
Chapter 246: Insane

 ' HEYYYY...WHAT... ARE...MY.... DOING...IN ...MR GAVRIEL'S ROOM AND ...WHAT..THE.. HELL...IS....HE...DOING..BY..MY..SIDE    AISHHH 'Tina screamed in her head as she rubbed her hand all over head making it a mess.

After a few seconds of she quickly raised the duvet up.

" Hell no...this is not happening to me right?? " She asked her self when she saw that she was still putting on her transparent linen night gown.

' no no no no, this is probably a dream ' she said to her self not wanting to believe what she was seeing, then she laid down.

" No I will have to go back to sleep and I am sure that when I wake up, this will all be a dream.... nothing more nothing less " Tina said as she closed her eyes trying to go back to slept, she held the duvet so tightly across her chest.

In less than five minutes, the alarm began to beep and she rose up but still shocked because every thing was still the way it was and Mr Gavriel was still lying down beside her.

She turned around and turned off the alarm as she quietly and slowly slipped down from the bed and walked straight to her wardrobe.

She picked up a pair of jeans and t-shirt, after which she tip toe in to the bathroom.

' I need to change this dress before I can start trying to pick up the pieces of what happened and to know why Mr Gavriel is in my bedroom also what he is doing in my bedroom ' Tina said to her self as she closed the door behind her.

She stared at her self in the the mirror as she arranged her hair..it was already dawn and they were traveling on a busy trip.

She stared so deep at her reflection as she did a few stretches.

" Why do you always have to be my second half who does not go through any pain I feel...you just stay there invisible and it is only possible for me to see you when I stare at the mirror... that is not fair! " Tina said as she sighed and tapped her head vigorously.

" oh shit what am I even saying? I think I am going insane! " Tina said to her self.

" Hell no no no no, it can not be, Tina..you are not insane..you are not " Tina screamed at herself as she continously slapped her cheek.

" If you think or feel that you are insane I think you should visit the mental therapist rather than following me and showing off you insanity! " Tina heard a voice said from outside the bathroom... probably from her room and immediately she hastened up as she pulled off the night gown she was wearing and put on the pair of jeans and t-shirt.

' who the hell was that? ' she asked her self as she washed her face, applied facial cream to her face and walked out of the bathroom.