
Chapter 263: she should deal with her issues

 She saw a file which almost looked like the one she was searching for.

It was stucked in the midst of another bigger file, she quickly drew out the file and stared at the outlet of the file before she began to flip through the pages of the file.

A smile began to appear on her face as she quickly stood up and rushed out of her room with the file on her hands.

She walked out of the mansion irrespective of her make over that was already damaged but it did not matter to her as far as she found Mr Gavriel's presentation.

He was not even aware of the presentation and that was the main reason for the trip, if that presentation was not handed to the board members then thus trip would be a time waste.

She had used her body, mind and soul to prepare the presentation so it needs to worth it.

She opened the car and hopped in to the car as Mr Gavriel did not mind staring at her.

" You wasted a lot of time there " Mr Gavriel said she focused on his phone.

" I did not mean to, I am ...... " Tina tried to apologize but Mr Gavriel interrupted her.

" You are sorry, I know that is what you will say...this has been your anthem right from the first day I met you, so it's definitely okay " Mr Gavriel said furiously to her.

' it is very much okay for me to take in your harsh words, all I am concerned about it fact that I make sure you do not get humiliated in public... that is my main priority as your secretary and may be some thing else ' Tina said as she opened her hand bag and brought out a pair of napkin as she wiped the tears on her face along with the make over she had worn.

" Drive " Mr Gavriel ordered the driver and stared the car and zoomed off.

" I am s.o..rr..yy " Tina completed her words as her voice became noticably cracky which indicated that she had been crying.

Mr Gavriel turned to his side to know what was going on, at least his ears might fail him but not his eyes.

He was surprised to see her eyes teary and she wiped her face.

' what the hell happened up there? ' Mr Gavriel asked him self but it was pointless because he would not get an answer.

All he could do was to stare at her with out saying a word, she was indeed a beauty, even while she wiped off the make over off her face, she still looked damned cute with her swollen eyes.

He could not ask her why she had been crying neither could she bring her self so low to console her...she was just a mere secretary and house assistant.

' she should deal with her issues! ' Mr Gavriel harshly said to him self as he looked away at looked out of the window by his side.