
Chapter 347: Lunch

He walked in to the sitting room where Doctor Julie was sitted.

" Where is she now? " Doctor Julie asked.

She had seen when Madrigal carried her upstairs but she sat and waited for an instruction to go ahead and then would she go ahead.

" I do not know what happened but I asked Madrigal to tell her that she is needed her because I could not reach her on phone, but Madrigal said he met her like that when he got to her office and it makes me so worried..... I do not think I will be at peace if I do not get to know what exactly is wrong with my daughter " Adrian said sadly as he clasped his hand together at his back.

" So you do not have to worry, I will go and check her out now, I do not think it is some thing serious because most times stress can cause a break down " Doctor Julie said.

" I do not think it is stress because she had not been at the company for days now, she had been home sleeping through out those days " Adrian said.

" Sleeping??? " Doctor Julie repeated as wrinkles appeared on her forehead.

" Adrian, I think you should remain calm okay.... I will go and check her out now " Doctor Julie said as she tried to assure Adrian that nothing was wrong as she hoped too. 

" I will lead the way " Adrian said as he nodded his head.

He walked through as he climbed the stairs, Doctor Julie followed behind him as they both strode towards Ivy's room.

Adrian pushed the handle and the door opened, then they both walked inside the room.

Ivy was lying on the bed.

Camille and Madrigal turned around immediately the door was opened, they stared at the doctor.

Camille walked up to Julie " Julie please check her out " Camille said holding Doctor Julie's hand and pointing towards her daughter. 

" I will need the room to myself, so I can run some tests " Doctor Julie said as she adjusted her hair.

Adrian and Madrigal looked at them selves " is it necessary, you can do it while we are here " Adrian suggested.

" No " Camille said out of no where.

Then she held Julie's other hand, massaging softly " I will stay here with my daughter " Camille added.

" It is alright " Doctor Julie said as she walked towards the bed and carefully dropped her medical kit on the table.

" But I will need you guys to withdraw a bit so I can have enough air and space " Julie added.

Everyone in the room sat on the couch in her room as they anxiously waited for Julie to finish up with her tests and check up, they needed to know what was wrong with Ivy because she has never behaved in a way she started behavior some days back.

After some chech ups Doctor Julie turned around and smiled at them.

They all wondered why Julie was smiling " what is going on Julie? " Adrian asked as he walked up to Julie .

Julie stretched out her hand to Adrian, Adrian did not leave her hand hanging " congratulations Mr and Mrs Seamus " Doctor Julie said congratulating the family.

Then she looked at Madrigal " are you the father of her child? " She asked, Camille and her husband gasped on hearing that.

Madrigal who was shocked about what he just heard.

' if I am the father-- of what?? Ivy is pregnant?? ' Madrigal asked him self as he felt his head spinning, at this point he felt his world was coming to an end.

" No I am not the father " Madrigal said.

Camille emotionless face became filled with happiness as she walked up to Doctor Julie " you mean that my daughter is pregnant? " Camille asked.

Doctor Julie nodded her head " congratulations once again and also to the father of the child " Doctor Julie congratulated the family once again.

Adrian whose hand had been hanging from the handshake when he heard Julie asked Madrigal if he was the father.

He was confused and could see how happy his wife was hearing that Ivy was pregnant.

' but how is that possible? how did it happen? ' he asked him self.

Some how he knew that Madrigal was a responsible guy just like him self, and he would not make such a mistake to leave his daughter pregnant.

He looked at Ivy who was still asleep.

' it looks like I need to accept the fact that she is pregnant because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it ' Adrian said to him self.

" I see, that could explain her sudden annoyance and irritation " Madrigal said.

" What do you mean? " Camille asked.

" When she arrived at the office today, I went to her office to say hello to her after been absent for a while but immediately I entered her office, she became irritated saying my deodorant smelled like a rotten egg and I think she threw up after that but it never came to my mind that she was..... " Madrigal explained.

" I see.... I just understand all this shit " Adrian said furiously.

" What??? what are you calling shit? " Camille asked her husband.

" You are the one who is supposed to be getting all this congratulations and not me- you know why? ..... hmmm____ that is because I will never accept this pregnancy, how could she get pregnant when she is not married not even in a relationship or engaged and you are happy about it, well this has always been what you wanted right from the start. Now you have it to your fullest, you ..... " Adrian said as he furiously walked out of the room.

Camille was upset about his attitude but she waved it off her mind ' after all I have my daughter and she is pregnant.... I will finally have a grand child ' she said to her self.

She walked up to Ivy where she laid on the bed, she sat at the edge of the bed and caressed Ivy's head " Thank you so much for making this possible " Camille said as she held her daughter hand. 

Then she turned her attention to Doctor Julie " why is she like this?...... I mean I understand what it feels to be carrying a foetus inside of you but is this not too much, she has been like this for days now " Camille explained to Julie.

" Yeah, I had patients who experienced it this way but they were pregnant for twins or rather triplets... but I do not have an idea of how Ivy's own is because she is still in her first trimester..... once her first trimester is over bring her over for a scan " Doctor Julie explained as she arranged her equipment in to the medical kit box.

" Is there no other way? " Camille asked not considering the method Julie had just told her about.

" I mean, with what you you just said it means that we have to wait for three months, I do not care about the sex of the child, I just want to be sure of the heartbeat..... Yes exactly we can get to hear the heartbeat right? and luckily we get to know how many children or child she is harbouring " Camille said making a suggestion.

