
Chapter 273: Sushi

 " Well I am sorry, I just asked a question, I just wanted to know because I feel that she might be the reason " Lisa said and Sushi nodded in agreement to what Lisa had said.

It made some point.

" That might be 75% true because Mr Gavriel has never gone on a business trip with a woman, it was always Phillip so why is there a woman today? It seems odd and every thing seems off " Sushi said as she drew closer to Lisa.

" I saw some thing inside, and that was my number one fear " Sushi added as she scratched her head.

" Sushi what did you see and why are you so worried after seeing it? " Lisa asked because she loves it when the story starts become lengthy and it was so much fun to her.

" I saw the lady on Mr Gavriel's bed " Sushi said in a calm tone but hurtful tone.

" WHAT!!! " Lisa's almost screamed when she heard that from Sushi.

" How did you feel after seeing that? " Lisa asked as she pulled Sushi to the edge and they both sat down.

" Well, what do you expect, I was hurt, you know when I saw him held her waist, I had a feeling that it was going to be like this but who am I, just a mere airplane attendant who satisfies her boss's sexual fantasies " Sushi said and tear flowed down from her eyes, she was hurt, she felt damned hurt, he promised her alot of things but today he was here with another lady.

" But who the hell is that lady? " Lisa asked furious and her voice echoed so loudly.

" Her name is Christina Ezekiel, 23 years old, she is my secretary and house assistant. What else do you want to know? " Mr Gavriel asked as he majestically walked towards them and sat at the other end waiting to hear another question as the two women stared at themselves and then at Mr Gavriel.

" If you have no other question, my next action is to fire you for uttering such against me...who am I? ehhhh answer me ingrate " Mr Gavriel said furiously and he really meant it when he said he was goiy to fire them.

He looked at Lisa who was still stocked to see him and Sushi who has been mute since he badged in on them though he did not hear Sushi saying any bad word about him.God help her.

" We are so sorry sir, it will never happen again, I promise " Sushi apologized as she prayed for her job, she had no single idea on what to do if Mr Gavriel ever fired her.

This was all Lisa caused, she warned her that they were not far away form Mr Gavriel's door but she would not hear and now see what she had caused them.

" Sorry for your self, this is your last warning, if I hear some thing like this ever again, trust me...you will hate knowing me " Mr Gavriel said as he walked out on them.