
Chapter 283: Boundaries

 " Hold on tight " Gavriel said as he looked down at her.

" Okay " Tina replied as she raised her hands above him and intertwined her fingers around his neck.

Gavriel took a few steps and stopped in front of a door as he release one of his hand on her which was actually the reason he asked her to hold on to him tight.

" The keys to the room? " Gavriel asked Tina because she was the one who the receptionist had given the key to earlier.

" Ohhhhh, the key is with me here..... Take it " Tina said as she released one of her hands and used the other hand to hold Gavriel on his shoulders as she handed the key over to him.

Gavriel took the keys from her and Tina balanced back to her initial position as Gavriel slotted the key in to the door lock, then the door clicked open.

He used the hand which he had used to open the door to push it open as he walked straight inside the room and placed Tina on a couch.

He stood still for some seconds as he maintained an angry eye contact with Tina.

" Why did you put on this heels? " He asked furiously making Tina shocked at the turn of questions.

" Please sir, if I may ask where is this question coming from? " Tina asked instead of replying to his question.

" Excuse me, how dare you ask me such questions? I asked you a question but instead of you to reply my question you are answering me with another question...how dare you!!? Who gave you such audacity ohhh I can see you have grown wings right " Gavriel shouted furiously as his voice echoed in the room.

" Now answer my question if you do not want to feel my wrath answer the damn question " Gavriel ordered.

" Or what will happen? hmmm tell me what. will. happen!!! With due respect Mr Gavriel, you have absolutely no right to know why I do my personal things in any way, so stay in your boundaries " Tina snapped angrily, she was already sick and tired of every single thing.

She wondered if Mr Gavriel was possessed or if he was suffering from any type of sickness, she asked her self why the hell he would act nice this minute and in the next minute he acts like he is from the trenches.

" Really...so you are now talking back at me, I see, I see " Gavriel said as he nodded his head.

Tina who was already fed up with his attitude cared about nothing at that momy rather that pulling off her shoes.

They were bruises all over her feet making her wince in pain, she prayed for this trip to go well as planned, she did not want to go through all she had gone through in the United States, all she wanted to do was to have peace of mind and enjoy this trip even though it was a business trip.