
Chapter 338: Blushing

Leonard turned to his side as he stared at his younger sister walk away in to the kitchen.

' All this is trash because I am not listening to any one saying other wise of what I want to do, what I want to do is on my mind and no one will stop me not even the king ' Leonard said to him self as he stood up from the couch.

" What are you up to? " Conard asked as he dropped the pipe in to the plate.

" I will be back, make sure Hazel does not leave this house " Leonard ordered as he picked up his jacket and phone and walked out of the house.

Conard sighed.

He wondered the kind of family he had, there was no love and care.... there is always a fight for this or a fight for that.

Hazel walked back in to the sitting room.

She looked around the sitting room in search of some thing.

" What are you searching for? " Conard asked when he noticed Hazel looked around the room.

" Where is Leo? where the hell did your brother go to? " Hazel asked as she walked towards Conard.

" How do you expect me to know that? he just left the house and he did not tell me where he was going to... so? and why are you asking me like I am his body guard? " Conard asked his sister as he picked up the pipe and began to inhale it again.

Hazel stared at him fiercely.

" Conard you should have stopped h when he was leaving? " Hazel said as she sat down on the couch beside her brother.

" And why should I do that? " Conard asked.

He wondered what was wrong with the both of them.

Leonard had initially asked him when he was about to leave that he should make sure Hazel does not leave the house and now Hazel is asking him why he allowed Leonard to leave the house.

" You know that he wants to harm Raymond right and Raymond had done nothing to get treated like this, we both know that Raymond does not want father's property as well even though he is the rightful owner of it and the next successor to the throne.... he does not want any of that and as a matter of fact, he cut all tiles with us and the throne when he ran away from the kingdom " Hazel explained.

She dipped her hand in to her hair and took a deep breath, then rested her weight fully on the couch.

She wondered where her family was getting too.

The problem they had was LEONARD.

" I know about all these but i really do not care about all this shit as well... so I rather stay here and do my thing because it is far more better than thinking about our broken and worthless family and tieing myself down in the name of royalty.... I wish I could be like Raymond, he really had a lot of guts to leave the palace even though he is the first son and child, he literally ran away from his responsibilities and Leonard had been taking care of that same responsibility he left behind and now, it's time for coronation and the king is requesting for Raymond........ Come to think of it, why would Leonard not get angry? he had literally done his best for the kingdom so why can he not be allowed to be the next successor since Raymond does not want the throne____ every single problem we are having now is so unnecessary " Conard said- he simply said what he felt was on his mind. 

Hazel broke down hearing her brother say that, she thought he was the only one who would at least understand what was going on but it seemed like she was on her own on this fight.

She tried to imagine how Queen Emilia would take it if she ever found out some thing bad had happened to her missing son whom she had not seen for years.

Tears uncontrollably fell from her eyes as she watched Conard busy with his thing. 

She gave and fists were beginning to turn red.

She quickly strode up from the couch and dragged out the pipe from Conard's hand probably it was because of the pipe he was not thinking straight.

" How can you say such a thing? Raymond did not run away because he did not want the throne and he did not run away from his responsibilities, he ran away because he valued his life, Leonard was so desperate to take his life that was why he ran away do Leonard used that opportunity to take over Raymond's responsibility and now that desperate Leonard is back again.... this time around I am so scared because I feel that things are going to be very bad. " Hazel said as she walked towards the garbage can.

She pressed her feet on a button and the garage can opened.

She turned around and glared at Conard who was surprised at her actions and was anxiously waiting to know what she was going to do.

" Conard... I need you to think straight and reason this situation as a man that you are and not some filthy rag,,, you are the prince as well so stop all this smoking and do some thing right in your life " Hazel adviced as she tapped on her brother's shoulder.

" Hazel, I am not in the mood for this shit that is going on and make sure you remain in this house.... do not step a feet out of this premises " Conard said as he stood up and walked out on her. 

She wondered the type of family she had, they was no peace.

She tried to explain to her self what Conard had meant when he said that she should not leave the house.

' are you guys trying to bound me here in this house? ' Tina asked her self not too sure.

But she was suspecting that it was exactly what the they were trying to do.

She lost her balance and fell on the couch.

She placed her head on her palms as she supported her self, she did not want Leonard to hurt their brother just because of a crown that they were not sure about who the King was going to give the crown to.

Despite what Conard had told her, she had made up her mind to leave the house and search for her brother, she needed to ensure that he was safe.

" Raymond, I hope you are safe where ever you are because even though I try to search for you, I do not know where you are and I have no idea where to search for you so please stay safe at least for your mother and the King " Hazel said as she stared at a picture of Raymond on her phone. 


Adrian kept on stealing glances at his daughter who was sleeping comfortably while on their way to the office.

He was worried because Ivy had never been a sleepy head, she was always agile. 

" Ivy.... Ivy! " Adrian said as he tapped his daughter's shoulder.

She opened her eyes slightly and yawned.

She suddenly looked surprised.

" Dad was I sleeping? " She asked her father who was surprised about her recent behavior.

" Yes, for the past ten minutes now.... what the heck is wrong with you? you really do not look alright and your mother seemed to be right about it, are you feeling sick or are you having a head ache or are you stress out? you can always go back to the mansion " Adrian said to his daughter.

