
Chapter 27: First day at work

Tina was already up before the alarm she had set to wake her up around five in the morning rang. She got up from the bed as she did a few facial yoga to relax her muscles and relieve stress, she gently massaged her head, chubby cheeks, her eyes and her neck then she got up from the bed as she quickly entered the bathroom as she washed her mouth alongside with her face.

She then out on the tap and let some amount of water enter the bucket as she took some detergents a d poured into the water, she remembered Mr Gavriel words vividly saying that his house most especially his sitting room must be cleaned every day.

Then she carried the bucket on her left hand and she used her right hand to pick up a mob stick as she walked out of her room and went down the stairs to the sitting room.

She needed to get her chores done and prepare breakfast before Mr Gavriel wakes up, then she hopes that he is feeling better because if the pains he was in last night.

When she got to the sitting room, she used an already abandoned clothing to dust the cushion and center table. Then she picked a brush broom and swept the whole place, after that she began to clean the sitting room.

In less than an hour, she was done with that sitting room because it was to big then she carried the bucket of water she used to to the restroom and poured it away as she put a clean fresh water with detergent as she carried it to the dinning room and she did same as she did earlier in the sitting room.

When she was done with the sitting she then moved to Mr Gavriel's study room and with that she cleaned up each and every room on the first floor.

When she was done with cleaning up the first floor, she checked and it was already after seven in the morning and she had to be at work in less than an hour since today was her first day at work as a secretary in the office.

Shen then hurried to the kitchen and arranged the dirty dishes in the dish washer as she started preparing break fast for Mr Gavriel, she just prepared a simple meal, Italian baked egg and fried beacon as she quickly served it on the dinning table for Mr Gavriel when he was ready to go to work after which she plates were already washed, so she arranged them inside the plates rack and put the rest of the utensils in the cabinet.

She quickly ate the leftovers as she literally ran out of the kitchen, up the stair case and then to her her room. Immediately she got to her room, she quickly pulled off her pyjamas and dashed into the bathroom and put on the shower as she ensured that she had a quick bath.

After which she ran out of the bathroom and opened her ward robe, as she thought about the clothes she should wear.

' Should I wear my clothes from home or should I wear clothes from this ward robe? ' she asked herself and she wondered why Mr Gavriel would put clothes, shoes, hand bags and other ladies accessories there without telling her what to do with it, then she became confused on what to do as she quickly glanced on the alarm clock and it was already seven thirty.

Finally she decided to put on her clothes as she opened the drawer and brought out a tightly fitted gown which had a jacket along with it then she quickly wore it as her quickly walked to the vanity and put on some light make up which perfectly fitted her skin color and ran a comb through her hair before putting it into a ponytail style.

Then she picked up a four inches wedged shoe which fitted perfectly with her dress as she finally stared at herself in the mirror and when she was assured that she was satisfied with it, and with that she was good to go.

She picked up her handset and her bag as she made for the exit.


Mr Gavriel was still asleep when his phone kept on ringing continuously and after the fourth ring, Mr Gavriel stretched his hand towards the direction where the sound was coming from and finally his hand touched the phone and he picked it up.

" Good morning son " Mr Adrian greeted his son from the other side of the phone and with the sound of his voice you would come to agree that Mr Adrian was just waking up from his slumber.

" Good morning dad " Mr Gavriel greeted also as he yawned at the same time the words left his mouth.

" Son, are you still asleep by this time, would you not prepare for work today? " Mr Adrian asked with shock when he heard his son yawned.

" Dad, I will prepare for work, it is not like I would lay in bed all day " Mr Gavriel responded as he covered himself up.

" Okay, I know you would be a little bit upset that I called you this early, you know but it is not actually what you think, Son, your mother is worried about you and I also need to talk to you, so can you come over during the week " Mr Adrian requested from his Son.

" Okay dad, I will be there when I am chanced " Mr Gavriel replied.

" Okay Son " Mr Adrian said.

" Yeah, send my regards to mother and Ivy " Mr Gavriel added.

" Sure, I will do that, take care of yourself, Okay, we would be expecting you " Mr Adrian said as he hanged up immediately.

Mr Gavriel got up from the bed and sat upright as he dropped his phone beside him as he stared blankly and emotionless.

