
Chapter 346: Madrigal

He kept quiet for a while and then stood up as he walked away from the building.

He hopped in to his car and zoomed off.

He hoped that Conard did as he had asked him to and not allowing Hazel to leave the house because he knew that once she leaves the house, she will ruin his plan.

' Hazel, I think I need to make you understand that you need to sit in on place else I would not mind treating you like an enemy to my progress ' Leonard said to him self as he hit the steering. 


Madrigal was busy clearing his table that was filled with papers, he had a load work to do and he needed to finish it up before he retires for the the day.

Just then he heard a knock on the door.

" Come in " he said as he wondered who was knocking.

The door was pushed open a little and Luciano walked in.

" Heeyyy " she said as she walked towards him.

" What is going on? " Madrigal asked.

He relaxed on his chair as he went through some documents.

" I do not know..... I am not so sure but in no time we would know exactly what is going on " Luciano said.

Madrigal nodded his head.

He could not believe that Ivy could embarrass him the way she did earlier.

" Alright, I just kept on telling myself that I should not have gone to her office " Madrigal said as he sighed.

Luciano felt bad for him, Ivy really needed to apologize to him and she hoped that she does that.

Luciano walked around as she stood beside him.

" Madrigal, I am so sorry in her behalf, I think she is not feeling to well..... please do not take it to heart and accept my apology " Luciano said.

" You know it is not that easy and I am not the type of person to get upset, I just felt bad and embarrassed " Madrigal explained as he adjusted his tie.

" Hey, I am here now so can you please forget about what Ivy did... Mm in as much as I know how she is I could not believe it that she could do that to you and ... worst be it, she also sent me out of her office " Luciano said as she sat on Madrigal's desk.

" It is alright, probably she is having a bad day " Madrigal concluded.

He was not the type of person to get angry over little issues because he knew his root, if not for Adrian he would not be sitting in that office and on that chair but Adrian picked him up and made it possible.

He had it in mind that he owes Adrian a while lot and he is greatly indebted to him.

He took a deep breath as he reminded him self of how he had worked so hard and was going to prove to Adrian how much he appreciates him.

Luciano stood up from the table where she was sitting and smile.

She bent closer to Madrigal " I love your perfume, do you mind if I get to--- hold on to you " Luciano said calmly as she nervously rubbed her hands together and looked at the floor.

Madrigal looked up at her surprised and smiled.

" You really love my scent? " Madrigal asked her to make sure he head her correctly.

" Yes, I mean it__ I really do " Luciano said stammering as her voice became light.

" I am really surprised, no one has ever told me that they loved my perfume and I always felt odd but I could not stop myself from using it and today when Ivy said she perceived the smell of a rotten egg.... I thought that indeed it was the perfume I was wearing so I kept calm but you really appreciate it and love it " Madrigal said to her as he stood up from his chair.

' what is he about to do? ' Luciano asked her self as she began to take a step backwards when ever he took a step towards her. 

There was one thing she was scared of about him and that was his eyes, he always had a calm seducing eyes and she wondered if she was the only one who noticed it.

She had longed craved for him, since when she began to work in the company.

She noticed he was the type who was always calm and never had issues with any one_ he had also been kind to her on different occasions that she grew to have feelings for him.

" Luciano _ Thank you " he said as he kept on taking a step towards her.

He wondered why she was withdrawing her self or if she was joking about what she had told him.

" Mmmmmm " Luciano flinched immediately his hands fell on her shoulder.

" I thought you wanted to..... " He said holding the rim of his shirt that stucked it's head out.

Luciano looked at him and then the shirt, she wondered why she was withdrawing..

" Yes I want to, I really do want to " Luciano said as she felt her back on the wall.

' did I go to far...? ' she asked her self then gasped when she felt his body on hers.

' he hugged me! ' Luciano heard a voice scream inside her head.

She had longed waited for the day Madrigal will ever hug her and it was happening today.... in his office.

His hand encircled her waist while his other hand encircled her back drawing her closer to him as thet could feel their bodies together.

Luciano was already beginning to get hot, she only wanted to have a smell of his perfume once again and he hugged her.

She tried to calm her self down as she rested her nose on his shirt inhaling him softly.

' why do I feel like I am doing the wrong thing here? ' Madrigal asked him self.

At that point he felt like hugging Luciano might send a wrong information to her head and she might begin to pester him and that is not what he wants.

He had always wanted Ivy, even though she did not give him a break light_ even though she did not give him a chance she was going to be the only ony on for him.

He let Luciano get enough of what she wants as he stood still for a while.

When he was sure she had gotten enough his disengaged from her and arranged his hair.

" Thank you " she said calmly,.

" I had always wanted this but I did not have the courage to walk up to you and say it, I really appreciate it " Luciano said as she clasped her hand together in appreciation.

" It is alright, there is no bad in helping a friend out " Madrigal said as he walked up to his chair.

' a friend??? '

' a friend??!! ' the words kept on resounding in her ears.

She thought she was more than a friend to him but now he made it clear to her that she was just a friend, it was more direct than indirect.

' here I was over thinking myself ' Luciano said taking a deep breath. 

" sure, there is no bad in helping a friend out...... ehhmm I really appreciate for spending you spending your quality time with me " Luciano said as she held he phone so tight so it would not fall as he hands were shaky.

