
Chapter 267: Plane 2

 Then she sat down in my seat next to her Mr Gavriel and watched him as he lock up his seat belt, so ecstatic to finally be on her way to Asia for her first mission trip! 

She peeped out the window as the plane took off, my excitement growing as we rose up past the clouds into the clear blue sky. Although it felt like any other normal flight, somehow she knew this one would be different.

She could not believe that she would be on a plane in the next couple of minutes, fulfilling a dream and flying to Asia with no one else other than her boss, Mr Gavriel.

Every second her heart kept pounding faster and faster than she thought it was going to explode. Her body could barely hold itself together. She was so nervous that she was physically grasping onto her little clutch bag.

Once she put herself together, With the seat belt fastened snugly across her hips and the cool air from the vents comfortably blowing on her face, she hurried up and clamped my seatbelt in preparation for take-off. The plane gives a quick shudder, pulls back and taxied slowly to the runway. Here it stops for a few moments and the engine roars louder and louder getting ready for departure. She got increasingly more scared with each loud roar. With one last roar, it blasted down the runway and lifted off. The proud feeling that was on her boss 's face was not on her face.

Tina took her time as she looked around the interior of the plane, that was exactly when she noticed how much of a paradise the interior of the plane looked like.

' Oh my goodness, this luxury private jet interior has a flexible layout and can be customised, with premium leather, stonework, handcrafted divans, and quality wood fittings. Spaces include private staterooms and conference areas, bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, sophisticated lounges and fully-equipped galleys. There are 16 large oval windows to maximise natural light and provide stunning views. A cutting-edge Gulfstream cabin management system allows passengers to control the lighting, temperature, window shades and entertainment devices via a smartphone app....that was so captivating ' Tina said to herself.

Shortly after we took off and reached a higher elevation, Tina relaxed her nerves.

" Woah... that was a close one " Tina said as she looked at Mr Gavriel who was sitting beside her to know what his reaction was but he looked emotionless as her focused on his phone.

" Do not stare at me rather stare at the flight attendant who is standing right in front of you. " Mr Gavriel said as she nodded her head.

The flight attendant served her drinks.

Rolling their food and drink carts in front of them, the flight attendants slowly made their way down to where Tina was. Then they got to where Tina and Mr Gavriel was sitted in the row, there and then Tina received her first International flight food.