
Chapter 265: Airport 2

 " I will take it from here " the driver said obnoxiously and Tina turned around to know what he was talking about.

" What did you say, I am sorry I did not seem to hear you well because I was lost in my thoughts " Tina explained as she waited for the driver to repeat what herl had said initially.

" I will take the luggages to the plane right away " the driver said she walked to the boots and brought out a little carriage which was capable of carrying their luggages.

He dropped it in front of her as he placed the luggages on the carriage and pushed it to a different direction and it seemed odd to Tina.

' where is he going to? ' Tina asked herself, even though she had not been to an airport she had always watched movies where people who wanted to board a flight had to go through the airport officials and get their tickets before boarding the plane.

Not only that, from where Tina stood she could see a building not to far away from where they stood and that place was where they were supposed to go to and not where driver was taking their luggages.

" Excuse me " Tina said and the driver stopped as he turned around to know why his boss new PA was calling for him.

" Are you not supposed to take us there? " Tina asked as she pointed at the building which was not to far way from they were.

The driver stood like he was pinned to the floor as he did not know what reply to give to her.

Mr Gavriel who had been standing and staring transfixed at no where it particular turned and walked past Tina.

" You should walk behind him and not asking questions " Mr Gavriel said and Tina nodded immediately as she walked together behind them to God knows where because she could not tell where and she had to do as Mr Gavriel had said and that was to walk behind.

Minutes later, Tina could tell that they were in a runway and she could see a place which was about twenty feets away from them.

" Sir are we boarding a private plane? " Tina asked as tried to walk at the same place with Mr Gavriel and her feets were aching her so badly.

" Yes, I own that plane and lots of his brothers " Mr Gavriel replied making Tina stunned.

How could she forget that he was one of the richest men in United States and he was also well known it other countries, so why would he not own a plane.

Tina was over joyous, not only because she was going on a trip but because she was also going to board a private plane, how she had moved from grass to grace, even though she did not own the plane, at least she knew the feeling.

" Wowww, this is actually my first time been in an airport and now I am boarding a private plane with the CEO of Seamus Group of Companies, I just can't believe this " Tina said to no one in particular as he eyes sparkled.