
Chapter 237: I am sorry

 " And why are you acting like you would eat me right away, hmm? any way since it is just the both of us in this car, that means you are the one I actually talked to " Nicole said as she laughed out.

The calm music playing in the background, her laugh and Raymond's teases were just flowing along.

Raymond bent his neck and placed his nose on Nicole's neck as he sniffed in her scent...

Nicole felt goose bumbs all over her body as she shivered, her hands looses control making it difficult for her to control the steering wheel.

" R...a..y...m.o..n..d we ...a..r..e sti...ll on the road please...do not..st. a.rrt this now " Nicole pleaded as her lips shivered, her thighs aches as she felt so wet on her panties.

' why are my feeling so aroused just because he sniffed in my scent? ' Nicole asked her self.

Probably because she had not been in a relationship or had intercourse for the past seven months or was it possible that Raymond had the ability to control how she felt...no that can not be possible....she always had control of any thing even when it was all about the opposite sex.

" Why do you want me to stop? and why are you stammering all of a sudden? " Raymond asked 

" Well I do not know, all I know is that you should stop it because I am driving, I do not want to caught off guard..we might have an accident and that would not be good because we both will go back to where you are running away from " Nicole responded.

" Shhhuu, do not use that to cover up your self, I know you are not comfortable with me being too close to you, I noticed that when we were still at the hospital...you do not need to lie to me about it " Raymond said.

Few seconds ago he had seen her shivered when they had body contact..he saw how she tried to catch her breath and how she massaged her thighs with her shivering hand while she tried to control the steering wheel with her other hand, he saw it all and he felt she did not want him around her or would he say to close to her.

" I am not usually like this, I am sorry " Raymond apologized as he sat down back properly and buckled up the seat belt..he rested his head backwards and shut his eyes close.

Nicole was short of words, she did not know what to say and finally she was caught off guard...

' why did Raymond think of some thing like this? how did he feel this way? But that was the truth, I am just scared because we are not aware of our intentions towards each other but even at that we have grown so close lately and I took care of him through out his stay at the hospital, I cleaned him up every single day and did what a family would do....I was also concerned about Ivy, I do not know what they have together but the fact that I love Raymond would get rid of that thought " Nicole said to herself as she kept on driving.