
Chapter 260: Mascara

 She tied the bathrobe across her chest under her breast as she walked out of the bath room.

She opens her ward robe to pick up clothes to wear for the trip, she did not seem to see any one as she ransacked through her bags and the hanged and finally she picked out a classy A lined gown which stopped above her knees.

She undid the robe she was putting on as she let it fall off from her body to the ground, Tina quickly bent down and picked it up as she walked naked to the bathroom and hanged it on the closest to her.

She walked back to her wardrobe as she put on her bra and panties and walked to the mirror as she packed her hair in to a pony tail and she put in the dress by her self, it was so fitted and was the best she had really seen.

When she was through with putting on the dress she let her hair fall freely to her back as she did not feel uncomfortable with her the dress and any other thing.

She walked to the vanity as she stood in front of the mirror, she picked up a stretcher and stretched allowing them to fall to both side.

She was almost ready with her preparations but she picked up her shows and applied some make over and tinted her lips.

She looked at the mirror as she knew who was perfect...she hoped that she did not over dress more than her boss, the shows were perfect as the fitted the own she was putting more and was also comfortable to walk on.

She quickly walked to where she packed her bags which she would use for the trip.

" Ohh where did I this bag last night? " Tina asked herself as she used her palm to hit on her head consecutively.

" Woah, there it is " she added with joy in her voice as she walked to the edge of her bed and saw the bag lying there.

She picked it up as she stared at her self in the mirror and then she remembered some thing else she needed to do.

" I forgot to apply the mascara on my lashes " Tina said as she dropped the bag she was holding to the floor and she search for the mascara on the vanity table but could not find it, it seemed she had packed another one some where.

She searched further and saw one of the products lying on too of her book on the table and she joyously picked it up and used to it come her lashes before applying it.

When she was through with the application, the blinked her eyes quite a number of times to check if she applied bit well and then she picked up her bag as well as her phone and walked out of her room, she headed directly to the sitting room she saw him reading a magazine intensely.