
Chapter 319: Presentation 3

Tina tried as much as possible to manage her time well.

Gavriel was quietly watching as Tina kept on talking.

' you must be so smart to prepare this in a short period of time ' Gavriel said to himself.

" .......There is no dispute over the power of advertising to inform consumers of what products are available. In a free-market economy effective advertising is essential to a company’s survival, for unless consumers know about a company’s product they are unlikely to buy it. In criticism of advertising it has been argued that the consumer must pay for the cost of advertising in the form of higher prices for goods; against this points I have made I hope it is understandable and that I have given my very best on this Presentation "

Tina said as she looked around the room, she could see smiles of the faces of the board members.

" With this I have come to the this presentation " Tina said as she closed her laptop.

Just then every one stood up and applauded her.

" Wow, that was a great Presentation " the man who was standard few metres away of Tina said to the woman close to him.

" Not just that she totally summed up every thing and that was so impressive " the woman added.

Tina stood and smiled as she watched every one, she was glad that they were happy about what she dished out to them.

While she was staring, she gaze caught Jisaan, he was feeling uneasy and anger could be seen in him.

' what are you up to Jisaan? ' Tina asked her self.

Mr Chen walked up to Tina and smiled, he was so proud of her, she had qualities which every one would want in their business partners.

" Wow, this is flabbergasting! I can see why Gavriel made you work as his secretary, you are so smart and I am sure you know that you made some person's day " Mr Chen said while he stood and stared at Tina.

Tina could not stop smiling, but some thing kept one bothering her and she needed to find out who was responsible for making Seamus Group of Companies almost loose.

She believed that since the company's presentation has been submitted there is a high chance that they will get the proposal, she did not want to let Gavriel down, she made a promise and she must fulfill the promise.

She closed her laptop after which the projector turned off and she walked back to her seat.

" How was that possible?? " Gavriel asked Tina quietly.

" I do not know but I had to do some thing, even though you told me nothing about the presentation, I made a promise and I must see to it that we go back with the contract, at least I tried to work out some thing " Tina said calmly as she placed her laptop on top of the table.

Gavriel was surprised at what she said, he did not expect that she would go to and extent of trying to work out some thing just because of a promise she made.

" ......and it will be a trend if you do not leave this place with that contract so I did what I thought was best not for me but for you and I know I tried " Tina added while she slowly poured water from the bottle in to the glass and after which she sipped water from the glass.

" We will go on a break right now and I will be back in ten minutes along with the results..... and of course the contract " Mr Chen said and every one applauded him as he walked out from the conference room.

Immediately Jisaan spranged up and walked out of the room as well.

The fact that Tina made a presentation on behalf of Seamus Group of Companies made him feel pressed up and angry, his plan was failing little by little and if Gavriel wins the contract then his plan will be doomed.

" ARRGGHH, how is this even possible and how was she able to prepare such a gigantic presentation in few minutes? This is not happening... this is not happening! the first plan I ever plotted for Gavriel to feel my wrath is slowly getting ruined just because of that woman... HOW DARE SHE??!!! " Jisaan screamed immediately he entered the restroom and locked the door.

He walked to the water closet and eased him self, then he walked to the basin and washed his hand as he stared at him self in the mirror.

He always believed that once a person first plan ever fails then what so ever the person will plan again will just be a waste of time because none of those plans will work.

" I will have to believe other wise now... GAVRIEL you are so lucky that that lady saved you today, not only did she save you, she saved your reputation as well, I wonder why she would go so low to prepare such a presentation in just few minutes even though she just found out that about the need for the presentation?? " Jisaan asked him self as he tightened up his fist.

" Gavriel, so not just rejoice or celebrate because you won today, remember there is still tomorrow and next tomorrow and the future..... it would not end here neither will I stop plotting evil for you, I would stop at nothing until I see and I am satisfied that I tip you off from all the thing you achieved in this life " Jisaan said as he nodded his head.

He looked by his side and picked up a napkin which he used to clean off the water on his hands then he raised his hands up and stared at his wrist watch.

He needed to start going now because his father will be back in three minutes to make the final announcement.

He unlocked the door and stepped out of the rest room as he headed back to the conference room.

" The final announcements will be made now! " Mr Chen said as he climbed on the podium.

The room was totally quiet as every one stayed calm to know who would be taking the contract, some companies prepared for this for a very long time and now the day has arrived.

" The company who wants to give out the contract has decided.... two requirements were given to get this contract, firstly, the company with a very good reputation and secondly, the company who gave in the best presentation " Mr Chen said and every one's ears stood at alert, they wondered why he was beating around the bush rather than just spilling the beans.

" I will just go straight to the point because I am running late to a meeting... Seamus Group of Companies was found clean with a good reputation, good employees and they handled every job they worked on with clean minds..... " Mr Chen said but no one seemed to be surprised because it was always like this, there was never a time he stepped his feet in to any conference like this with out returning with the contract, prize or award.

Immediately Gavriel heard this, a smile brighten up his face, he was so sure of the company been clean because he made sure of it as well.

" ....but we have a problem with the CEO of Seamus Group of Companies " Mr Chen said and murmurings was heard in every corner.

