
Chapter 23: Late dinner

And when he found out who the hell that person was he would not take it likely with that person.

Mr Gavriel who was still lost in thought heard the door opened with force though he could not see who the person was but he knew that it was Christina because she was the only person that was in the mansion with him.

Her shadow moved in so fast like she was in a hurry or something.

She stood for a while as she looked at the direction he was possibly because of the laptop screen was on and was at the highest brightness. 

Then he saw her pressing her phone then shortly after, her phone touch lit up as she looked for the switch and turned it on. 

While she looked around the room and turned back to the direction where he was as she stood in shock.

All he did at that moment was to look at he from her head to her feet.

' wow, I never expected this ' he said to himself as he could not believe that she could look so good in a pyjamas, she looked like a child while dressed up like that.

Maybe later he would confront her about that, who knows.

Finally he came back to his senses as he began to question her.

" Christina, I did not employ you to barge in here like this " Mr Gavriel said as he stared at her.

" I am sorry Mr Gavriel, I did not mean to barge in like this, I was..." Tina was still trying to explain herself when Mr Gavriel interrupted her. 

She had tried her possible best to avoid him and now she did not just run into him but barged into his study room.

Finally, fate has decided that she would not get what she want.

" Did your parents not teach you manners?, did they not teach you how to knock before entering someone's room or disrupting their privacy? did they not teach you that? " Mr Gavriel asked furiously as he got up from the chair he was sitting and walked towards her.

' How could he mention my parents in a matter like this, it was my fault for not knocking before barging in because I never expected to see him here, now he is mentioning my parents ' Tina thought to herself as she instantly felt like crying because those words hurt her so much, but she promised herself never to shed her precious tears in front of this devil called Mr Gavriel and it would not happen today been her first day here, she finally decided to endure all the ill treatment, insults and short coming she would receive from Mr Gavriel.

Now she started missing her parents because of the statement he made as tears welled up in her eyes but she held it back, she did not want to show him that she was a weakling.

" I am so sorry Mr Gavriel, I was looking for the kitchen so I could prepare dinner, I did not mean to barge into your study room " Tina apologized rather than talking back at him about the words he spoke about her parents.

" Wow, you have really got nerves to speak back at me, while you are at fault, how dare you talk back at me, have you suddenly forgotten you place in this house " Mr Gavriel said in a very splenetic tone and it made her so sick in the stomach.

' Tina, what wrong have you done to deserve this ' she asked herself because she did not know what else to respond to her wrathful boss.

" Mr Gavriel, I definitely know my place here at your house, I just needed to find the kitchen because when I came into this house, you did not tell me where important places like this were located so I had to find them myself, and I am so sorry for badging into your study room but I think I would have to continue my search by myself " Tina said sarcastically with a clenched jaw, she was so frustrated as she wondered what she did wrong.

She had already apologized to Mr Gavriel, then why was he making a big deal out of it, it seems like he is bent on frustrating her.

" Get out, this instant " Mr Gavriel ordered in a murderous tone and the way that voice sounds sent shivers down her spine and she criticized herself for speaking in that manner to him.

Since he ordered that she should get out, she rather leave because he might strangle her any moment from now.

Without second thoughts Tina walked out of the study room and closed the door behind her leaving Mr Gavriel to handle his senseless mood swings.


' Oh my goodness, what was that in there? ' I asked myself while taking deep breaths as i carefully opened the last door in the hallway and peeped inside to check if someone was there and finally it was the kitchen i had been searching that cost me an annoying insult.

I finally entered the kitchen as I glanced around.

' so all the while I was searching for you, you were here all that time, ' I said as my voice echoed in the kitchen.

The kitchen had light black cabinets with triple doors and I opened the cabinet. Wow, these cabinets were filled with dishes, cups and bowls on one side and spices along with a box of assorted celestial seasons tea and boxes of assorted individual packs of oatmeal on the other. To the right, below the cabinet doors is the sink which was very neat without dirty plates.

There are inbuilt cabinet where the gas, microwave and heater occupied.

Another dish rack was on the other side of cabinet. There was a shiny white refrigerator which was located about 20 centimeters away from the cabinet. There was another black microwave and a biscuit colored convectional oven about 10 centimeters away from the refrigerator. 

There was also a wine cabinet which was filled with assorted wines of different kinds both alcoholic and non alcoholic.

I kept on moving around the kitchen in awe and bewilderment.