Ivy sat properly as she adjusted her hair.

" I am fine dad, I just feel a little bit tired and I can manage my self and I really do not need to go back home " Ivy said to her father and immediately he felt a sharp head ache, she wanted to scream but she kept her mouth shut else her already father will become more worried and drive them to the hospital.

She did not think that she would be able to withstand the smell coming out of he hospital, she hated the smell of drugs and blood.

" If you say so, I do not think I would feel relaxed... so we will do this__ immediately after I am through with what ever I was called to handle, I will drive us to the hospital to see our family doctor " Adrian concluded and that was exactly what Ivy was avoiding.

Her eyes widened immediately she heard what her father said.

" Dad! You know I hate been to the hospital no matter what is wrong with me__ please change your mind about it, rather you can call the doctor over to the house, I think that will be much more better and private " Ivy suggested as she placed her hand on too of her father's hand which he was not using to drive.

Adrian turned and stared at her then he sighed.

" If that is what you wanted but you must understand that every thing your every thing I and your mother is doing is for your own good " Adrian said as he looked out to the road.

" Yes dad, i am fully aware if that and you guys are my parents, so I need to obey every single instructions no no matter how bad it is and I do not want to do it.... I can make a suggestion but I can never deny it " Ivy said. 

Adrian was not surprised to hear that from his daughter because she had been calm even after Camille had tried forcing her to get married.

He knew that the right time would come and his daughter will get married to the man of her dreams.

He sighed and picked up his phone, then he dailed the doctor's contact.

After three rings, she answered his call.

" Good day Mr Seamus " the doctor greeted from the other side of the phone.

" Good morning Doctor Julie " Adrian greeted back in form of a respect.

" Sir, I hope there is no problem because you have never called me this early? " Doctor Julie asked.

Starting from when she became a private doctor to his family, he had never called her this early so she silently hoped and prayed that all was well.

" Yes dear, there is nothing to worry about, I just wanted you to come around later in the evening so you could check out Ivy, I think she is having a fever

..... I am not sure though that is why I want you to come over and check it out by your self " Adrian suggested.

" Sure sir, I will be there immediately after work here is over and probably by then you would be back from the office " Doctor Julie said as she agreed to what Adrian has asked of her.

" Alright sir, see you later in the day, I need to return back to my post " Doctor Julie said and Adrian nodded his head.

" It is okay dear, I will be expecting you soon " Adrian said as he hanged up the call and dropped his phone to his side. 

" Doctor Julie will be at the mansion to check you out " Adrian said to his daughter.

She turned and stared at him.

" Alright dad " Ivy said taking a deep breath.


Camille was worried about her daughter, she hoped it was what she was thinking about.

She had always wanted another grand child after the death of Gavriel's daughter, Karina.

She had pleaded with her two children to get married and bear children that will be her grand children.

She was envious of her friends whose grand children were already between the age of six and seven, then here she was and her two children had refused to get married... just because Ivy claimed to be waiting for the right person and that was some one who would love her and Gavriel was not ready for any of those things any more after what Bianca had done to him and the loss of his daughter.

She wondered how she got to give birth to Gavriel and Ivy who would not do any thing to make their mother happy.

She took a deep breath.

" Ivy, I have a feeling you are pregnant because what I saw on your body was not a fever or as a the plentiful rest you had yesterday, I absolutely know what I am talking about but let us be watching how things go " Camille said to her self as she stepped in to the bathroom.

She needed to prepare for a meeting.


Nicole stepped out of the shower with a towel tied around her chest.

She smiled as she walked towards the bed staring at Raymond.

" Why do you look so handsome even while you are asleep? " Nicole asked her self as she ran her fingers on his face.

" I will have enough time for you when I return baby " she added as she walked towards the vanity table.

She applied some lotions and mosturizers, she needed to start taking great care of her skin to look good for her man. 

She walked to her ward robe and took out a plain blue trousers suit along with a well ironed long sleeve which she would wear inside before the suit jacket.

She sat on the chair facing the vanity mirror, where she combed her hair after which she hot combed and curled her hair.

After a week leave, she thought that it was best if she looked great while returning.

She stepped out the vanity when she was satisfied with her hair.

She looked blankly at her shoes one after the other, then she sighed.

" Mmmmhhh " she sighed again and went to get the suit jacket.

She held it while it hung on the hanger, she stared at the jacket and then at a shoe, she had to do it that way to know what color of shoe suited her dress for the day.

She was not sure if she was getting it, her attention turned to Raymond who was still sleeping peacefully and she smiled widely.

She never knew she would be happy by just staring at the man she loves.... she had never felt like this in her past relationships.

' Fake relationships.... scums ' Nicole said to her self as she sighed.

She decided to get dressed and maybe then, she will get a perfect idea of what color she should wear or rather ask Raymond.

She thought as she smiled again while she stole a glance at Raymond.

" If you keep on staring at me and smiling like that.... I promise you that you will successfully go to the office late " Raymond said out as she slowly opened his eyes.

" I was not staring at you! " Nicole said shocked, she could not believe that Raymond was awake all that while and he pretended to be asleep.