
Chapter 321: Trouble

" What the hell happened there?? " The man on the steering wheel asked as he forcefully stepped out of the car, walking towards them.

" Woman! We have been calm towards you for a while now, I will advice you to quietly come with us to avoid getting hurt " the man said he walked towards Tina slowly targeting the right moment to get hold of her.

Steve who was hit badly by Tina was still holding his head firm as she grumbled, he never thought of expected that Tina would would be so strong to hit him with such force.

" No I would not, stay away from me right this moment.... I do not know who you are, I have not met you before and you have not met me as well, this is the first time we are meeting and you want to take me away! I simply do not need your help so leave me alone " Tina said with the last strength in her, she was getting weak.

She had nothing since the morning except for the cappuccino Gavriel ordered, all she wanted was to go back to the hotel.

' Gavriel what did I do to you? I never did any thing to harm you neither did I work against you, but why would you do this to me, in as much I hate you I still keep telling my self that you would change for the better but every day you keep on doing things.. bad things to me, hurtful things and I can not bear it any more, my heart is not stable any more, I feel like my heart is been pierced and stabbed a countless times and my mental health is unstable right now, I feel like I have been doing good things for you and they are all in vain, they do not worth it. I should have listened to Nicole and never went back to you, you have hurt a lot of people and I am a victim, what wrong did I do to work for you just to alleviate myself from poverty ' Tina said to her self as tears uncontrollably poured down from her eyes.

' The only way to escape from this people right now is to run, I would not go down without a fight ' Tina said to her self as she turned around, the man was already close to her.

She decided that she would not allow her self to be used as a pawn.

' But what do this people want from me? ' Tina asked her self as she quickly turned around and began to run as fast as she could. 

" You can run as fast as you want but you can never escape from us " the man who stepped out of the car lastly said.

They were three of them, they had been looking for a woman for some days now but they had not seen the perfect woman they wanted, but that evening what they saw in Tina was extra ordinary and she really suited what they wanted.

Gray was the guy who was driving, Diego was the other guy who did get hit and Steve was the last of the trio.

" We can not loose her now, I already alerted boss that we have gotten a lady " Steve said while he placed his hand on his head.

" What?? " Gray screamed at him.

" Why would you alert boss now? we were supposed to tell him when we got hold of he.. " Diego added.

" Yeah, I know but I never knew she would slip away so easily " Steve interrupted.

" She is smart and agile... we need to get a hold of her as soon as possible, boss will be so happy if we get her for him and you know what that mean?? "Gray asked as he stared at Steve and Diego.

" Of course, fun, fun, fun along with an increment on our way " Diego said immediately.

" We need to get back to work now and search for her, she would not have gone so far " Gray said as the duo nodded and began to search for Tina.

Tina was at least happy that they lost her, her strength was completely drained but she had to keep running, her breathe was no longer stable as she began to choke slowly.

She needed help, but she did not know any where neither did she know any one, she could not call Nicole because Nicole was too far away from her, she had trusted her life with Gavriel but what he did was far worse that selling her off.

She had no other option than to hit Gavriel up, at this point she was limping, she could no longer feel her feet any more.

She dailed on Gavriel's number as she did not have high hopes that he would pick up her call.

' Lord please let me out of here safe ' Tina prayed silently as the darkness began to consume her while she waked deeper and deeper in to a place she had never been to, she did not matter where she was heading, all she wanted was to- SAVE HER LIFE.


Gavriel waited for Tina to return to the hotel, it was already two hours and she was not yet back.

Just then his phone began to beep, he sluggishly dropped the glass of wine he was holding and picked up his phone.

He stared at the number which appeared to be calling him for some minutes, he had not seen that number before.

' who is this bastard calling me at this hour of the day ' Gavriel asked him self as he angrily pressed on the silent button and threw his phone to the other side of his bed.


Even thought Tina's hopes were not high she still kept on calling Gavriel while she limped in search of a place where she could hide safely. 

Just then she tripped and fell over, she tried her possible best to stand up again but at that point she realized that her phone had fallen along with her. 

" Oh no, my phone!! where could it be?? where could it have fallen? why am I so unlucky? Why do I not have to get my own happiness. " Tina asked her self as she tried to search for her phone but there was no avail because every where was so dark that she could hardly see any thing close to her not to talk of any one in search of her.

She sat down quietly as she was very tired, within some minutes she began to hear foot steps and it sounded so close to her, she prayed and hoped that she would not get caught.

" Hey, I told you I would get you and you can not escape from me but you did not want to accept the fact that you are weak, you can not even run and you can not get away from this time around because I would it let you slip away from me. " Gray said as she walked up to her.

" Please do not harm me " Tina pleaded as as she bent her head making her hair fall completely to her face.

" Baby girl, I wonder not harm you, all you have to do is stay calm " Gray said as he pointed the flash light on her face and she growled in pain.

He quickly hit her so hard as he carried her quickly on his shoulders and walked out of that place.


" Hey boss " Gray said as he walked up to corner to take the call.

" Did you get her? " The man on the other side said over the phone.

