
Chapter 385: I hate that

He walked towards where the bags were, carrying two boxes in both hands, he walked out of the room and Gavriel followed behind him.

Along the hallway, they both ran in to Vasilis. " You are leaving " he said bringing his hand up for a hand shake.

Gavriel shooked hands with him and smiled " yes, some thing urgent came up and I have to leave so I can take care of it " he motioned.

" Ohh, " Vasilis stunned as he eyes directed the the boxes which the driver was carrying and then he looked around them as if he was searching for some thing.

Gavriel noticed the way he was looking and sighed, he was sure that, Tina was the reason.

" Mr Vasilis, is there a problem? " Gavriel asked.

Vasilis nodded his head " ohh no, I was just wondering, your.... secretary? the lady? " He asked almost stammering.

Gavriel cocked his head, he knew what Vasili meant or was it just his curiousness.

He scoffed " Tina is doing fine but is not here with me now.... she is attending to some things " Gavriel said knowing he had lied but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it, he knew that the reason Tina left was because he chases her out of his car. 

" ooohhh, I see, I hope you enjoyed your stay? " Vasilis asked, he always asked his clients who lodged in his suite this question before they leave.

Gavriel gestured the driver to leave " you can go downstairs, wait for me in the car " he said, the driver nodded his head, hooked his hand in between the the two box carriage and walked away from them.

" I enjoyed my stay but some thing went wrong " Gavriel started an Vasilis motioned his head towards Gavriel wanting to understand what he meant.

" Remember, no one can tell me what to do in an executive room.... how dare your staff place a paper with the inscription ' no smoking '...... I hate that " Gavriel said.

Vasilis looked extremely shocked, he hope that he would not loose his most valuable client just because of one of his silly staff reckless mistake.

" I am so sorry about that " Vasilis said, he was ready to do any thing Gavriel would ask him to do just to keep him as a client.

" Is there some thing I can d... " Gavriel cut Vasilis short.

" Right now, I am in a good mood, you know? I am not ready to make anyone cry, so I would say that it is the person's lucky dad " Gavriel said.

He places his hand inside his pocket and sighed " Mr Vasilis, you know what to do " He said as he played around the CEOs mind instigating him to do what was needed but it must not come from him.

Raising his hand up and staring at his watch " I would not want to be late for my flight " Gavriel said dropping his hand to his side.

He was in a hurry like this because he was going through with a public plane, it had been quite a while he moves in a public plane and then he hoped that the drive would worth it.

" I. Am. Sorry, I kept you waiting, it would not happen again " Vasilis apologized clasping his hands together.

" There's no need for that..... we would see again " Gavriel said and with that he stretched out his hand as they shaked hands casually.

" Do have a great ride back " Vasilis wished and Gavriel nodded his head.

" Yeah, exactly I will do just that " Gavriel said casually as he turned around and moved towards the elevator.

Entering the elevator, Vasilis stared at him until the door closed and then in a some seconds in binged.

Gavriel walked out, moving out of the suite, he headed straight to the car.

At least he was sure that he was not going to miss his flight, and that the only thing that might make him miss his flight was if there was traffic but then the South Korea was not like New York, the population was not the same, he hopes that there was not going to be any traffic.


Julia had just finished preparing the dishes with the help of Lorenzo, she carries them out to the dinning table.

" Lorenzo, breakfast is ready, would you like to go upstairs and wake her up or would you want me to go and wake her up, the dish is most enjoyed while hot " Julianne said.

Lorenzo walked out of the kitchen keeping a set of cutlery on each of their plates then he rubbed his hand together.

" I will go and get her, you can have your sit " Lorenzo said as he pulled off the apron which he was wearing.

He walked to the stairs and literally ran in it, entering the room where he discovered Tina was still asleep.

Sitting close to her he tapped her shoulders " Tina, Tina ..... " He called her name while he still continue taping her, she would make some sounds.

" Tina, wake up please " he said against still tapping her shoulders.

Carefully he pulled out the duvet from her body and she scoffed..

Slightly opening her eyes she turned and stared at him " I am still feeling sleepy " Tina said.

Lorenzo moved closer to her " come here baby girl, come " he said spreading his arms.

Tina raised her self from lying position and sat on the bed, pushing her self, she moved closer to him as he warped his arms around her.

But then she felt safe in his arms, she felt like she had no problems in life and she wished it remain like that.

Running his hands through her hair, he placed a soft kiss on her her hair, " breakfast is ready okay, come let's eat and prepare for the journey, we do not want to miss the flight right " he said as he tried to know what reaction Tina would give and then she nodded her head slowly.

" Okay, come let's have breakfast before it gets cold, we just have an hour to prepare " Lorenzo said to her tapping her back.

" Okay.... Let's go " Tina said " I do not want us to miss the flight, we might be late but not to the extent of missing the flight " she added.

Lorenzo was happy that she has already given in to the flight or was she saying things like this but not from her heart..... at this point he had no other choice.

He released his hold from her as she dropped her feet from the bed to the floor then she put on her flip flops.

Lorenzo stood up and held his hands out to her, she took his hands as he helped her stand up with made her smile.

As they were about to walk out of the room, Tina held him back, he was surprised but he had a feeling..... his guts kept on telling him that she had some thing to say to him, he needed to hear her out.

