
Chapter 221: Glittering stars

The stars were glittering while the moon was shining as it emitted gracious rays, they shined their light so bright into my room the dark room where I was finding it so hard to fall asleep.

I kept on turning from one side of the bed to another as I imagined how the trip Mr Gavriel talked about would be like...

I wondered if it would be fun, I had always wished to go out on a trip or rather on a vacation just all by self but it seems like this time around been the first time was going to be with my boss though I knew that the trip was all about business ... I hoped that we would for once go out and I would be able to visit some places.

It has already been a hectic day for me and the worst of all was that I kissed Mr Gavriel, well that was my first kiss and the thought of kissing my boss did not really make me to feel bad for kissing him because I had already had this feelings for him and I think that he would already have a hint that I feel some thing for him and the fact that I came back to this house, I already told him I did not come back here to be treated like garbage but rather he would treat me like a normal human being, and I hoped that the kiss would also melt that hardened heart of his.

I turned around and stared at the clock, then I sighed, it was still midnight as the short hand of the clock was hitting one and the long hand of the clock was hitting eight and still yet there was no hint of sleep in my eyes.

I sluggishly raised my body up from the bed and sat by the side facing the head lamp, I stared deeply in to it as I totally forgot my self, I could not tell what I was staring at but I definitely knew that I was staring at the lamp, the flames and the beauty of it.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard the clock ticking, then I realized I had been staring in to the lamp for almost thirteen minutes.

' I need to find some thing to do.... that would be better rather than thinking about stuffs that will make me get a head ache ' I said to my self as I got up from my bed and then I loosed the night robe on my body as it fell loose to the ground as I reminisced on what to do at that moment.

As I kept on thinking I remembered I saw a fitness room, well that would be a nice place to go and I would love to do some exercises and swim afterwards may be that would help me get a little sleep.

I quickly put on an elastic gym tight and a half cut singlet...well I did not mind putting that on because I knew Mr Gavriel was asleep and he would not wake up now because he must have been stressed from that stress earlier, so he would sleep till when ever I wake him to prepare.