
Chapter 329: Lunch

" Nicole it is a very long story but I promise to explain every thing to you when I get a new phone, I misplaced my phone " Tina said as she took a deep breath.

" I got scared girl, I was calling you through out yesterday and this morning, I thought some thing had happened to you " Nicole said.

" Me too, I was scared but I am fine now, you would not even believe what I will tell you " Tina said.

" Okay, I am at peace now that you are alright, you have no idea, Raymond and I were about to take a flight down there but unfortunately Mr Gilbert called, he said that I needed to resume work and my leave days elapsed today, Raymond just talked to an airport attendant to get him a ticket do he could come over to look for you " Nicole explained.

" I am so sorry, for the stress I am putting you guys through, it was not really my fault at all, it just happened, please talk to Raymond and ask him to rest, he just got conscious and he is not supposed to stress himself " Tina said to Nicole as she stood up from the bed.

" Mmm, we were just concerned about you, you would not believe what Gavriel told us, he has no conscience at all, he does not even care about you, he said that the only thing he would do was to look for you and he would not stress him self " Nicole said in a cold manner.

" You know what, after what happened yesterday, I began to blame myself for not acting like what I was employed for, I literally helped him achieve everything he wanted since he employed me but he does not appreciate me, let me not talk much now, I will talk to you later " Tina said as she shut her eyes and sighed.

" But tell me some thing - where are you right now and who are you staying with? I am curious " Nicole asked, she could not help but wonder who To a was staying with became she was so sure that Tina did not know any one over there, if she is not with Gavriel then who is she with?

" Lunch is served, you can come down stairs when you are through with the call. " Lorenzo said as he stood by the door.

" Okay, I will be there " Tina responded and Lorenzo walked out of the room.

" Tina? Who was that or did I hear wrong? " Nicole asked, she was surprised that she heard a man's voice, she was so sure that she heard a voice in the back ground.

" Nicole, you heard right- you know I told you about a man I bumped in to at the hospital, you remember right? " Tina asked as she explained.

" Yeah, the weird guy right? " Nicole responded positively but she was not too sure.

" Exactly, I am with him and I am using his phone to talk to you right now " Tina said.

" What?? How is that possible? How did it happen? I mean this is all confusing " Nicole said as she asked a lot of questions at the same time.

" I was also shocked but I can not tell you all that happened right now, I will explain every thing to you later okay? " Tina said as she cleared her throat.

" Okay, but I want to tell you some thing - please do not contact Gavriel okay, just stay as you are right now and do not call any one other than me or Raymond at this moment " Nicole said, she felt that if Tina informed Gavriel that she was all right, he would not bother to search for her again, she wanted him to search for her, he was lucky that Tina called to inform that she was safe, if Tina had not called Nicole was ready to sue Gavriel to court.

" Okay, I would not call him and it is of no use because I do not have his contact on my phone not to talk of having it by heart " Tina said.

" Well it is okay, but that is serious, Gavriel also told me the same thing, I can not believe that insolent man " Nicole said.

" Okay, I have to go now, Lorenzo has served lunch " Tina said.

" Wow, that is his name- so romantic, he cooked for you? any way, have fun baby girl, enjoy these days with that man " Nicole said happily, she was happy that the man served her lunch and it did not happen the other way round.

" You are so funny, alright good bye, my regards to Raymond " Tina said as she stood up from the bed.

" I will tell him that, take care of your self and my regards to Lorenzo " Nicole said.

" Mmmm, okay " Tina said as she finally hanged up the call.

She glanced at the home screen of the phone and gasped.

" Woah 2:35pm, how time flies! I thought it was still morning " Tina said as she turned off the phone screen light as she walked out of the room.

She carefully walked down the stairs as she headed for the dinning.

The aroma of the dishes which was served on the dinning haunted her on her way down to the hall, her stomach growled that she placed her hand on her stomach as she tried to tame to hungry worm- she could not believe that she was hungry until she perceived the aroma of the food.

" Thank you for lending me your phone " Tina appreciated as she stood beside Lorenzo and stretched forth her hand towards him with his phone lying in her hand.

" I hope you spent some quality time with your best friend? " Lorenzo asked as she took the phone from her hand.

" Sure, I did " Tina lied, she just told Nicole that she was doing fine and that she should not worry about her.

She had alot of things she wanted to tell her best friend.

" That is good, I am sure you are hungry right now " Lorenzo said as he stared at her then at the food.

" Why do you say so? " Tina asked.

" Well I can tell and my eyes can see as well " Lorenzo said.

" You have started sounding weird again " Tina said as she took a deep breath.

" Look there, your hand is on your stomach " Lorenzo said as he smiled.

Tina looked down to see that her hands were still on her stomach. 

" It does not mean I am hungry, I am just tired " Tina said as she shyly removed her hand from her stomach and placed it behind her back.

" I wanted to prepare two dishes but I was not sure you would like them so I prepared seven different dishes, and I specifically made this ramen and kimchi for you " Lorenzo said as he pointed at the dishes on the table.

Tina was shocked hearing that he cooked for her, she could not believe it, no man had ever cook for her and he was the first man to cook for her, it made her feel special.

" Note, I am not a chef so I really do not know how it tastes, but I really hope that you like it " Lorenzo said.

" Have a seat and try them out " Lorenzo said as he drew out a chair for her to sit on, which she sat and he sat beside her as well.

In as much as he said that he was not a chef, she was so eager to have a taste of the dish he has prepared for her.

