
Chapter 233: I won't cry again

 " Yes, I am very much serious..  but if you think I am joking then I will do it myself " Raymond said as he stretched his hand and pulled Nicole close to him that there was no inch of space between them.

Nicole, who was shocked at what happened stared directly in to the eyes of the man who she had been waiting for all these days to regain consciousness.

Since the past few weeks they met..they had never been so close to each other other than the day she went to his house to apologize and she obviously did not know his intentions towards her neither did he know her intentions towards him.

" I missed you "

" I missed you " 

They both said at the same time and Nicole smiled as she shyly hid her face away from him making her hair fall over to her face.

Raymond pushed her hair behind her ear as he held her hand and he drew her more closer to him self as they could feel each other's breath on their skin irrespective of the fact that they were putting on clothes.

" You do not need to be shy okay...I just missed you and I also know you also missed me, please do not ever blame your self for anything that happened, I know with time I will get to remember in details about what happened " Raymond said as he bent his head, pushing his face directly in to her hair as he inhaled her scent.

" But I did not argue with Gavriel, this would not have happened... I was only trying to help my best friend, she had gone through a lot and deserved nothing but happiness and not been treated.like.trash....i did not know it would get to this extent...if I had knew I would not have let it happen....I would not have confronted Gavriel...I am so sorry " Nicole apologized as the tears which were welled up in her eyes began to pour down drenching Raymond's clothes.

" Shhhhuuu, I told you now not to blame your self because of this and stop crying okay, I hate it when you cry like this..it also hurts me so please stop " Raymond said as he used his hand to wipe off the tears on her face and kissed her forehead.

" Okay...I promise, I would not cry again " Nicole said as she rested her head on his broad chest and it was at that moment she knew where her comfort zone was, she closed her eye as she inhaled his sweet masculine scent.

" I am really not comfortable here, hospital is not my thing so there comes my last request and you must do this for me " Raymond said and Nicole raised up her face and looked at him wondering what this last request would be all about.

" Sure ... tell me, I am all ears " Nicole said as she yawned, she had not gotten a good sleep since the past days and all she wanted to do was go home and sleep.