After some minutes passes by, he got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom as he turned on the shower and took his bath not to fast neither was he slow and when he was through he tied a towel on his waist as he walked out of the shower and stood in front of the bathroom sink where he washed his mouth and shaved then he washed his face as he walked out of the bathroom.

He put on some body moisturizing lotion as he entered his dressing room and put in a pair of matching outfits alongside his turkey shoe.

When he was done he put on a wonderful, fully scented, manly cologne and then he put on his wrist watch, then something drew his attention, he saw the shoe he had put on yesterday in his shoe rack and he wondered what it was doing there as he went closer to confirm.

He picked up the shoe and saw that it was already taken care of and all his mind could think of was Tina, she did his laundry and possibly handled the shoe.

He would confirm from her later in the day.

He glanced at his wrist watch to check the time and saw it was already eight o' clock, he wondered if Christina was still in the house because everywhere seemed too quiet, unlike yesterday when she was handling the laundry.

Mr Gavriel walked out of his room and everywhere was so unusually quiet, even when his house was filled with house maids, gardener, butler, driver, and his chef, it was still quiet but unlike the quietness he was experiencing now, this was the beginning of his loneliness again and since he was harsh to Christina, she would not like to go closer to him if it was not something concerning her work.

' I think I have to live with this ' Mr Gavriel signed as he said to himself.

When he got to the second floor, could not see any sign of Christina in the house.

' Could it be that she has gone to the office ' Mr Gavriel asked himself as he continued walking towards the first floor, he was indeed hungry.

When he got to the first floor, he noticed everywhere was sparkling clean.

' hmmm ' Mr Gavriel signed as he walked into his study room and noticed that everything was neatly arranged and it was not the way he remembered how it was last night while he was working.

Anyway, he did not want to bother himself about it since he was going to ask Christina, he went straight to the table and carried his office bag as he headed towards the dinning table.

He had his breakfast, for the first two had he ever finish a dish served to him... that has never happened to him, but now even when he tried his best to stop eating, he just found himself devouring the dish more and more.

Finally, when he was done with eating, he drank a full glass of water and headed out of the mansion to the car.

Later, he was going to deal with Christina for leaving him behind and not driving him to work, of course it was part of her job.

Immediately he got to his car, he hopped in a d started the ignition and then he zoomed off to work.


I got to the office at exactly eight o' clock in the morning and I was so happy about it.

It feels so good to arrive early at your work place if it was your first time.

Suddenly, I remembered Mr Gavriel, I wondered what he was doing now, if he had eaten the food I prepared for him, if his stomach was still hurting and I was so damn worried about him and I did not know why.

' What the hell is wrong with you Christina, Mr Gavriel is your boss for God's sake and you hate him, so where is all this caring and emotions coming from ' I said to myself as I slapped my head continuously.

" Hey, Good morning " a familiar voice greeted and I turned to see who it was and it no one other than Zoey.

She looked so beautiful and her dress made her look perfect unlike yesterday when she wore a casual dress.

" Hi Zoey, good morning " I greeted Zoey as I admired her.

" Congratulations, I heard you got the job, I am so happy for you " Zoey exclaimed joyously.

" Yeah I did, thank you so much " I replied, I was so happy to hear that she was happy for me.

This was indeed a dream come true to me.

" I just hope you can work with the boss because I heard that he has never employed a secretary to work for him in twenty year now, so I think he will fell a bit weird when you guys are working together. So just put your self together and endure our nasty boss. " Zoey said as she stared transfixed at me.

" Yeah, Mr Aaron told me about it and I know I would manage " I replied to her in a calm tone as I admired her baby like face features.

" Okay, just take care of yourself and do not get into any sort of trouble with the boss or involving the boss else he would not think twice before making a hasty decision " Zoey added voluntarily.

" Sure, I have to get going so I would prepare his tea before he arrives, thank you so much for the advice, I appreciate it alot " I replied and Zoey smiled as she nodded her head in approval as she walked towards the receptionist office and I headed to the employees elevator.


The elevator clicked indicating that I had arrived at my destination as the door opened as I gracefully walked out of the elevator.

I headed to my office and dropped my bag and my phone as I checked my time and it was already twenty four minutes past eight and I was already worried about Mr Gavriel, I wondered why he had not arrived yet as then I also headed straight to the tea counter to prepare Mr Gavriel's morning tea which was said to be his morning routine.