Lorenzo, turned and stared at her, they stared at them selves for a couple of minutes waiting if they would say some thing and then Tina coughed..

" Loren, " she said holding out to Lorenzo's arm, he looked at her with passion.

All he wanted to do was hug her and never let go of her but then again he needed to hear her out and hear what she has to say to him.

" Loren, " she called again, he could watch her movements and see her mouth moving but no word came out audible.

" Come on, talk to me " Lorenzo urged her in a low tone as he picked a few strands of her short hair falling down to her face and out it behind her ear.

He watched her closely, he could see her swallow her saliva and then she closed her eyes tightly " Loren, I do not really know what to say, I really do not know what to say right now, they are all in my heart but does not want to come out of my lips no matter how hard I try " she said touching her lips.

" But in every thing there are most important of them all and I will tell you what I feel about it " Tina said and looked up at Lorenzo.

He nodded his head giving her a 'go ahead' look.

" Loren, first of all, I do not know how to appreciate you for all you have done for me, I am really grateful and appreciate all you have done, I really have no idea how it must have been to harbour me in your home... in your room but you felt so comfortable with me, I knew that I have really stressed you on timeless occasions but then you never got upset with me.. you never wanted any thing from me and then you also told me your secret, that was some thing I would keep to myself, I promise you that " she paused as she took a deep breath opening her eyes.

She could see how tenderly Lorenzo was staring at her, she could remember vividly when she heard him call her ' Mi Corazon ' she did not know what it means but then she had browsed it out with her newly acquired phone and then the meaning - she saw it all.

He was exactly the type of man she wanted, some one who would take care of her unlimitedly.

Some one who would care for her and then some one who would take her as his.

But then she still had the mixed feelings of every thing, she wondered why she still thought of Gavriel and at that moment she began to think about what he was doing, if he had already had breakfast like they were preparing to do_ if his life was moving on well with out her involved in it, she wondered about so many things. 

Then she blinked her eyes, knowing that she was still having a hearty conversation with Lorenzo.

" I do not know what will happen when we leave this house, I have got no idea of what will happen when we get back, because obviously we all would go back to the lives we were living before this incident took place and I do not regret any of it, I do not regret it... I will forever cherish it no matter what " Tina said as she placed her hand on his beards caressing softly.

Lorenzo was touched by her words, he was also surprised at him self because he had never done any thing like that for any one not until she came in to his life, he had no idea why it happened or how it happened _ it was either coincidence or fate but then if it was coincidence, he could beat his chest that it really worth it and that he did not regret it but then if it was fate, he hopes to see what comes in next.

" Tina, what ever this might be, I will always cherish it no matter what and I will carry these memories to my grave, you are the light that came in to my life and I will do any thing to make sure that light stays up, I will make sure that it never comes down and I will make sure that it never goes off- you can trust me in that " Lorenzo said as he cupped her face, moving a foot closer to her, he could feel her quiver under his touch.

His breath on her skin was moving in to her pores and then he was sure of that.

Drawing closer he pecked her lips and there she froze, it was actually the first time he was doing that to her.

Then he hugged her tightly " Tina " he called.

" Mmmmnh " she made a sound.

" Tina, please promise me that you would go back to the life you had been living before you came in contact with me, okay?, I really feel bad about it, about how you have been treated but then give your own convinent terms to continue the business and then if Gavriel does not accept it, I will accept you with my full arms, welcoming you finally in to my life without looking back, you can not aways run away from your problems ant least try to fix it up, if you keep running, the problems will. Keep on piling them selves up and you would not want that right, please I have not pleaded with any one for any thing but then please I am pleading with you, try and have a hearty conversation with Gavriel but them if he still tries to hurt you, I will be there to pick. Up. Personally " Lorenzo assured her and she nodded her head.

Even though she wanted to ask Lorenzo why he said such to her but the she could do nothing about it, all she wanted to do was make him never regret what he had done for her, she could not believe that she was going back to Gavriel, that she was going to see Gavriel again. And that day was today, she thought he was still at at the suit, she wondered if he had gone back.

But them if he had gone back, without her... She shaked her head trying to shake out the thoughts of him in her head.

" Do not force it, it comes and it goes, it is normal " Lorenzo said releasing his hold on her and grasping her shoulders.

" I will do as you have said Loren,. I will not back down " Tina said to Lorenzo but then with those words she was also passing a message to her self and assuring her self.

" That is good, now let us go down stairs and have break fast, Julianne must have gotten tired while waiting for us " he said as he slipped his hand down and got hold of Tina's hand as she nodded her head.

" Wait, she said holding him back " Tina said.

" What happened? " He asked surprised.

" I just want to ask you a question, it is a little but personal if you do not mind? " Tina asked, waiting for his permission to give her a go ahead.

" Okay, go on " Lorenzo said, he knew that what she meant by personal was not in any way personal even though she had not asked the question, he just knew that within him self.

" Are you and Julianna always like this, play together, cook together, wash the dishes? " She asked shyly dropping her head as she starred at the floor.

Lorenzo was fast when thinking and he knew why she asked him that question.

It was because of Gavriel, just like Julianne works in his house that was the same way Tina works in Gavriel's house but they experience different things.

He did not want her to feel bad about it but then he had to answer her question.