' this kitchen is way bigger than the sitting room. ' I thought to myself.

Right in front of the wine rack stood eight chairs, a gold dining room table with silver trimmings. 

There also assorted groceries and cereals that occupied a cabinet.

I did not actually bother myself to know the contents inside the fridge because I needed to prepare dinner before Mr Gavriel burns me down in this house.

I thought about what to prepare for Mr Gavriel because I did not know exactly he normally consumes.

While I was thinking I saw a food menu on top of a cabinet as I quickly picked it and glanced at it, I saw different recipes and I decided to prepare at least ten recipes so that he could make his choice.

Within fifty five minutes I had prepared bacon, egg 'n' cheese sandwiches, recipe buffalo chicken wings, Manhattan meatballs, Manhattan style clam chowder, potatoes chips, chocolate truffle, cheese cake, scrambled eggs along with a potato pie.

Then when I was through, I set them all on the dinning table along with apple juice, red wine and water.

Now this is actually the main job.

' Tina, how are you going to call him that dinner is served ' I thought to myself.

While reminiscing on what to do I remembered movies I watched, how the maid would knock at their owner's door and then they would say what they have to say.

Along with that thought, I took courage and went to Mr Gavriel's study room and knocked carefully, I kept on knocking for about five minutes and heard no response.

I was so sure that Mr Gavriel did not leave this study room.

' Now, Tina you have to take a risk right now ' I said to myself as I slowly and carefully opened the study room door, yet again the light was switched off and since I already put on the light earlier, I figured out how to put it on again even though it was dark, so I stretched out my hand to the direction where the switch was located and when my hand touched the switch, I immediately put on the light.

When I raised my head to know if Mr Gavriel was there, I saw my boss, Mr Gavriel sleeping like a child on the table where he was working on initially.

" Oh no, I am going to receive another round of insults when he awakes, he must have probably waited for long, what do I do now, Tina think fast! ' I said as I simultaneously used my hands to hit my head, this is the most anxious think that has ever happened to me in my life.

' Okay, now I will try waking him up, I just pray he wakes up, else I would be done for ' I thought to myself as I gently tapped him on his shoulders as my heart beat multiplied by five, I was so scared.

When he did not make a move, I did not stop trying to wake him up as I continued tapping him with care as I consistently checked his shirt to know if my hands stained it as I was not in for trouble and insult this night because I already had a long day.

' Oh God, why is he not waking up, Mr Gavriel are you looking for a way I would be a prey and fall into your trap while you devour me? ' I did not even know where those words came from as I did not direct the question to anyone in particular.

Yet again, I started hitting my head like I wanted it to offer me something.

Unlike me, I did not start gazing at my boss or admiring his face, while sleeping he looked so calm and peaceful but when he is awake the devil in him awakes.

While I was hitting my head continuously, a thought flashed in my mind and without thinking it through, I immediately agreed to my mind's idea.

' That is a definitely good idea ' I said to myself as I began to execute the idea my fragile mind gave to me without thinking twice about what the advantages and disadvantages were going to be.

I rushed out of the study room to the dinning room as I carefully carried all the dishes to the study room.

I made sure I carried each and every dish I prepared, including the juice, red wine and water.

I closed the laptop on the table in the study room and placed it on a couch along with every paper and document, then I set the table with the dinner I had prepared.

Then this was where the problem was, how do I get Mr Gavriel to eat his dinner and it is not a good thing to sleep on an empty stomach.

I really had to do something or maybe I should feed him.

' Arrgh ' I screamed out loud but thank goddess it was not that loud.

Then I looked at Mr Gavriel, then I found out that he was still sound asleep, i was lucky he did not wake up, if he had woken up, I definitely knew that I would cry to bed.

Then I moved closer to Mr Gavriel as I carefully raised his head and made it rest of the chair head, with that position it was going to make it possible for me to feed him.

Gosh, I could not just believe I was about to feed my boss on my first day of arriving here, it is actually strenuous than I thought.

After I placed him in a comfortable position, I stood in between Mr Gavriel and the table so I would get an easy access to both the food and Mr Gavriel.

Then I washed my hands since I decided to feed him with my hand but on a second thought I wanted to just set the table and leave but if I did that only God knows the condition he would put me in tomorrow.

' God, please help your little child and protect her from the wrath of this devil called Mr Gavriel ' I prayed silently to my Creator, he is the only one who would here my cries and grant my heart desires.