
Chapter 358: Not leaving your side

She held his hand down " no, it is nothing serious... I just felt the need to do so " Tina explained.

" Okay " he responded.

" How was it? " Tina asked him as she climbed back on the bed, stretching her legs.

" It went well... just a little problem but it will be taken care of " Lorenzo responded to her.

" Ohhhh, that is nice... then there would not be a problem since it would be taken care of, right? " Tina inquired.

Lorenzo adjusted him self on the bed and stared at the chair.

" I am not certain but I hope there would not be a problem " he said giving a smile.

He seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

" Loren, are you alright? do you not think you should rest? " Tina asked as she moved closer to him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

He quivered and looked at his side " mmmmhh? " he asked.

" Are you alright? I think you should rest " Tina adviced.

" I am fine and there is no time to rest " he said.

" What?? you have had a long day " Tina said.

" Mmmmh! " He sighed as he turned around and sat opposite her.

Tina wondered what was going on with him, he looked bothered.

" Tina?? " he called her.

" I am here " she said in a calm voice.

" How was your experience working with Gavriel? " He asked, his face was blank.... he has no emotions on his face.

Tina,. thought for a second why he had asked her such question.

" If there is another powerful word for terrifying.. then that would be my answer " Tina responded.

" Ohhh, it is very bad indeed " Lorenzo said as he confirmed what she said.

" Why did you bring it up all of a sudden? " Tina asked, she could not help but wonder why he had brought up a topic like that.

" I am trying to get some thing here, Gavriel has never been a good man to all the women who came across him after an incident that happened few years ag.... " Lorenzo was talking when Tina interrupted him.

" About his wife mistreating him and their daughter... which led to the death of their daughter " Tina said the part he did not say... wondering if he was trying to hide it from her.

Lorenzo gazed at her surprised " how the fuck do you know that? " He asked.

" Gavriel told me " Tina said.

" He told you.... Some thing is really off here, Gavriel does not like it when there is some one lingering around him in the name of an assistant or what so ever it called but he got you after twenty years on not having an assistant and secondly, he told you about some thing personal, which he had never opened his mouth to talk about to any person... the only people who are aware of this are the people who were there when he was having the issue, he never tells employees about him self " Lorenzo said rubbing his fingers together.

" What are you insinuating? " Tina asked him.

" I am not insinuating any thing, Tina in cases like this.... you are not expected to view things from the outer perspective, you should check out the bigger picture, can you tell me about how you got the job to be his secretary? " Tina asked him.

She sighed " bigger picture? " She asked and Lorenzo nodded his head.

" How was your first encounter with him? " Lorenzo asked.

" I first met him at a bar.. unluckily for me, I was drunk and threw up on him, he was hell bent to make me pay for what I did to him, I had submitted my documents to get a job unknown to me he was actually the CEO of the company.... there he made me sigh documents in other to work for him, to tell you that I really needed that job, I really needed it. That contract had a lot of things that I never expected that I would go through in life but the main things there is the fact that I have to work as a secretary in the company and I will move in to his house to work as a house assistant.... there i thought that it would not be so hard but I was zero percent to how I expected to be treated..., you have no idea how I was treated like garbage... " She explained as tears welled up in her eyes, they began to pour down from her eyes down to her cheeks.

Lorenzo watched her ' you must have been really hurt ' he said to him self.

Tina shuddered as she puffed her nose " on the first day I resumed, he poured me a hot hot glass of coffee on my chest for no just cause... or probably he always had fun when he hurt other people or will I say when he hurts me, despite how he treated me.. I still tried to understand him, I was always there to help him, I can not even say all the hurtful things he did to me, I saved his life and reputation quite a number of times but he never ever appreciated me, there was a time I saved him from falling in to a woman's trap for him, should I tell you what he did to me? " Tina asked as she wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

" Tell me " Lorenzo requested.

" He burnt my hair and you are telling me to look at the bigger picture... what bigger picture? is it that I am fortunate to be the first person to work for him or is it because I got to know about his past? he fuckin has no right to treat me bad? " Tina blurted out.

" Do you even know how I got to abducted by your men? that man kicked me out of his car after I had successful helped him gotten a contract and saved his reputation, how did he appreciate me? he threw out of his car when he knew that I have not been here before and it was getting late, isn't that enough bigger picture? Heck, he wants to wreck me and make me loose my sanity, I feel like I made a mistake loving him " Tina said pouring our what was in her heart.

She took a deep breath and wiped off the tears from her face " I should not be crying because I promised myself that I would never cry because of him but ..... I just can't, when ever I remember the filthy things he did to me, I just can not help but cry " Tina said calmly.

Lorenzo moved closer to her, spreading his arms, he drew her closer to him embracing her tightly and slowly patting her back.

" I am so sorry about how he treated you, at this point I do not know what to say because I have just made you remember those things and made you cry, I am so sorry " Lorenzo said consoling her still holding on to her tight as she kept on sobbing.

" we are going back to the stated first thing tomorrow morning " Lorenzo said Tina immediately disengaged her self from him.

" WHAT???!! " she exaggerated.

" Tina, I have got some work to do there, I do not live here, my home is in the states.... Why? why... you do not want to return back there? " Lorenzo asked.

" Yes, I do not want to " Tina responded.

