
Chapter 356: You are such a crybaby

" You know this is our first date together " Nicole said.

"... despite the truth that we had been flirting and things like that, even sleeping in each other's houses " Raymond said and they both laughed.

" I love this place..... it is just like we are away from the world and no one exists " Nicole said blinking her eyes, she held the rim of her dress tightly.

" I love you more " Raymond said as he relaxed on the table stretching his hands, he took her hands and smiled.

Nicole face flushed red immediately and her ears wear hot, she had no idea why.

She watched Raymond get up from where he was sitting opposite her and then moved his chair closer to her and finally he sat beside her.

" Don't be shy " he said placing his hand on her face, making her rest her head on his shoulder.

She nodded her head " I would not as long as you are with me " Nicole said.

" You look awesome tonight " Raymond said.

" Really, I barely applied my full make up " Nicole said raising her head and staring at him.

" Beauty is not determine externally... your heart is what I want.... you are beautiful externally but your heart is really great " Raymond said and Nicole chuckled.

" You too.... I think I should be telling you that " Nicole said holding his hands tightly.

" I would say it is same for the both of us " Raymond said and she nodded.

He sighed as looked around.

" What would you like to eat? " Raymond asked. 

" I am not hungry, I really do not feel like having any thing for now " Nicole responded.

" And I am not either.... So? I think we can use this opportunity to get to know our selves better. dont you think so? " Raymond suggested.

Nicole shoved her shoulders.

" That is great, we should do that " Nicole agreed.

" Okay, I will get us desert and wine " Raymond said as he pressed a bell by the side of the table.

Shortly after, a waitress appeared holding the menu.

" Sir, you called for me? " she asked.

" Yes, I would love to have a look at your menu " Raymond said as they both stared at the waitress.

" Sure, have it " she said handing over the menu to Nicole.

Nicole handed it over to Raymond " I think you should just order wine and desert " she said.

" Yeah, get us you special desert and your most expensive wine " Raymond requested.

Nicole glared at him immediately.

" Sure, I will be back with it " the waitress said as she took the menu from Raymond.

She walked away leaving the both of them.

Raymond turned to his side and was shocked to she the look on Nicole's face.

" Hey babe, what is wrong? why that look? " Raymond asked her caressing her face.

" The most expensive wine? are you serious? " Nicole asked.

It seemed like she was getting more curious.

" Do not worry, I can afford it " Raymond said tapping on her hair.

" But that's much.... you really do not have to spend so much on a wine, there are many other important things than a bottle of wine " Nicole said almost furious.

Raymond stared at her and smiled " why are you smiling? do you think I am joking? " Nicole asked.

She wondered what was funny about what she just said.

She was sure that there was nothing funny but she also wondered if she had really said some thing funny.

She came back to reality when she felt Raymond's hand on hers.

" I love it when you nag at me " Raymond said as he pulled closer and hugged her tightly.

" But I am serious about what I said, it is too expensive " Nicole argued.

" You do not need to worry your self..... I have got a lot of money to spoil you, you just need to relax and chill babe " Raymond said.

At this point she could not tell if he was teasing her or if he was serious, but she found her self smiling at the lady statement he made.

She withdrew from him, raising her hand and cupping his jaw.... she played with his beards.

" Even if you have a lot to spend and waste, when it is not necessary you do not have to spend okay " Nicole kept on nagging.

" Infact, I think I will be in charge of your account..... do you not think so, I do not want our children to go bankrupt because their father wants to spoil me " Nicole said as she smirked raising her eye brows as well.

" Aawww, our children will never go bankrupt in this life but first of all can we focus on our self and spoil our selves before they think of coming in to the world " Raymond said as he drew closer and Ave her a quick kiss on her lips.

" Why is your lips so sweet? It tasted like strawberry earlier in your office and now it tastes like banana..... are you teasing me? Raymond asked her.

" Be appreciative " Nicole said.

" Why??? " Raymond asked curiously.

" Hmmm... you have no idea? " She asked and Raymond nodded his head.

" Come on... you get to taste different kind of fruit on my lips and that is some thing you should appreciate because it is not easy to have all fruits on your lips..... it's a pleasure " Nicole said and winked her eye brows.

" I am always appreciative, you know, right? " Raymond asked, knowing that Nicole was getting ready for him.

" Yes baby, you are " Nicole said as the waitress walked up to them carrying a cart.

" I am sorry that I wasted time " she apologized.

" That's alright, just place them on the table and leave, thank you " Nicole said as she nodded her head.

" Alright ma'am " the waitress said as she placed the desert on the table in front of the both of them as well as the wine and two glass of cups.

Then she stood still.

" Thank you, you can leave now " Raymond said to her and she nodded.

" That is okay sir, I will get going " she responded as she turned around and pushed the cart away as she walked.

Nicole could not help but wonder why she carried a cart when she was only delivering few things.

" Ray??? " Nicole called.

" Mmmmh " Raymond responded as he picked up the wine and stared at it.

" Is that lady not weird, I mean did you not noticed that she carried a cart just to deliver desert and wine to us? " She asked.

" Ohhhh, that!, She is just been careful because she is carrying the most expensive wine, if it slips from her hand.... you know what will happen next right? " Raymond asked.

" She has to pay for it and do you think she can afford it, even if she can.... she has other things to take care of other than paying for wasted wine " Raymond explained and Nicole nodded her head.

" .... that she does not even have a taste of! " Nicole said immediately and Raymond nodded his head.

