
Chapter 342: I am sorry

" I will do it in my own way.... it is some thing you will never expected so do not try guessing " Tina said as she held her self from laughing so hard.

" I need not to worry because I am sure of one thing " Lorenzo sad as he placed a hand on her waist and drew her closer to him self.

" And that is? " Tina asked wanting to know what he was sure of.

" That is you will never kill me in the process " Lorenzo said proudly looking straight in to her eyes.

" You are so naughty " Tina said calmly as she pinched his nipples.

" Ouch... Buh wait wait wait, how did you expect that your little hand will hurt me? Hmmm " Lorenzo said as he smirked at her.

" It might not hurt you now but later it will, I will practice some kung fun skills and show you what I am really made of " Tina said giving her self hope.

She was too fragile for her liking an she some how hated it.

" I will be expecting you darling " Loren said as he slipped his hand to her waist and drew her closer to him self.

Tina was startled at first, she looked at his hands and then she raised her head and stared at his face.

" Gawd, this man is so damn hot " Tina said out to her self so quietly in a way he would not hear her.

" You are free to touch me if you want rather than drooling over me.... I just want to help you after all " Lorenzo said bringing his face closer to hers, their lips were just few inches away from each other.

Tina could feel his breath on her as skin as goose bumps filled her skin.

She closed her eyes tightly with an expectation that Loren was going to do some thing with her ____ probably some thing she wanted.

' come on, kiss me... kiss me, do it ' Tina said to her self as she slowed down her hastened breath.

Seconds passed and she wondered why his lips was not on hers yet, she had no other option as she slowly opened her eyes.

" I told you..... You better touch me than drooling for me " he smirked again.

" What nonsense are you saying? " Tina asked pretending as she took a deep breath.

" I can feel that you want to touch me and seconds again you closed your eyes and patiently waited for me to kiss you " Lorenzo said as he began to laugh.

" So you knew it all that while and you..... so you did that intentionally to make a fool of me right? " Tina asked calmly as she blinked her eyes.

Then she nodded her head.

" Hell no, I did not do it to make a fool out of you " Lorenzo said.

" Yes, you did " Tina argued as she released her self from his hold.

" I should not have expected that.... it was all my fault, I forgot so soon about how gross men are " Tina said as she began to walk to the exit.

Lorenzo stood mesmerized and confused at the same time.

He wondered why she took it so serious, he was only teasing her and never expected her to take it to the next level.

And then he saw her walking to the exit, he quivered.

" Tina! Where are you going to? " Lorenzo called her, he asked her and walked quickly towards her to meet up.

" Did you not ask me to prepare? I thought you wanted me to come with you or was that also to make fun of me? " Tina asked in a fierce tone. 

She wondered why she was so mean to Loren, the images of the trauma she went through in Gavriel's hands began to resurface in her head and she was beginning to loose it.

She wondered why she was feeling that way, she placed her hand on her fore head, she was breathing so fast.

' Tina come on you have to be strong and forget about Gavriel..... I was so mean to Loren and that was not nice, I knew he was joking around with me but I wonder why I took it so serious, it was not nice at all.... I remember how I stood against Nicole when she compared Raymond and Gavriel, but now I find my self comparing the Loren and Gavriel as well ' Tina said to her self.

' Tina, Loren is a good guy.... he is the good guy I have and could count on at any time and any where mean while he would not waste a fucking time to get to me..... I need to apologize to him for this ' Tina concluded as she turned around and saw Loren walking towards her.

" I am sorry, I was not trying to make fun of you when I said you should come with me, if there is any thing bothering you....... You can feel free to spill it out to me if you want to and I will always be here for you " Lorenzo assured her as he opened the car door for her.

She stood and stared at him--- she was damn speechless.

" Come on, hop in " Lorenzo said as he looked in to the car.

She was still standing dazing at him, then he leaned forward closer to her ear.

" If you do not mind.. I ... I can make it up to you " he whispered and stood upright again.

He placed his hands on her hair patting her calmly.

She slowly nodded her head though she did not understand him fully well.

" Alright " he replied and she hopped in to the car.

He walked to the other side of car and hopped in as well and he zoomed off.


Gavriel spinned around his bed as he continously turned around facing one side and the other.

He felt like he actually did not have a sleep last night because his head ached him badly, so bad that he felt like screaming.

' ohh, I have never had that drink I took last night, probably this is a hang over ' he said to him self as he stretched his hand to the particular side where he had kept his phone when he returned.

With his eyes still closed he picked up his phone and turned the screen on.

" Fuck " he said as he sprang up.

It was already 9:36am in the morning, he wondered why he slept so long.

He had set an alarm to help wake him up because he needed to search for Tina. 

He chuckled.

" Gavriel, when did you become like this? " He asked him self.

He had never set an alarm ever in his life, he always knew his plans and goals for the day so it felt unnecessary to him.

Slowly, he could feel the rising sun rays on his skin as the reflection appeared on his bed.

He yawned and stood up.

He walked to the mirror and drew the curtains open and the darkness was swept away.

He looked through the window as he glanced on the view outside, it was so wonderful and pleasing to the eyes.

' Tina, where are you? "Gavriel said to him self.

He felt that he was changing his personality in some kind of ways.

First, had never worried for a woman the way he worried for his secretary through out the night hoping that he would find her.

He turned around and walked towards the bath room.

