
Chapter 359: How did you find me?

" Whooaa, he really let his guard down " Leonard said.

" They drove to an estate and from what I could figure out, that lady would not be able to afford to live in such apartment so that would be Raymond's apartment and then later this evening they went out looking so stunning, and I thought that probably they went on date. " the guy over the phone explained.

Leonard smiled to him self, ' I have searched for Raymond for a while now and was not able to get any clue of him but because of a woman, he was found immediately_ is that not great ' he thought.

" Alright, just get the documents to me--- then, we would strike soon " he said frankly.

" Alright, i will hand the documents personally to you first thing tomorrow at dawn " the guy assured Leonard.

Leonard sighed " that is fine by me " he said hanging up the call.

He slipped his phone back in to his pocket, picked up his jacket and walked through the hall way towards the stair case.

Hazel slowly walked out of the corner where she hid and was eaves dropping on her brother's conversation.

She was really pained and cursed " why the heck did he find Raymond before I did? " She asked no on in particular.

" I need to do some thing first_ Leonard just found out about Raymond but has not gotten to him yet that means I have still got a chance but the problem is how will I get to Raymond before he does .... this is a whole lot of shit " she said calmly as she clenched her fist.

She literally ran to the stair case and jumped the cases as she hurried to her room.

She thought that if she needed to do some thing then she probably had to start now.

She carried down her luggage and began to take out every thing in it, she was not sure of what she was searching for but she hoped to find some thing useful.

" Why am I even going through all his stress, it is not like I want the throne but probably because I know what is right and want to help Raymond " she said as she kept on searching for some thing helpful.

She could not help but wonder why Leonard was still after Raymond after he had made it clear that he did not want the throne ' does Leonard want to be a murderer...... or is he already a murderer? because it is always said that the first time might be hard but not the second ' Hazel said to her self as she felt her palm touched a metallic object.

She picked it up and brought it closer to her face for a clearer view " I can not believe I brought this here " she said to her self as she opened the object and smiled.

She picked up an overall jacket and her car keys, she wore the jacket along with a mask as she sneekishly walked out the house hoping that she would not running to any of her brother especially Leonard.

She walked past the stair case, she took a deep breath as she continued sneeking around " what are you still doing up? " She frozed up when she heard a voice say to her fiercely.

She closed her eyes and tried to gather some courage to face who so ever it was, she had no idea if it was Conard or Leonard because the voice sounded like that of Leonard but the thing was that Conard also happened to have the same voice when ever he smoked.

This time she got some confidence, she opened her eyes and turned around.

" Ohh Leonard, you are still awake " she said repeating what Leonard had told her but in a statement.

Leonard stared at her confused.

" I had to get a hot glass of coffee " he responded.

" Ohh, okay, do well to go to bed when you are through with that " she said as she began to walk away.

" You do not have to order me around and more over where are you heading to dressed like that? " Leonard asked her.

She sighed, thankfully she had removed the mask from her face when she walked out of her room.

" Can you not tell? " Hazel asked him as she could hear her heart thud.

Leonard relaxed on the counter, staring at her from her head to her toe and laughed " do not tell me you are going on a date because you do not date commoners " Leonard said to her.

Hazel puffed " what?? well I just got to find out that I have got a wrong perspective all this while and after all it is just a fling.... you know we are not living here probably in a couple of days we would be out of here so I just want to have fun, do not worry about me I will be back soon " Hazel said playing along with the suggestion Leonard had made, she was certain that it was going to work.

" I do not care, it is your life after all...... so do well to enjoy your date, fling or flirt what ever it is I do not care " Leonard said making it clear to Hazel.

He turned around and carried the glass of coffee " Good night little sis " he said as he walked through the hallway towards the stair case.

" Good night bro " Hazel responded.

She took a deep breath as she bent down and placed her hand on her chest trying to normalize her heart beat.

She finally got out the house and hopped in to her car, turning in the ignition she swiftly made a turn and drove off.

She quickly slid her hand in to her pocket and took out the object, she did not move her focus from it as she kept on driving.


" Raymond, my hands and shoulders ache_ I have been massaging you for the past one hour and you are not still satisfied " Nicole complained as she softly smacked Raymond's butty.

" I am so sorry baby, it has really been a long time since I got a full massage so I just could not get enough " Raymond said as he touched where Nicole has smacked.

" Your hands hurt " he complained.

" And you have a strong muscles " Nicole complained as well as they both glared at each other.

" But wait_ what!?? did you say a full massage? like every where no part of your body is excluded? " Nicole asked all at a goal.

" I do not understand, do you not know what a full massage is? " Raymond asked teasing her as he touched her cheeks.

She must have been too tired that she sat on the floor close to him.

" You know I am not dumb, I have watched the real full massage videos and they ...

. wait, before I say another word, who does the massage therapy for you " Nicole asked.

" Does it matter? But of course it is always a massage therapist who does it " Raymond responded.

" I do not care if it is a massage therapist, is it a man or a woman? " She asked further and Raymond could sense some sprinkle of jealousy.

" A woman of course, who else does the massage so well? and are you jealous? " Raymond asked her, her face was flushed red already.

" Damn! a real massage therapy.... the whole part of the body is involved, they leave no place untouched and you happily laid down and a woman fulfilled your sexual desires all in the name of a massage? " Nicole said furiously, she could not tell if she was asking him or just making a statement.

