
Chapter 225: I need a grandchild

Mrs Camille did not expect her son to flare up at her like that, she never expected him to so so but the only thing that could cause the fact that he got suddenly angry was may be as a result of stress or may be he was not in a good mood.

" Son, I am so sorry if I pissed you up momma and poppa are in need of a grand child but I hope I am not asking for too much at this point in time.... it is just that the hormones has tend to be giving us this feeling that we need to carry a child " Mrs Camille explained to her already pissed off son.

" Mum did you also tell Ivy that you need a grand child? " Mr Gavriel asked his mother and she was mute for some seconds then she replied.

" No I did not tell her.... I did not assume ....... that.. " Mrs Camille was still talking when Mr Gavriel interrupted her.

" Mum.... Like where is all this coming from.. why the hell did you not tell I vy about the fact that you needed a grand child but rather you choose to pester me there by waking making me up at this hour to asked when I am bringing my girl friend home.... Mum you know what I have been through right... At this point I am time I am not ready to get married... If you need a child so desperately I can go get a girl pregnant and she will give birth after which I will hand the child over to you " Mr Gavriel said as he yawned... He was so tired as fuck but he still avoided sleeping while on a call with his mother rather he endured it and hoped to hang up sooner that later.

" I did not tell Ivy because she is your younger sister and she is not ready to meet a man yet so you been the man here needs to take an action... Your father has been worried sick concerning this so please do some thing about it... Like you said some seconds ago, I want you to get a girl pregnant let her give me a child as far as the child is from the blood of the two parents I do not have a problem because I would not wait for you until you are ready to get a wife... That would not happen when I am getting older. " Mrs Camille said and it was at this moment Mr Gavriel knew that his mother was no longer joking after all he was from a well to do family so having a girl to give birth to a child for his mother.

' okay mum.. I will implement what you have just said but I will think about it... I need to get back to sleep " Mr Gavriel said as he yawned indicating that the sleep was already getting out of hand for him to bear.

" Okay son.... I would leave you to think about it but just Incase you forget just remembered that your mum needs to carry a child.. your child.. her grandchild.. so think fast an execute a plan "Mrs Camille said as she finally hanged up.