready now " Julianne said as she walked in to the room.

Tina was ready for her bath, she was putting on a bath robe as she sat on the the chair in front of the vanity table waiting patiently for Julianne and finally here she was.

Tina turned around staring at her " I am so sorry, I hope I did not keep you waiting, I had to place the plates in to the dish washer because no one would be around to put them in place " she apologized as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Tina immediately waved her hands in the air " holy shit, no.. the fuck no, you so not have to apologize about it, I am not upset any way " she said to Julianne, shunning her from apologizing.

" Okay, I will do and prepare the water for you " Julianne said and Tina nodded her head.

" Sure " Tina said as she applied a facial mask.

She watched Julianne as she entered in to the bath room and in a few seconds she heard water pouring in to the tub.

One thing she realized that she loves the most was how Julia prepared her bathe water, the foam and every thin, it always make her feel relaxed when ever she enters the tub.

She had overheard what Julia told Lorenzo saying that it is possible that they would be late for the flight and could not do any thing about it.

But then, Lorenzo was damn serious about them leaving the country, Tina packed her hair in to a pony tail and walked towards the bathroom to meet Julianne who had just finished steaming up the water in the tube and was adding essentials in to it.

" I think I should get in now " Tina said..

Julianne turned around, surprised to see her " how long have you been standing there ? " She asked.

" Not quite long " Tina responded.

" That is alright, but before you get in peel off your mask... the oils and essentials in the water will help brighten your face as well " Julianne said to her.

" Ohhhh, I will do just that... I just need a sec " Tina said as she moved closer to the mirror staring at her self.

She held the tip of the mask and slowly she pulled it from her face, squeezing it, she threw it in to the basket for trash.

She stared at her self for some seconds in the mirror as she untied the bathe robe, pulling it off her shoulders, it fell to her feet leaving her naked.

She tiptoed to the tub and entered inside.

" How do you feel? " Julianne asked her as she helped her lay in the tub.

" Well, same as always... Hearth warming " she said and they both laughed.

" I have always been a professional at this... You should be out in seven minutes time " Julianne said as she dropped the stop watch on the small sized table close to Tina.

" Once it begins to beep then you come out and get dressed, we will be waiting for you downstairs " Julianne said pointing at the stop watch.

Tina adjusted her head and stared at it for a while then she nodded her head " that is fine by me... I will be down as soon as I finish " Tina assured her.

Julianne smiled as she walked away from the bath room leaving Tina to her self. 

She sighed as she dipped her self in to the water allowing the water to get to her neck.

She placed her hand inside the water and brought out some quantity of water which she poured on her face and washed slowly.

Just then the clock beeped, she stood up from the tub, took out her bath robe.

Standing in front of the she wore it, ' I seem to have changed alot these few days I stayed with Lorenzo " she said to her self as she touched her neck line, she had added weight in the right places, she hoped that her clothes at home would still be good for her.

Stepping out of the bath room, she looked at the best to see that Julianne had brought out every thing she needed_ she smiled at her self.

Just now she was about to worry about which cloth she was going to wear and where she would start from from but then Julianne did the work_ she deserved a hug.

Untying her bath robe, she allowed it to fall to the ground as she tip toed few inches away from it, taking up the body supplements, she applied it on her skin, massaging well.

She tried not to waste time doing all of these so they could meet up with the flight_ she wanted to enter a public flight so she would know what it felt like.

Initially, when Gavriel and her self had come all the way from New York, Gavriel had used his private airline and she did not want to enter one any more.

She put in her underwears, then she wore an over sized white hoodie and a blue stripped jean trousers.

She had gasped when she put on the hoodie because it was so big on her but then when she wore the trousers, she realized that it fitted_ Julianne was just the best in any thing she does.

Taking out her heels, she wore and fitted them in to her feet to get enough balance, when she was through with that she walked to the mirror and stared at her self, she was perfect.

Taking down her ponytail, she picked up a comb and passed it through her hair a couple of time, she was not really interest in make up since she looked best in what she wore. 

She picked up her phone and walked out of the room, she quickly walked down the stairs.

She could see Julianne and Lorenzo sitting on the couch as they patiently waited for her and then she ascended quickly.

" I think I am done with this.... we should leave now " Tina said to them as she walked more closer.

Both Lorenzo and Julian had turned around to look back at what her, to her greatest surprise their jaws dropped.

" Yes, we should leave now " Lorenzo said after he has regained his sense of thinking.

Julianne jaw was still dropped as she stared at her " Tina, you are so freaking hot, cute and beautiful .... Goddammit, I had no idea this would fit you through I had brought them out because of the cold in the plane but then it made you like this, she wondered the beauty that they saw in her .... but there in her mind she kept singing it in her head that she was actually beautiful.

She hanged her bad on her shoulder as she walked closer to them " Tina.... You are do beautiful" Lorenzo complimented her, walking up to her he caressed her hair " you turn heads " he added as he held out her hand.

" Come on, let's go now " Julianne said as she clutched the boxes, rolling the out of the house.

They all hopped in the the car as they headed straight to the airport, they were already late.

They hopped down from the car when they got to the airport, Tina turned around and saw Lorenzo talking to the driver while he brought down their boxes, probably he was telling the driver to take care of his house while he was away, that was the only thing that could make Loren talk to his driver.

She heard the car zoomed off and Lorenzo walked behind her as they walked in to the airport.

" Sir! " a lady sitting behind a couple called out to Lorenzo and they all walked towards her counter.

" The tickets are ready right? " Lorenzo asked the lady as he rested his elbow on the counter.

She could tell from how they talked that they knew them selves, probably the lady was the one Lorenzo asked to get the tickets and document.