" Nicole, you are jealous " Raymond said as he adjusted from his lying position, he sat down and placed his hand across her shoulder.

" Yes I am because there was strings attached to the massage and I know you enjoyed both the massage and the after massage, she must have done a great job other than this rubbish I am doing in the name of massage " Nicole blurted out.

Raymond stared at her surprised, it looked like she was more that jealous, he pulled her closer to him self and made her rest her head in his chest.

" I think I kinda understand what you are talking about and it is true " Raymond said calmly, Nicole raised her head the instant she heard him say it was true.

" Really? " She asked him almost tearing up.

" So I am just wasting my time here? " She asked again.

" Hell no, you are perfect... I just wanted to tell you the truth other than lying to you, the first time I got a massage, I could not stand the intense because the lady looked so seductive and them I could not hold myself.... then she started to massage me down there and I could swear she was good, we made out that first time though I regretted it and the next time I told her that I would not like a full therapy, Nicole it happened once and never did it happen again. " Raymond explained to Nicole who was quiet the whole time as she watched and listened to what he said to her.

" Hmmm, that is nice, I think I should not be upset after all because from now I would do those things whether it is perfect or not, I think I made myself clear? " She asked trying to confirm from Raymond who smiled at her.

" Yes ma'am and you are perfect " Raymond said cupping her cheeks.

" Do you think so? " Nicole asked laughing.

" Yes, I do.... it is getting late_ let's go to bed " Raymond said as he stood up and held out his hand for her.

She grabbed his hand and stood upright as she watched him pick up his t-shirt and wore it.

" Did you hear that? " Nicole asked Raymond.

" Hear what exactly? " Raymond asked not to sure if he heard any thing.

" I think I heard the bell ring probably some one is at the door..... are you expecting some one? " Nicole asked him.

He sighed " no I do not, and no one knows where I live other than Gavriel and Ivy but I do not think it is any of them because Gavriel is still not in the states and I do not think it's Ivy either " Raymond said, wondering who might be on the door and hoped that he had not blown his cover.

" Get dressed, I will go and check it out " Nicole said as she tapped his chest.

" Alright, I will be there as soon as I am through with this " Raymond said as Nicole nodded her head.

She walked out of the room where they were as she walked through the hallway heading to the exit door.

She looked through the camera and gasped when she saw a woman- a young woman, she looked closer, just then the lady removed the mask she was wearing, then Nicole confirmed that it was not ivy just as Raymond had thought.

She opened the door facing the lady who stood outside " hello, how can I help you? " Nicole asked.

She wondered why the lady stared at her in the manner she did or may be she was not expecting to see her.

" I suppose Raymond is around? " the lady asked.

" How do you know him? " Nicole asked.

" Ohhhh, I am sorry, I should have introduced myself..... I am Hazel, I here for my brother Raymond " Hazel spoke frankly, she supposed that the lady standing in front her was the lady she heard Leonard spoke about.

" Okay, I do not know you but I will be back.... I will just go in to check out some thing " Nicole said as she blinked her eyes and shut the door.

She quickly ran to the room where she left Raymond but luckily she ran in to him at the door post.

" What are you in a hurry? who is at the door? " Raymond asked her as he looked around but could not find any one.

Nicole held Raymond's hand as stared at him " Raymond I am not scared if any one be it your family members but some one is outside claiming to be your sister, I think she said her name is Hazel " Nicole said.

" What?? Hazel! How did she find me? " Raymond asked no one.

" You know her? she is really your sister? " Nicole asked trying to confirm.

" Yes, she is my step sister, Leonard's little sister, but she is nice not like her brother, but I can not say same for now probably she is now in her brother's side but what the heck is she doing here so late at night and how did she find me? " Raymond asked.

Nicole was mute, she could feel Raymond's fast heart beat, she could tell he was tensed up.

She squeezed his hand tightly " Raymond?? you have to calm down okay, you can not run away from your problems , you have to face them, are you ready to face them? " Nicole asked him, she wanted him to be sure of him self before any other thing.

He took a deep breath, staring in to her eyes and nodded his head " yes, I am.... I am ready to face what's troubling me " Raymond said as he pulled Nicole to him self and hugged her tightly, he felt her soft palms pat his back.

" Today, we have decided to face what ever is troubling us, together and I will always be on your side no matter what " Nicole said assuring him.

Raymond nodded his head " I love you " he confessed his feelings for her.

" I love you too " Nicole responded " come on, let's not leave her standing outside and know why she is here at this hour " she added withdrawing her self from his hug and smiling at him.

Raymond nodded his head as the walked back to the exit door together.

Nicole opened the door slightly " come in, I am sorry for keeping you waiting " Nicole apologized.

Hazel nodded her head " it is alright " she said as she walked into the house.

Hazel gasped as she saw Raymond standing behind Nicole. " Raymond " she called out.

Immediately Hazel walked in, Nicole shut the door behind her and stared at the siblings.

" Come in, let's sit and talk " Nicole said been frank, she hated when time was wasted, she believed that every second that the clock ticked mattered a while lot.

" Sure " Hazel said she walked behind Nicole.

Nicole sat beside Raymond and Hazel sat opposite them.

Hazel wondered why Raymond had not said any thing since she walked in.

" Hazel, how did you find me? " Raymond asked, it was the first thing he said she she walked in.

" Even I, can't believe that I would find you, I have been looking for you for a while now and hoped that I would get to you before Leonard does " Hazel explained as Nicole and Raymond stared at her.