
Chapter 266: Plane 1

 Mr Gavriel was astonished by what she said though he did not ask her any thing about it.

' is she trying to say that she has never been to an airport because it sounds weird to me, so weird but I do not have time for her silly talks ' Mr Gavriel said to him self as they walked towards the plane.

Tina's memory got a flash of the plane, she had always been a certified researcher and there by making her know a lot of things.

She tried to remember what she knew about the particular plane they were about to board and then some thing caught her sight as she averted her gaze to it.

And there it was.

' Bernstein Polar Range 3462!!??? What!! ' Tina screamed immediately she read out the name of the plane, she knew about this plane.

She faced Mr Gavriel who was walking with his hands in his pocket and stared at him and back to the plane.

' I can not believe this...Mr Gavriel Seamus individually owns this brand..oh my god...oh my god ' Tina screamed at her self as she tries her very best to keep a straight face.

" According to my research last year, The Bernstein Polar Range 3462 is owned by a one of the richest billionaire's in United States of America, Mr Gavriel Seamus who owns the brand, it was recorded that Bernstein Polar Range 3462 has a massively improved maximum flight range over its predecessors, making this the premium private aircraft in Bernstein's flagship range of je.... " Tina was still talking when Mr Gavriel interrupted her.

" I told you to visit a therapist if you are insane rather than following me " Mr Gavriel yelled at her for talking non stop.

" Mmm??, I am sorry sir " Tina said as she sighed trying to remember where she stop as the walked in to the plane.

' The plane’s 7,300nmi range means this aircraft is capable of transporting its 7 passengers non-stop between Sydney and San Francisco, New York and Dubai, or even London and Singapore. ' Tina said but this te around she talked to her self even though initially, she was not talking to any one.

Mr Gavriel turned around and handed over to me a card.

" Scan the card once you get to the entrance....I hope that you would not be ignorant in doing that? " Mr Gavriel said though his last words were harsh, they hit her badly.

Mr Gavriel walked through probably because he owns the plane, so Tina scanned her boarding pass and walked down the tunnel hallway that led to the airplane, her heart began to beat a little faster inside her chest and her hands got sweaty. She had never been outside of the country before! After boarding the airplane, she got so confused because she did not know if she was to sit closed to Mr Gavriel or take another sit away from him, finally she decided to have a sit next to Mr Gavriel.