He fed her desert then he popped the wine, after which he poured in to the glass cups and handed her a glass.

She chuckled as she stared at the wine, she smiled as she kept on sipping from her glass.

Raymond adjusted his chair, moving it closer to hers, she raises her head up trying no know what he was trying to do.

" Heyy? are you alright? " Nicole asked as she dropped the glass on the table and held his hands.

He looked up in to her eyes as he held her hands " I am not fine.. " Raymond said.

 Nicole smirked as she looked at him emotionally, her eyes tearing up " what are you saying to me Ray? you are fine, nothing is going to happen to you " Nicole urged him squeezing his hands.

He nodded his head " I know that nothing will happen to me but I am scared of some thing else.... " Raymond said shutting his eyes for a while.

He took a deep breath and then opened his eyes ' I am scared that you... I might loose you.. ' Raymond said to him self.

" You know I am right here for you..... you can talk to me about it and I am always by your side to help you " Nicole stated squeezing his hands tightly and nodding her head.

She wondered what it was that bothered him, she wondered what was going on and why he was scared, she raises her hand, cupping his face " Ray, come on, talk to me...... please tell me, I am here with you and you are not alone, if you are facing any problems talk to me about it and I will help you solve them.. together we can solve your problem " Nicole assured him.

Raymond said nothing other than looking in to her eyes, she could feel his eyes all over her face.

She kept on poundering about what might be his fear and why he was scared because she was getting slightly scared.

This was the third time she was emotionally concerned about some thing, first was her parents and there was Tina and the Raymond.

She wondered if he was going to be the last or if they were still more of them, she took a deep breath.

She pushed her chair back and stood up, his eyes were still on her, she held out her hand to him and helped raised him up.

She took a deep breath as she shut her eyes for a while, held his hand and caressed them.

She wondered and could not stop wondering what was going on in his mind, she really needed to know and if she did not, she wondered where the unknown feeling came from- she was feeling her self getting scared but she was not scared.

She held her hand out and placed it in her head massaging softly as she sighed.

Nicole spread her arms slowly as she embraced him, resting her head on his chest_ their heart beats becoming unison.

" I love you Raymond ...... and I mean it when I say I am here for you no matter what I am not going any where " she confessed.

" I know Nic and I do not ever think of leaving you " Raymond said hugging her tightly as tears dropped from his left eyes, he fully rested his face on her shoulder as his tears slowly drenched a part of her clothes.

' Earlier I was think that you might be a danger to me... but I was wrong, I am just realizing that I am the danger where you are and I am afraid that you will get hurt because of me... I have no idea about what will happen but I am so sure that if you stick to me like this even though we are protecting our selves, I am and will keep on seeing my self as a threat to you ' Raymond said to him self as a single tear dropped from his left eye and then another dropped from his right eye 

" Raymond, I know some how, deep down in me that you are scared, please, you do not have to be scared because I am here, just tell me what is going on " Nicole urged him as she disengaged from him.

" You are crying? " She said softly, not knowing if that was a question or a statement.

At this point she realized that he was her strength, and to support each other through this, they both have to be strong because once one person is weak, it also affects the other person.

Raymond puffs his nose and nodded as Nicole wiped of the tears from his eyes " come on, sit down and tell me every thing that is bothering you " Nicole stated as she made him sit and then she sat opposite him.

" Will you be upset about what I am going to tell you? Can you promise me that you would not get upset " Raymond asked.

His seemed to have just realized that at that moment, his fear was that she might leave him if he ever mentioned it to her that he is actually a crowned prince.

Nicole looked closely at him " Raymond, I would not promise you not to be upset, you know I am human and I do not see any thing that will make me upset with you ..... " She stretched her hand enclosed her hands in his.

" ..... we all have our past, where we are from and stuffs like that_ I will only be upset with you if you killed a person, but if it was a matter of self defense or if the person was a bad guy I do not think I will be upset with you " she blabbed.

Raymond concentrated on her lips as he listened to all she blabbed, he chuckled as he wiped off the tears on his face.

" Come on, why are you laughing? " Nicole asked surprised.

He laughed and she began to laugh as well " you know we are not crazy.... shhhh it looks like you do not have any thing to tell me " she said as she nodded her head.

She took a deep breath as she carried the desert from the table, she took out a spoonful, she stared at him as she moved the spoon closer to his mouth and nodded her head.

He opened his mouth taking in the desert " you are such a cry baby_ I will have to start baby sitting you " she said to him as she drew closer to him as she used her index finger to wipe off the remains on his lips and licked it.

She knew that he had some thing to tell her but she wondered why he could not bring him self to tell her about it, she just had to wait for the day he was going to be ready to let it out.

" My father is a king and I am the crowned prince of the kingdom " Raymond said letting it off his chest.

He watched her closely as he tried to know what her reaction was going to be like.

Nicole was not sure if she heard him clearly but she was definitely sure that she heard him say some thing but it was absolutely not what she heard because what she heard did not seem real in her ears.

 Those happen only in fairy tales right? " She asked quietly as she looked up and stared at him.

" No, not only in fairy tales. it also happens in reality and I am an example " Raymond responded to her calmly.

" You are a prince?? " She asked confused.

He nodded his head " yes, I am..... you do not like stuffs like that? " he asked her calmly not looking away from her.

Nicole's eyes immediately glittered " come on, why would I not like it but this sounds like I am in a dream " Nicole said as she kept drinking the desert.