" Alright, get her to the hospital first thing on Monday morning, so we would have a clearer picture but as of now this is not a waste because you are aware that your daughter is pregnant " Doctor Julie said and Camille nodded her head.

" Sure, we will do just that " Camille said standing up from the bed.

" Camille, watch out for your husband and try to make him understand that he has to love the child, no matter how upset he is the child is innocent and he needs to calm down for now until Ivy wakes up " Doctor Julie said as she felt the need to give a piece of advise to Camille.

" I will try my best to talk sense in to him " Camille said.

Madrigal sighed ' it seems like I have no reason to ... ' he stopped him self from saying what was in his mind.

He took a deep breath.

" I will go and get some thing down stairs " Madrigal said.

" Alright " Camille said and Julie nodded her head.

Madrigal then walked out of the room.

" Camille.... if he is not the father of your daughter's pregnancy then who is because he looks blank about this whole thing, it looks like a blow to his face " Doctor Julie said.

" Yeah, and he has been calm but let me wait for Ivy to wake up, she knows who is responsible for the little thing she is carrying..... my grand child precisely " Camille said laughing.

" Sure, every woman knows exactly who the father of her child is even though she sleeps with a thousand of men..... I believe that adage " Doctor Julie said.

" Alright I will have a little talk with Adrian... she should not be stressed if possible she should get off work till she delivers hee child, it seems like this pregnancy is really going to give her issues and it's her first time " Doctor Julie advised, she could not forget about that part.

She held Camille's hand " watch out for what she wants and drinks this day because right now she is vurnurable " Doctor Julie added.

" I will do as you have said, let me walk you out " Camille said as she patted Doctor Julie's hand which was covering hers.

" Alright " Doctor Julie agreed.

She carried her medical kit and walk behind Camille leaving only sleeping Ivy in the room. 


The sun casting it's rays on the shinny cabinets as Raymond prepared lunch for Nicole.

He smiled at him self as he chopped the carrots, green peas, green pepper, onions and veggies.

" She would love this meal of mine " Raymond said to him self and then chuckled.

He could not remember the last time he prepared a dish for a woman but here he was doing it for the woman he loved.

He began to put the ingredients he chopped into the pot as he began the processes.

A nice aroma filled the air and he walked to the oven, pushing it slowly, he opened it and took out the cupcakes.

After a while, he was through with every thing he was preparing so her, so he began to arranged them in order in to the lunch box.

He cleared the kitchen and cleaned up the mess he made while he was cooking and in no time the kitchen was sparkling clean. 

He walked to his bedroom and had a quick cold shower to calm his nerves.

While he was showering, he wondered how he was going to surprise her, he also wanted to tell her about him self, being the crowned prince and next to inherit the throne ' I really do not want to be a King.. I just want to live a simple life and spend my time with the woman I love and in the future with my children running around the house, that is peace ' Raymond said to him self as he turned on the shower to wash off the soap on his body.

He dressed casually and walked to the mirror, he always wondered why all the clothing he had made him look royalty.... Hell he was royalty him self and every thing around him was royalty.

He wondered why Nicole and Tina never noticed that about him.. he was always sneeking around so that no one would notice him... he practically went in to seclusion.

He walked down the stairs picked up his car keys and carried the lunch box then he headed straight out side.

His eyes caught some thing that made him stop to look carefully " this car looks familiar.... who's car is this??? ....... Ivy's car!!! and what is it still doing here? " He asked him self as he tried to remember how the car got to his apartment. 

Just then he remembered that it was the car she used to drive him home from the bar that night.

He sighed and walked to his car, he put the lunch box in to the passenger's seat and hopped in to the driver's seat and drove off.

This time around he took his time to drive, he did not usually use his driving tactics every time, he remembered how his father the king had specially taught him how to drive and after that he represented their kingdom during car races and he always brought back victory.

He remembered when he asked his father why he treated him specially and ignoring his other siblings.

He could still remember the response his father gave to him " Son bear it in mind that I do not treat you specially.. I only teach you good because you are a great man and you have a bright future, I treat you equally with your siblings... one day you will get to understand that once you treat good with evil the result you get is evil, evil with evil will yield evil and good with good will yield good .... I am very careful son, it is not an easy thing to be a leader, you need to see far and wide to under certain things that is why not every one is certainly qualified to be a leader " His father said to him and took a deep breath.

" Remember this, also not all first sons of their father are capable of ruling as well " The King added.

At that time he could barely understand what his father was telling him he just let those words sink in to him hopefully one day he will get to understand them. 

He really missed his family, his father, his mother, the palace but he knew that some how he was not going to return to the palace.

After the incident he had with his step brother, Leonard, he knew that one day if not today it might be tomorrow but he knew that his step brother was coming for him and his fear was that Leonard might find out about Nicole and decide to use her against him.

" Love is great but can also bring a man down from some thing to nothing " the words of his father resurfaced in his head.

His father never got to marry the woman he loved neither was there a woman he loved, during his reign he did not have much enemies because there was nothing to use to get him.

He married a wife just to get a heir and when she could not get him what he wanted he married his mother and then she gave birth to him......... He could not help but wonder how his father made it with out loving a woman and having a woman he loved standing beside him.

" Every one has different destinies and what worked for your father might not work for you or another person" another word of his father resurfaced in his head.