
Chapter 291: Does it still hurt you?

Tina began to wonder if it was because of the little experience he went through that made Nicole loosen up a bit because from the way she sounded it seriously meant that her anger and hatred towards him had reduced.

" I can feel it that you are having pity for him... I can tell from your voice " Tina said immediately her head processed every thing.

" Hell no... I feel no pity towards that man, he is the rude man I know and nothing, I mean nothing is going to change that " Nicole blurted out as she tried to convince Tina that she was not feeling pity towards Gavriel.

" Well, if you say so I have no injection towards it " Tina said.

" Sure " Nicole replied quickly.

" Last night was really a night of revealing revelations... I know you would not believe me when I tell you that Gavriel was crying when he was telling me all of this, he was so vurnurable and it melted my heart... " Tina said do passionately as she lowered her voice so that Gavriel would not hear her conversation because she was sure he was in the sitting room when she left.

" Of course, it would indeed melt your heart baby girl because you have a tender heart in there so it is not your fault " Nicole said as she laughed in between her words.

" Well, you can say what ever you want to say, I can beat my chest that you would have also felt pity for him if you were there with him while he told me these things " Tina said confidently... there was absolutely no one who would not feel pity after hearing Gavriel say all these things, as a billionaire he was, one would totally pity him.

' though I am not sure about every one but I think I felt pity immediately was because of the feelings I think I have for him... Gosh I am beginning to doubt myself and my feelings because of my boss ' Tina said to her self as she drifted away from the reality to her wild imaginations.

" ....Tina... Tina... Tina are you there?? " Nicole kept on calling Tina over and over again, she had already began to conclude that the network was failing.

" Yeah, I am still here " Tina replied immediately she heard Nicole calling her name.

" No you were not here, I am sure you have wondered away just like how you had always done " Nicole objected.

" You can call it what you want but back to what I was saying, he said his wife abandoned him and their new born daughter, he had to take of her, he had to be the little girl's father as well as her mother.... until last three years when she died " Tina abruptly stopped talking at that point.

" Are you trying to tell me that she died so young and if I had you clearly you talked about six years... so does it mean the little girl died at the age of.... " Nicole paused and thought for a while.

" 3 "

" 3 " 



Both Tina and Nicole chorused at the same time.

" What!!! How?? What happened, I mean why did she have to die so young? Goodness... my head is literally spinning right now " Nicole said out of pain.

At this point, she began to fill pity for Gavriel, Tina was right after all, he had gone through a lot.

It was not easy to father and mother a child then the child still gets to die do little, this alone was ready to drive her insane.

" She was diagnosed with brain tumor " Tina said admist her breath, she did not feel that much of a pain when Gavriel told her these things last night, it was at this moment... at this point when she was telling Nicole about it, it started to hurt her right there on her chest.

" Brain Tumor.... that is really rare for a three year old child " Nicole said, even though she was not in to the medical field, she knew quite a number of cases and the ages who were the victim of those cases but for a three year old child it was very rare to get a brain tumor.

" Yeahhh, he also said that the doctor said it was rares even though bthere where quite a very few number of case but it did happen within a long period of time.... Nicole, I am still wondering how that was possible " Tina said as she nodded her head.

" Like you said, the doctor's told him about the rare cases, that means that the little girl had a chance to undergo some treatment " Nicole said as she stared directly to her toes as she subconsciously moved them one after the other.

" Yeah, she was operated on and it was successful but the little girl died few days after the surgery " Tina said.

" I feel sorry for him... I can only imagine what he passed through that period of time, I know that it would have been indeed a hurtful experience and his so called wife abandoned a little child she carried in her body for nine months... I have a feeling that it was also among the reason the little girl died " Nicole exaggerated.

" Let's just forget about it, it happened three year ago, so you do not need to bother your self about it " Tina shunned when she heard Nicole's statement.

" No, I just feel bad for the little girl that's all " Nicole said in a sad tone.

" This was exactly how I felt last night and it made me accept his proposal to be his fake girlfriend and after all I was going to get paid, I really need to save up a lot of money and leave her because I am tired, not because I am tired of working but I am tired of working for Gavriel, and I am beginning to regret what happened last night or would I say early this morning " Tina said.



Immediately Nicole's mind raced to some thing when she heard Tina mentioned last night... it only meant one thing.

" What the hell!! what happened last night, I hope it is not what I am thinking of right now "  Nicole said in a low voice.

" Mmmmm, Nicole, I do not know how it happened but when I woke up last night I was terrified to see Gavriel lying by my side on my bed and then he said he applied some thing to the scar he made on my chest, shortly after that he said I was insane and did not need to follow him for the business trip rather I should go visit a therapist "

" I really could not remember what happened after that but he kissed me and caressed my breast, it was some thing I had never done and I let that rude and inconsiderate boss of mine to have it just because I like him, he talked to me so nicely and it was really flowing with ever thing, every move, ever word he said did something to my body, I felt so relaxed though I wanted him to stop but I could not tell him because I wanted more, I began to ache down there.... Nicole you never told me it was going to be like this! " Tina said as she cleared her throat.

" Oh my gosh, Tina did he do it? " Nicole asked as she totally ignored Tina's question.

" No he did not, he confessed his feelings to me, he said he like me and that he never hated me.... he told me that it was his bad experience that was getting in his way " Tina explained.