Jisaan face lit up immediately he heard it, he knew that for his company to have a little issue then that means he does not stand a chance of getting the contract.

" This happened yesterday at the airport when your airline landed, there was a scandal... it happened after the press tried questioning both you and your secretary but you did not give an answer, so.... " Mr Chen said as he took a deep sigh.

" Tina, I thought you said you will calm the press down?? " Gavriel made a slight shift to the left and asked Tina with a frown visible showing on his face.

" I did not forget to do it, it was just that last night I was so tired and I was surprised when you said the meeting was holding this dawn " Tina explained calmly with a little apologetic face to know what his reaction would be like as Gavriel stared at her.

" I will so that immediately I get the hotel" Tina said.

" What the hell are you talking about, it is necessary now because I might not get this contract, how much of a fool are you? " Gavriel scolded her and all Tina could do was stare at him, she tried her best to prepare a presentation and all he could do was scold her because she did not make a video which she said she would prepare for the press.

" How disgusting can you be as well? " Tina asked him.

" What!!! are you talking to me? " Gavriel asked shocked at her question, he wanted a reliable response from her and not the stupid question she just asked him.

Jisaan face was filled with happiness when he heard that they had an akward situation.

" It is my pleasure that you have this " Jisaan said as he picked up a table water and poured a little quantity in to the glass cup and gulped it down.

" I am so happy and proud that Seamus Group of Companies have a lady like Christina, she made a video for the press and then every thing was cleared, so that means Seamus Group of Companies is cleared from not been clean. " Mr Chen said and majority of the board members applauded Tina for her bravery.

Jisaan could not believe his ears, he wondered why any time he thought that some thing wrong was going to happen, then it does not happen again.


She was just getting in his way at all time, the first time she prepared a presentation and now she calmed the press down.

" To hell with you Christina!!! " Jisaan roared inside of him as his face burnt red.

" You did what??? " Gavriel asked, he was surprised at what he heard.

" You heard what he said Mr Gavriel, I have nothing to tell you " Tina responded, she wondered why he was going to insult and blame her for every little thing.

" But why did you act like you did not make a video " Gavriel asked again.

" I am sorry to say this but I have nothing to tell you " Tina said while she focused on Mr Chen.

All she wanted was to hear that the contract will be handed over to the CEO of Seamus Group of Companies, then she would go back to the hotel to get enough rest.


Tina had just finished cleaning her feets just like Nicole asked her to after which she decided to rest her head on the pillow.

As she laid down, she felt the need to swipe through her phone and read some news feeds along with trending news.

Immediately she got to the trending news , what she saw caught her attention immediately and she gasped.

" I never knew this would be on trending and hot news " Tina said to her self while she swiped through the information.

She decided to do some thing to calm them down, luckily she found one of the journalist's email and she sent a message as soon as she copied the email address.


Good day sir/ma,

My name is Christina Ezekiel, actually I am the lady you and your colleagues questioned earlier today.

I boarded a plane with Mr Gavriel Seamus.

I want to know if there is any thing I can do to stop the headline from trending.

I appreciate.

Tina typed on her laptop and after she had gone through her message for over a hundred times, she moved the arrow to the send icon and finally she clicked on it and it was sent to the journalist,

So she decided to wait for a response, she was sure that she would get a response as soon as possible because since the person is a journalist, the response will be faster , because it was said that journalists hardly took a nap not to talk of sleeping.

While she was waiting she decided to swipe through some of her old pictures on her phone.

She viewed a few photos and she would laugh at each one she came across, especially the ones that she took with Nicole where they were making funny faces.

Shortly after, a message beeped in to her laptop, then she quickly opened the message, her heart skipped a bit when she saw that it was from the journalist.

She could not tell why that happened to her but she tried to calm her nerves before opening the message and finally she opened it and glanced through the me length of the message - it was short after all.

The journalist:

Hey Christina,

The only way to stop the headlines is just by performing some thing so little,.

I will go straight to the point now, you have to create a video of your self and all you have to do is make a video of your self and talk about your thing and I know that you definitely understand what that means.

So once you make the video, what you will do next?? You will have to send the video to me directly.

I will be expecting the video soon, do have a nice day.

The journalist said and s

Tina spranged up from the bed immediately and quickly rushed to the bath room, she washed her face a d applied a little quantity to white powder and lip balm on her face and lips as she turned in her system.

She put on the lights and stood metres away from her system..

She was nervous because she did not know where to start from in the first place but since it was her first time, she had to compose her self and make the video even if it is going to be a 3mins video.

She started the video abd cleared her throat. 

" Hello, 

My name is Christina Ezekiel, I am 23 years old and I work for Mr Gavriel Seamus..... " Tina stated, she felt the need not to tell the public that she worked as a secretary rather it would be best if they just know that she was an employee.

Tina talked about a few little other reasons why she and Gavriel did not respond to them earlier, she really tried her best to talk nicely, after which she edited the video and made some corrections.

Immediately she was through she sent the video to the journalist just like she had asked her for it. 

She was so tired, her laptop screen was still on then she dropped here phone beside her on the bed as she slowly dozed off.