" Tina, you can not run away from your problems okay? you can see that, he found you here_ you can not abandon you job just to stay here, think about your future.... you have to start working for it..... you need to face your fears and confront them, running away or hiding would not solve the problem because one day you will come out from hiding or you would be found and there, that problem would have compiled in to some thing you can not comprehend " Lorenzo explained to her, he just hoped that she understands.

" You want me to leave? you want me to go back to that man? " Tina asked.

" Hell no! I do not have any intention of making you leave, I am just trying to help you understand certain things and you also need to plan your self " Lorenzo said explaining further to her.

" No, I am going any where! I am staying here with you " Tina blurted out as she spread the duvet over her body.

" Why? Why do you not want to leave? " Lorenzo asked her.

" Because I have grown to like you and I would not abandon some one who cares for me for some one who treats me like garbage " Tina blurted.

" What?? " Lorenzo asked surprised.

" I know it is too much to ask but even though you do not have feelings for me yet, I will not leave your side " Tina said to him.

Lorenzo could not believe his ears, she had finally started to grow feelings for him--- he also likes and care for her but at this point he was really confused.

He drew her closer to him self and hugged her tight " I am here for you, we just have to leave tomorrow " Lorenzo said sniffing in the fragrance from her hair.

" If you insist- then I have no choice " Tina said.

" Okay then, have some rest for tomorrow's journey " Lorenzo said letting go of her as she lays her head on the pillow.

Lorenzo gets up from the bed and draws the duvet up to her chest.

" Good night " he says as he gives her a good night kiss on her fore head.

Tina shuts her eyes she hears him walk out of the room as he shut the door behind him.

She turns to her side and opens her eyes, tears uncontrollably poured from her left eyes.

She wondered what fate was awaiting her in a situation like this, she wondered what choice she was making and if she was making the right choice.

The happy moments she had shared with Gavriel suddenly surfaced in her head and more tears poured from her eyes, she found her self missing him, despite the fact that he treated her bad, she wondered why was still missing him.

She takes a deep breath as she tried to force her self to get some sleep, before she dozed off, she picked up her phone and text a message to Nicole, at this point Nicole was her last hope.


Hazel wanders around in the sitting room as he waited for Leonard to return, he had left since in the morning and was yet to return.

She hoped that he did not get to see Raymond, she was trying to make sure that she gets to her step brother before any of her siblings does, in that way.. things might not be to tensed up.

She had been busy all day moving around the city in search of Raymond but she found no trace of him.

She could not help but try to think about why Leonard want to hurt Raymond by all means even though he had given up the throne.

Just then, Leonard walks in to the sitting room.

He pulled off his jacket as he slumps on the couch.... he wondered why it was so hard to get to Raymond.

Hazel stares at her brother who had just returned " you are late " she says to him.

" Hazel, I am not in the mood for your nagging and I am so tired right now " Leonard says to his sister.

" That is obviously because you are doing the wrong thing, can you not just let Raymond be__ if we get to find him can we not just tell him about the coronation and dad says he should be there " Hazel says as she walks closer to Leonard.

Leonard looks up and glared at her " where were you today? " he asked her.

She wondered why Leonard was asking her that, or probably he had thought that she left the house ' was that why Conard asked me not to leave the house, so I would not get to Raymond ' Hazel said to her self.

She sighed " I was home all day.... sleeping, and you know what? when I woke up and heard from Conard that you had not returned I got worried " Hazel lied.

She obviously had no other choice.

Leonard kept on glaring at her not knowing if he should believe her or not.

" What's with that look? " Hazel asked feeling uncomfortable with the way he was glaring at her.

Leonard twitched his brows and relaxed on the couch " nothing, what am I having for dinner? " He asked.

" If you want some thing to eat... get your ass up from that couch, walk in to the kitchen and fuckin get your self dinner because I am not your maid " Hazel responded to her brother informally.

Leonard was not too surprised at how she responded to him informally because at a point she was used to speaking like that even though she was not supposed to.

" Hazel you need to speaking with foul language " Leonard shuns his little sister.

" Why?? " She asked.

" Because one day, you might want to give a speech as the princess and it slips out of your mouth, that would not be good " Leonard explains to Hazel.

" And why should I listen to you? " Hazel asks him, hopefully waiting to hear a reasonable response.

" Because I am telling you the right thing to do and you know that " Leonard replies frowning at her.

" Well, now you want me to listen to you because you are telling me the right thing to do but there... I was also telling you the right thing to do when I asked you to let Raymond be but you would not listen to me, hmmmpphh " Hazel says furiously as she walks out on him. 

Leonard stared at her as she storms out of the sitting room, he wonders what the hell was wrong with her " I do not even need your advice in any thing because you are my little dumb sister who knows nothing " Leonard says quietly to him self as he smiles weirdly.

Just then his phone starts vibrating in his pocket, he groans as he stretched him self and got the phone out of his pocket.

He stares at the phone screen for a while before putting it close to his ear.

" Did you find any thing? " Leonard asked the caller.

" Yes, I could not find any thing concerning Raymond but I got to track him from lady, I think they are a thing... the lady works in a cosmetic company.. she is a cosmetologist and I found out her address and every other needed documents concerning her back ground. But then, the man in the picture, Raymond, drove in to the company, I could tell he was the one we were searching for because of the pictures and we waited, after a while they walked out of the company hand in hand " the guy said over the phone.