" Tina, you finally had a taste of it and it was with a nerd, it never crossed my mind that this will happen because that man is rude, he does not care about your feelings, why would he tell you that you are insane and minutes later he begins to kiss you... that is some thing I never thought of. " Nicole blurted out.

" Tina I am so sorry that I did not tell you about how it would feel.... I wanted to tell you about it when you had some one who really loved and cared about you, I never expected it to be Gavriel, I would say he really have his ways to what ever he wants " Nicole said calmly.

" I am not sure that would happen again " Tina objected immediately.

" Why... Why do you say so? I thought you also have feelings for him? " Nicole asked, she was shocked to hear that, at this point she knew that some thing had happened.

" I think I have done enough for him, even as a secretary, I have done things that a common secretary would not do, he was tricked, the business proposal he really needs was planned to cause his downfall, he was not told about a presentation that was needed to get the contract " Tina said as she sighed.



" Tina I do not understand " Nicole said.

" I can not tell how I found out about it but I received an email from Gavriel and it was an email which was also forwarded to him but I really can not tell how I was able to crack the email code and I logged in to the account... hell, I saw a whole lots of shit, I saw the conversation about the presentation but when I checked the email that was forwarded to Gavriel, the presentation was not included and immediately I knew it was a set up " Tina explained as she stood up from her bed since her body was already aching.

She walked up to the window and looked out as she stared at the beautiful view.

" Do not tell me you prepared that presentation! " Nicole said even though she knew that Tina must have prepared the presentation.

" What do you expect me to have done?, I had no other option, of course he his my boss and Seamus Group of Companies been the best in the country, if I do not try to get some thing done it will really be a disaster, the almighty Gavriel will fall but he does not know that, all he thinks is that he would attend the meeting and then he would use his tactics to get the contract, I just had no other option than to prepare the presentation because most importantly it would save alog of people at the company the embarrassment of their lives including me, of course you know I work hand in hand with him and then he will use that opportunity to vent all his anger on me " Tina explained.

" Did you tell him about the presentation? " Nicole asked.

" Hell no, to round up every thing, I did not tell him because I wanted it to be a surprise but I do not think that would work again, on that day I will show the board members my slide and then he can call it what so ever he wants to call it " Tina said.

" Later while we were about to leave the house, I almost forgot the presentation, gosh today was so stressful and I hate it so much, while in the plane he made me sleep close to him in one of the rooms, I felt so loved " Tina said in an emotional voice.

" Tina I perfectly understand how you are feeling but I think you should be careful about your feelings for Gavriel, I think you should start limiting your feelings for him to avoid getting heart broken " Nicole advice.

In as much as Nicole wanted Tina to fall in love, she could not sit and watch Gavriel play with her best friend's feelings .

She hoped Tina would fall in love with some one who would care about her so much and not some one like Gavriel.

And now her best friend was getting hurt every moment from his torture.



" Nicole, even though I am not in a relationship, I have felt pain and I can already tell how a heart break feels " Tina said and immediately it touched Nicole in the deepest part of her heart.

" The shoe I wore for this today was really hurting me and I sustained a l few bruises but this man had no other thing to to other than to shout on me because I tripped and fell, his reputation just seems to be more important that any other thing in this world " Tina said as she closed her eyes shortly and opened it back.

" He shouted on you because you tripped and fell? " Nicole asked.

" Yes he did, and then he carried me in his arms to the room but then even though I was happy about it, the joy was nothing compared to the doubt I was feeling, the anger I was surpressing insude of me and how tired I was of being nice today and being harsh tomorrow... I was so tired of all those things, I even had to tell him to his face that I was a coward for believing him, I did not care because I was sick and tired of every thing that is going on in my life " Tina said as her voice cracked.

" Tina, you know that you really do not have to cry about that.. it is definitely good, I love the fact that you told him that, he would probably be thinking about what you told him " Nicole said trying to sooth Tina, this experience was what she never wished for some one to go through.

" It fine, I will be fine..... I think what my body wants right now is to sleep and wake up when ever I want " Tina said as she yawned.

" Alright, since that is what your body wants I think you should do just that " Nicole suggested as well as she advised Tina to do what her body wanted.

" How is your feet? does it still hurt you? " Nicole asked.

" It still hurts, I do not think I would be able to walk once I wake up " Tina said.

" Okay, I will tell you what to do and you will do it now " Nicole ordered.

" Sure I will... hahaha, you always order me around forgetting that I am the one who is supposed to be doing that " Tina said jokingly even though she was right about it.

" Heii, can we not talk about it please, you know I love it when I act like the mother here " Nicole said very calmly in order not to shout.

" Sure, I know that... you do not need to worry about it "  Tina said as she tried to hold in her laughter.

" Okay, back to what I was saying, once this call is over, I want you to get a bowl of warm water along with a towel, dip the towel in to the water and use it to wipe yout feet and then when you are through apply any oil you have there and before tomorrow morning your feets will be okay " Nicole explained.

" Thank you so much, I will do as you have just said " Tina appreciated.



Goodday readers,

There is no cause for alarm, I merged the whole five chapters in to one  chapter so it would be easy to post because the weather lately is to bad and some chapters are not publishing, so I think it's best to put them in one chapter.

Once the network gets better, I will start splitting up the chapters again.

You can send me a message on +2349135468185 if you have any thing to tell me or you want to join the group.