" So which one do I try first? " Tina asked as she turn and stared at Lorenzo.

" I really do not know, just try them one after the other " Lorenzo said as he picked up a fork and knife then he handed it over to her.

Tina collected it as she took a little quantity from the dish which was right in front of her, she put it in to her mouth and slowly chewed it then she swallowed it.

Lorenzo smiled when he saw that she has swallowed the food she put in her mouth, it was a good sign.

" is this your first time cooking? " Tina asked as she stretched her hand to try out other dishes.

" Not really, I do cook for my self when ever Julia is not near by but this is my first time cooking for a woman so I have doubts about how it tastes " Lorenzo replied as he carried the plate and took it closer to her so she would not have to stretch her self so much just to make her hand reach the dish.

' he is acting so sweet to me? is this how it feels? ' Tina asked her self as she could feel her heart thud a little, she could not explain why.

" Well? I do not know what to say, let me finish up with the different dishes them I will tell you how they taste " Tina said as she continued taking food from each dish then she chewed and swallow.

She carries a glass of water and gulped down every thing.

' I have never been this this hungry before but this food taste damn sweet ' Tina said as she quickly stole a glance at Lorenzo.

When she saw that he was staring at her probably to know how the food tastes.

" Why are you not eating? " Tina asked.

" No, I am not hungry and I made it for you so you have to eat to your satisfaction first and I do not know how it tastes, you do not want to tell me " Lorenzo said as he yawned.

" You are not hungry but I can tell you are tired " Tina said as she took another spoon of food in to her mouth.

" How do you know that? " Lorenzo asked as he cracked his fingers.

" Look - you just yawned." Tina said as he had a feeling of devaju.

Lorenzo sighed.

" Come on, have a taste of your food, it tastes great, I never knew that you could not only act weird but also be a great chef " Tina said as she picked up a spoon and handed it over to him.

" No, I am not hungry " Lorenzo said as he collected the spoon from her and dropped it back on the table.

" No, you have to eat, have a taste of your dish " Tina urged him but he still refused.

" Nooo, I do not want to eat now- I will wat later, you can enjoy your lunch " Lorenzo said.

" Come on " Tina insisted and she dipped the fork in to the plate of ramen and took out a handful.

" Aahhhhh " Tina said demonstrating with her mouth as she opened her mouth wide.

She brought the ramen closer to his mouth.

" Come on, open up, I would not have you here staring at me while I eat, I am not a bad person okay " Tina said and finally he opened his mouth and she put the food in to his mouth.

Lorenzo was surprised at how she acted, he had never seen some one like her.

" How does it taste? " Tina asked as she kept on eating.

" It tastes nice, I did not expect it be taste this nice though because i as she was so tensed when I was preparing it " Lorenzo explained.

" Well now you have had a taste of your food and it definitely does not taste bad, so have this __ " 

Tina said as she picked up the spoon and handed it over to Lorenzo, this time around he collected the spoon from her as he began to eat along with her.

" But I am not hungry Tina " Lorenzo said grumpily.

Tina turned and stared at him.

" I do not know if I have asked you before, but how do you know my name? " Tina asked.

" I do not know, it just came out of my mouth and I felt that was your name " Lorenzo explained sincerely.

" And you too_ how do you know my name? " Lorenzo asked as he sipped juice from the glass in front of him.

" Well, I think Julianne mentioned your name to me so___ " Tina responded as she carefully carried the plate of ramen and started to devour it.

" Is this what you called ramen? " Tina asked as she took a glass of juice and gulped it down.

" Yes, it is called ramen " Lorenzo responded.

" Hell no, this is called noodles not ramen__ buh why the hell does this particular one tastes different from the one in the United States? " Tina asked as she kept on eating.

" You do not like it? is it not tasting nice? " Lorenzo asked.

" No I do not mean it in that way, I mean it is sweet, so sweet or is it because of how you prepared it? " Tuna doubted.

" I do not know, I have always been an expert when it comes to preparing ramen " Lorenzo said as he glanced at her.

At this point she grabbed the the chicken wings and began to devour it.

" It seems like you are very hungry " Lorenzo said as he picked up a napkin and began to wipe his hands.

" I am not usually like this, I mean I am not a glutton but I am so stuck with finishing all these dishes here. in. front. of. me " Tina said as she dropped the pieces of bone which remained from the wings.

Then she picked up the drum sticks and glanced at it with a facial expression which said ' where will I start from with this? '

Lorenzo stared at her as she behaved like a child.

" You know this is the first time some one is ever cooking for me apart from my best friend, Nicole, she is the only one who has cooked for me- so now that you cooked for me I feel so special and I want to make sure I finish all of these, so I can remember how sweet your dishes tasted.... " Tina revealed.

" I can not seem to have enough of this kimchi_ you are really a great cook " Tuna said as she stared at him.

" If you do not mind, I can be cooking for you when ever you want " Lorenzo said.

" It is not like I will stay here with you forever " Tina objected as she smiled.

Lorenzo could not explain but he feel bad when she said that to him, he did not want her to leave him, at least not now.

" Come, open your mouth " Tina said as she used her knife to cut out flesh from the drum sticks and feed it to Lorenzo.

He gladly took it from her and chewed it in to pieces.

" Are you sure you would be able to stand up when you are done eating? " Lorenzo queried.

" I mean, you have finished all the dishes here and I am so sure that in the next five minutes you will begin to feel restless "