" Yes I did, she is at the club house right now " Gray replied.

" Perfect, I am on my way there right now, make sure you and the rest of you keeps an eye on that girl, she must not escape from here. " The man strictly warned as he sighed.

" What do we get to go with her right now sir? " Gray asked in a low tone.

He knew that he was not supposed to ask such question not until he gets back to the club house.

" Gray, you and your colleagues cam do what ever you want to do with her but make sure she that she does not leave your presence " the man said as he hanged up the call immediately.

He could not wait to see the lady in which Gray said they had gotten for him.


" Why have I been tripping on things now, I hope nothing is wrong " Nicole said to her self as she decided to give Tina a call to know how she was doing but her phone kept on ringing but she was not picking up her call.

At this point, Nicole got scared, Tina was never the the type to ignore any one's call but what was going on.

Of course, she has no idea what was going on sos he decided to make a few calls, she decided to call Gavriel to know what was calling.

Gavriel phone kept on ringing but Gavriel did not respond to her call, she hoped that Tina was okay and that nothing was wrong with her.

Since Tina and Gavriel was not picking their phone up, Nicole decided to call Raymond to ask him if he knew any thing.

" Hey Ray " Nicole said immediately Raymond picked up his phone.

" Babe, is any thing the problem, you sound so tensed up " Raymond asked, he had a feeling that some thing was wrong but he just could not place his hands on it and he hope that was what the Nicole was going to talk to him about.

" I have been trying to get to Tina but is not answering my phone calls neither is Gavriel... I just want to make sure that Tina is okay, that is all I want " Nicole said as her voice began to crack.

She knew Tina so well and she knew that Tina would never ignore a call, she was never the type to ignore when some one calls and this was just the simple moment again.

She just wanted to make sure her best friend was okay, after all that man, Gavriel can not be trusted.

" Nicole, I can understand how you feel right now, I understand that you care so much about Tina and how you want to make sure that is Tina is alright but there is nothing we can do now firstly because they are not in New York and secondly, they are not picking up your calls so I think you should relax a bit so that the sun will rise " Raymond said to Nicole, he knew that Nicole would not be satisfied with what he told her but what he told her was not far from the truth, there is absolutely nothing they could do other than to pray that God keeps them safe and away from the evil seekers.

" Raymond, I understand that there is always a some thing that you know and I do not know, I am just confused,why is all of this just happening and I just hope Tina is okay " Nicole says as she quickly gulped down a glass of water.

" Nicole, yeah you need to go and get some rest and quit stressing your self out, just get some rest okay " Raymond said and Nicole nodded even though it was not some thing she wanted.

" Okay, I will get some rest now " Nicole said.

" Sure, I will be with you by tomorrow " Raymond promised.


" Gray, what are we going to use this woman and do? " Steve asked Diego because I think he is the one who arranged for a both the man and I.

" Boss said we can use her to to anything we like... Drinking juice or letting Tina go. " Gavriel said freely, he was not sure if what he was so capable of doing such.

Gray, Diego and Steve walked in to the room they had tie Tina up.

" Hello little witch " Steve greeted Tina holding hands with him.

" Take off her clothes!! " Gray ordered Diego to take of her clothes, Tina was shocked at what she heard.

" I do not understand, what do want to do to me and why are you taking off my clothes " Tina asked as she struggled to loosen up from them.

" Tell me who do you work for and why are you still trying to harm me " Tina requested for an answer, so please answer me.

" you is making a hell of noise here and I would advise you to keep your mouth shut, and focus so you can do the expected. " Steve said to Tina as they began to rip her shirt off.

' Oh God, is this how my life will be, no, I need to get out of here at all cost and I rather die in the process of getting away from this bastard other than still flowing with them, ' Tina said to her self as she looked through the window, they were at the second flat so every thing is working.

The height was not too much and she was certain that she would jump down successfully.

" Damn, this lady would not just give up on running " Diego said to the duo.

The most annoying part of it all is the fact that they will kill them all.

Tina quickly jumped down from the window as she fell the directly.

She fell right in front of a car, the owner rushed out of his car just to see Tina lying down in front of his care- to him it was really a pleasure meeting that her.

" Hey Tina, what are you doing here " the weird guy said as he rushed to carry her.

The first and last time he saw her was at the hospital, that day she was in a hurry to go some where.

He bent down and raised her head up, he shirt was torn apart, it seem. Like she was a victim of the cocktail.

" Hey, hey Tina wake up, are you okay??? " He tried calling her name just to know if she would wake up but he knew that she was really hurt.

He quickly placed her very well on his arms as he stood up and carried her in to his car.

He quickly drove straight to his house, there was no much time to waste any more, because she was running out of breathe.

Immediately he drove in to his apartment, he packed his car and carried her in to his house, straight to his bed room where he placed her on the bed.

He quickly picked up his phone and called his doctor to come over because there was an emergency.

After he had hanged up his call with the doctor, he quickly walked up to where Tina was and sat beside her, he had a feeling that Gray was part of this.

He slowly caressed her fore head as he silently prayed that she get better in a short period of time.