On his way, he drew out a towel and strode straight to the bath room.

He had a quick shower and prepared for his day's goal.

He dressed casually and put on a face cap and also wore a new nose mask, the day before he had asked the room service to get his a packet of it.

He picked up his phone and walked out of the room.

He operated his phone as he walked to the elevator.

" Good day sir " the man said over the phone.

Bing. The elevator opened.

" Where are you right now? " He asked as he walked in to the elevator.

" I am at the hotel's park right now " the man responded.

" Alright, I am heading down so drive out to the front of the hotel, I have no much strength right now " Gavriel said as he stared at his wrist watch.

" I will be there now " the man said and he hanged up the call.

" Boss! calm? has no much strength? that is indeed strange " the man said to him self as he started the car.

He knew the man he worked for and was surprised to hear him talking so calmly to him, the young man wondered what was wrong with his boss.

" After all it is not my business, so I will just forget about it " the man finally said as he drove out of the park to where Gavriel had asked him to.

" I hope to find you today? " Gavriel said to him self as the elevator door opened and he walked out of the elevator.

" Good day sir " the receptionist payed her respect to him as she walked past him.

" Yeah, good day " Gavriel responded.

The lady looked back at him surprised.

' what is going on? ' she asked her self and shaked her head.

" Wow, you would not believe what happened " a staff jubilated as she walked up to the receptionist. 

" okay, what happened? tell me " the receptionist said willing to hear what her fellow staff had for her.

" You know that scary young man who stays at the executive room.... he does not talk to any one and respond to any one as well " the lady tried to explain to her.

" Ohhh, yes I remembered him now, he lodged with his secretary right? " the receptionist asked trying to confirm what the lady was saying.

" Yes, exactly " the lady confirmed.

" So tell me what happened that made you so happy " the receptionist requested as she hoped that it was not some thing that did not make sense.

But any way, she knew that since it concerned the man spending nights at the executive room then it would be an interesting story.

" You know that man never responds to out greetings but today, I mean his morning, I was so surprised that I greeted him and he responded to me calmly.... that dude got an enchanting and bewitching voice " the lady praised after saying what she wanted to say.

" Ohhh " the receptionist was speechless, she had nothing to say to her fellow worker.

" Not only me actually but all of us who he had met on his way " the lady added.

" Yeah, I know of that, I am aware because we walked past other a while ago " the receptionist said.

" Ohh, I definitely has no idea, I just wanted to keep you informed and updated. " the staff said.

" It is alright, but you have to be very careful while saying this because I do not trust that man a bit, he might just be looking for some one that would fall in to his trap and then he would lay a complaint to the CEO and then get fired so be careful " the receptionist adviced.

" You should get back to your post, I need to take care of some thing for a customer " the receptionist added and she walked out immediately not waiting to hear the last response from her colleague.

She also wondered what was up with their top customer.

But at a point, she came to realize that it was none of her business.

Gavriel walked up to his car and hopped in.

" Where are we off to sir? " the driver asked as he looked at Gavriel from the side mirror.

He wondered why his boss was putting on a cap which made his ponytail fall back wards.

" Drive me to the most popular places in this city " Gavriel ordered.

" Okay sir " the driver said as he stared the ignition and drive out of the suite.

Gavriel was so conscious so he was looking around the city through the window at every second hopefully he might see her.


Tina kept on stealing glances at Lorenzo while he drove them to where she did not have and idea of. 

She wanted to apologize for been so mean to him, it was never her intention to do so.

When ever she wanted to speak out, she would gradually keep quiet and would not say any thing.

Lorenzo turned on the music, he made sure it was not loud, so Tina would not be upset again. He hoped that the calm music playing on the back ground would make her feel at ease.

The windows were closed because of the snow.

He could see her stared at him and then the next second she would look out of the window.

He kept on driving, then he could see her nodding her to the beating to song. 

" ......I know I should have treated you better..... I would do any thing for you...... " Tina sang along smiling, she happened to like the song for a while.

Then she turned and stared at Lorenzo.

' why do you always know how to lift mood? ' Tina said to her self as she kept on nodding her head.

This man sitting next to her was gradually taking over her.

" You love the music? " Lorenzo asked Tina.

She slowly nodded her head and smiled.

" Alright, I am happy it lifted your mood " Lorenzo said as he made a side turn and drove in to a garage.

He stepped on the brake and the car stopped, just then the music stopped.

Lorenzo looked down as he unbuckled his seat belt and shifted over to Tina and helped her as well to remove the seat belt.

" Sit still, I will help you out " Lorenzo said as he opened the door from his side but Tina held his hand.

He slowly turned and stared at her.

" Your hand is so cold!? " He said not knowing if he was asking her or just saying.

Her hand on his was so cold.

" I do not think so, I do not feel it " Tina said as she placed her other hand on top of her holding his hand tightly.

" Can we please forget about my self for a moment and talk about you " Tina pleaded.

Lorenzo nodded.

" I have been feeling bad and guilty for treating you like that back at the house, I promise you I did not mean it " Tina said as she looked at their enclosed hands.

Lorenzo was confused, he was actually thinking of how to apologize to her and here she was apologizing.

" Loren... I am so sorry, I promise you it would not happen again, I just happened to remember how I was treated like a garbage and I was scared that you will treat me like that as well, it made me so scared that I compared yo..... " Tina said the whole truth as she tried to leave no one untold.