" If you do not mind...... I will be excusing my self to go get some work done in my office, do have a nice day " Luciano said as she turned around and headed straight towards the door.

" Have a nice day, Luciano " Madrigal said and she nodded her head.

Then she opened the door and walked out immediately.

As she tried to get in fresh air in to her lungs .

' what was I thinking...... I would not be surprised if he has another woman on his mind- I mean every one do has some one they admired but I did not think of that in any way ' Luciano said to her self as she strode back to her office.


Madrigal wondered how he was going to get inside Ivy's office and right now Adrian has asked him to inform Ivy that she needed to be home but with the way she sent him out because of the egg smell he was not sure if she was going to respond to him at all or rather she was going to skin him alive.

" What do I do? What do I do? gosh....... I am so confused right now " Madrigal said to him self as he placed his index finger o his fore head as he massaged it softly.

" May be I just need to try first then if she acts in that manner again I will have to tell Luciano to send her home " Madrigal said to him self as he adjusted his sleeved shirt and wore his suit.

He picked up his phone and strode out of his office nervously.

He was not scared of Adrian the way he was scared of Ivy and Gavriel, those two were really some thing even though Ivy was still nice to an extent..... she still behaved like her brother to and extent.

He walked towards his door as he kept on taking a feet forward, he kept on planning him self for the next episode of embarrassment he was going to face.

But he did not mind because he had to pass Adrian's message to his daughter

..... he remembered that Adrian mentioned that her phone was not reachable and she was not picking up her office telephone line.

When he got to Ivy's door he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

When he has no response he opened the door slightly and walked in.

He was surprised to see her sleeping _ he wondered what was wrong with her because the Ivy he had always know was so active and she never sleeps I'm the office.

He wondered what was going on.

He rushed towards her and tried tapping her but all to no avail, she was deep asleep.

He had no time to ask him self questions, so he rushed and placed his index finger below her jaw as he tried to check her pulse.

" Gosh, it is getting weak!!!! " Madrigal almost screamed. 

He rushed out of her office back to his own, then he grabbed his car keys.

He wondered what he was going to do.

' should I ask Luciano for help? ' he asked him self.

But right there he decided to do it him self rather that involving Luciano.

He rushed back to Ivy's office and carried her carefully then he grabbed her hand bag and looked around, the were still some of her stuffs which littered on her table.

' I will come back to get these for you ' he said to him self as he headed out of her office straight to the elevator.


He walked out of the elevator and all eyes were on him but he did not bother him self about it because he needed to get Ivy to Adrian first.

He could hear employees murmuring as he walked past them but he still did not mind.

Finally he was out of the company, he walked straight to his car and opened it, then he carefully laid Ivy on the passengers seat and literally ran in to the driver's seat and drove off.

" Hold on Ivy, I will get you to your father as soon as possible " he said as he hoped that the was no traffic.

" So it is her indeed, Ivy is the woman you love " Luciano said to her self quietly as he watched them from her office window, she wondered what was wrong with Ivy that Madrigal has to drive off with her.

" Hmmmm " she sighed as she walked back to her table and sat down.

She was hoping and knew that soon, in no time Ivy would know that she was pregnant.

To an extent she felt that Ivy knew but she argued with her that she had no idea about it.

' well, we all will get to know what is really going on with you and I wonder why I feel that Raymond is connected to this one way or the other? ' Luciano asked her self as she picked up her phone and continued what she was doing.

Camille heard a car drive in to her premises and the car looked familiar so she walked out to know who it really was.

Just then Madrigal hopped out of the car, after which he opened the passengers seat and carried Ivy out carefully.

Camille became scared and confused as she wondered what happened to her daughter, she hoped that nothing bad has happened to Ivy.

Not to long ago Adrian returned home after which the doctor followed behind him.

She wondered what was going on and why no one was talking to her about the situation on ground.

" Madrigal what happened to my daughter? " Camille asked immediately she saw him carry out her daughter and she laid lifeless in his arms.

" It nothing serious mum, I think she fell asleep " Madrigal said hoping not to bother the woman.

He had always called Camille mother because he became so familiar with them because of Adrian.

He remembered that Adrian had always adviced him to visit often and get familiar with his family especially his wife and daughter.

" then why is Ivy like this? " Camille asked not wanting to understand what he said by it is nothing serious.

" Bring her inside first, the doctor is inside " Camille said as she made way for him to pass.

Immediately he entered the house, Adrian walked up to him curious.

" What happened to her? " Adrian asked.

" I went to her office to deliver your message to her but found her like this " Madrigal explained.

" It is alright, take her upstairs to her room " Adrian said.

" Okay, I will do just that " Madrigal said as he climbed the step heading straight to her room.

" Adrian, I told you earlier that some thing was wrong with our daughter..... did you not see she added a lot of weight - I hope it is what I am thinking it is " Camille said and Adrian became confused, he looked at her.

" Did I hear you say you hope it is what you are thinking? " Adrian asked because he was not so sure he heard her clearly so he wanted to clarify it.

" Yes, I hope it is what I am thinking " Camille repeated again and Adrian just looked at her and sighed as he walked out.

He wondered what kind of woman he married in the name of a wife, his wife had never been like that but he noticed that as the years went by she began to get clumsy and grew a type of attitude he could not explain but he still loves his wife and would love her for an eternity till death do them part.