
Chapter 295: Luca I need you in my office

 Zoey's phone beeping as she walked back to her seat.

She brings out her phone and opens up the message.

" Expecting you at Chevrolet Silverado Club tonight "

Zoey read the message and smiled.

" Wow, I really missed you Bryan... are you back? " Zoey replied to the message as she sat on her chair.

She held her phone straight to her face as she awaited a reply.

Shortly after her phone beeped again and she turned on the phone screen.

" Yes, I am back to New York City " 

" Make sure you are there on time... 9pm " Bryan texted.

" Sure, I will be there.. you have no idea how much I have missed you, I really look forward to seeing you babe " Zoey texted as she dropped her phone on her desk and smiled.

" Woaw, I can not believe this... Bryan is back " Zoey said out to her self.

" Do not tell me that you are thinking about another's person problem again! " Luca said to Zoey as he entered the reception and sat beside Zoey.

" Of course no, I am not bothering my self about any one's problem right now, I am happy about some thing that just happened " Zoey said happily and Luca saw the sparks of happiness in her eyes.

" Anddd... what is that? what happened? " Luca asked asked curiously.

" Lucaaa..... Bryan is back, he just sent me a message now saying that he will be expecting me at Chevrolet Silverado Club tonight " Zoey said happily.

" I can not wait to see him, to hug him... I can't wait to do those crazy things with him, the fuck I miss him so much " Zoey added.

" Well, I am happy for you and your long lost but found boyfriend.... do have a great night with your boyfriend " Luca complimented as he focused on his system and continue his work.

Anna walks in and stops at the counter.

" Luca, I need you in my office right now " Anna says.

" Hey Anna, I thought you are supposed to be in a meeting this morning " Zoey asked.

" Yes, but the meeting was shifted because Mr Gavriel did not attend, so when ever he comes to the company the meeting will hold " Anna said as she sighed.

" The absence of Mr Gavriel is really not a good thing, you would not believe that I told Phillip and Luca about it and they said otherwise.... they said the employees have been happy since the CEOs absence " Zoey said.

" Zoey, you really did not have to say that, I thought the conversation was over.... please do not bring it up again remember there are cameras every where " Luca said as he concentrated on his system.

" Annabelle, I will be in your office shortly or I would walk behind you " Luca said.

" That would be nice, it is really urgent " Anna said.

" Zoey, Luca... you guys should be careful when mentioning the CEOs name, I know that you guys are aware about the period we are " Anna said to the both of them.