
Chapter 22: Arrival 2

The window were so captivating, there was also a couch and a small center table in front of the window, but it was not a he main source of light since the room had a very large chandelier glowing with different colours. 

As I entered into the room and dropped my box I saw the wardrobe on one end which is built into the wall, and a vanity room on the other, I went closer to open the wardrobe and I gasped, there was already enough designers clothing, fancy bags and shoes of which I instantly knew it was the handwork of Mr Gavriel. There was a mirror hanging on the walls fully designed with wallpapers. As I moved in the more to observe my already personal room, I saw a large set of drawers and I already knew it was meant for clothing so I did not hesitate, I quickly carried my box an carefully and neatly arranged my clothes into the, then I placed my shoes in the wardrobe alongside my fancy hand bags. There was a moderate sized table close to the bed with an alarm clock, there was also a lily white touch lamp.

While admiring the room I practically used my hands to feel them then I continuously switch on and offed the lamp, it's glow was absolutely nothing to argue about, it was so calm and elevating.

And of course what I loved the most a bluetooth speaker.

I was so happy that all these were available.

And the walls were filled with different kinds of wallpapers which were emitting some rays and it was so calm, photos of celebrities like Selena Gomez, Zandaya, Rihanna, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj and Billie Elish although I was not a fan to any celebrity but just loved all their music's.

 Then I took a closer look on the bed, the bed is a king sized bed of which on it is a light dark blue duvet with a big blanket folded on the end, alongside two normal sized pillows sat on top of my bed behind a small, a blue square pillow.

Then I turned and saw a large flat screen television with a home theater, it was so beautifully made.

I also took a closer look at the vanity which seemed to contain a lot of female necessities like Candles, Make up Holders, Different designers make up, lip sticks, cologne, Jewelry, A Close up Mirror and Lighting.

' Tina you do not have time for now ' I said to myself as I glaced at the wall clock just to find out that it was almost eight and I needed to prepare and serve dinner. 

I certainly forgot that I was now working under a contract and my boss, Mr Gavriel.

After I was done with arranging my stuffs in where they should be, I carried the box and kept my box on a space left on top of the wardrobe.

As I quickly pulled of my dress which I had been wearing since morning to the company's interview.

I let the gown slide down from my curvy waist as it falls on the ground and I move to another position in order picked it up and I kept it in an empty basket.

I rushed I to the bathroom which had a wide space for showering, another space where the bathtub occupied and a space where the toilet occupied.

There was also a sink and bathroom vanity which had a lot of soaps, mosturizers, liquid soaps, assorted body cream, tooth whitening toothpaste and plugs, gelatin, face scrub and body scrub, I just could not lost them all.

I walked towards where the shower was occupying and turned it on as I walked into it and let the cold water pour down my skin.

For some minutes, I totally forgot everything that was happening, as I got lost in the coldness of the water that poured down my skin, it was like as the water poured on my skin, it washed away my pains, my sorrows, and my joy for some minutes as I was left without emotions.

I picked up a liquid soap as I poured it on my body and slowly rubbed and massage my bate skin at the same time.

I massaged from my neck, my nape, my shoulders, my breast, my belly side, my belly button, my waist, my butts, my laps and then my hands moved in betweeny thighs, the down my legs and finally my feets.

God I was already feeling so refreshed and pumposs inside of me, I turned the shower to the highest level as i let the water pour from my head to my feet.

After some minutes, I came out of the shower and put on a bathrobe then tied a towel on my head.

For a moment, I wanted to as Mr Gavriel if I could use the things that were in the bedroom and bathroom because I did not want any more issues but then I thought to myself, since I alread had issues with Mr Gavriel earlier, then I could also use those things, I can not be punished for nothing.

I took a body moisturizer, poured out some contents in my hand as I slowly rubbed it on my skin ant at same time massaging the content into my skin pores.

' Dear God, is this the feeling of being rich? If so dear Lord, bless me with my own riches ' I thought to myself as I stepped out of the bathroom fully refreshed.

I opened the drawer where I initially kept my clothes and I picked up a pyjamas and wore it, since I hated to wear pants and even worse bra in the night.

After that I put on a flip flop as I walked out of my room, I really had alot to do since I would be going to work tomorrow morning and I also needed to do alot of work here at home since this mansion is very large and to make matters worst is that it is a four storey building duplex and I thank God that I am not allowed to go to the fourth floor.

As all these were running through my mind, the feeling of being hungry came back to life in my stomach and I had to search for the kitchen so I could prepare dinner.

As I was wondering where the kitchen would be then I remembered I saw the dinning room in the first floor, then it is possible for the kitchen to be there.

I quickly ran through the stairs case to the first floor as I walked to the area I saw the dinning room earlier and finally I saw it, but the kitchen was my problem, I thought as a reasonable idea flashed through my mind.

That particular idea that flashed through my mind was that I should go through every door in the first floor, then I would be likely to find the kitchen and the worst thing was that time was running out and I have not prepared dinner not to talk of finding the kitchen.

' Dear God, please help me ' I muttered to myself as I started implementing on my idea.

The first door I opened, I found out it was a bedroom, it was not as beautiful as my bedroom and I wondered why the room had nothing but just a medium sized bed to contain two persons and a couch, then I thought it was a guest room but the more I thought about it I came to realize that even a guest room was not supposed to be like this, but I had to let that stupid thoughts of mine about the unusual bedroom go since I needed to find the kitchen, then I closed the door and moved toward the next door.

The second door I opened, I found out that it was a library, it just looked like the library I used to study at when I was in college. It was so perfect, the shelves were sized accordingly and the books were neatly arranged in order on the shelves, I would surely come back here to read a book or two, I said to myself as I walked out of the library and closed the door quietly.

I still had about five doors to still check and I was already devastated that I could not find the kitchen.

The next door I opened was another bedroom, and it was not as cozy as the one I saw earlier, this one was almost like my bedroom, it had a nice chandelier, two couches, a normal sized dinning table with four chairs, a big sized mirror and there was also a  flat screen television which was almost like mine but was not, there was also a king sized bed in the room, then I thought that this would be guests room and obviously not the bedroom I saw earlier.

Then I walked out and closed the door behind me as I walked towards the next door.

When I opened the door I found out it was a rest room not exactly as mine but was put in order maturely, when I found out it was not a kitchen, I signed and closed the door back behind me.

' Why did Mr Gavriel not tell me where places like this were in his house, he should have given me a map or something, I just can not help but have a feeling that Mr Gavriel just want to punish and stress me out ' I thought to myself as I opened the door of another room.

Then I walked into it as I discovered that it was a room meant for games.

' Wait, so almighty Mr Gavriel plays games?, holy shit ' I asked myself as I looked around the room.

There was a badminton board, a flat screen and control for playing video games, a chess board, and other games I could not possible describe.

I walked out of the room and closed the door as usual because I would not want Mr Gavriel to indirectly insult me because I touched his things and left them in a mess, that man can be so annoying and I am already upset that I have not eaten since morning and now I can not find the kitchen in his house.

I was so upset that I opened the next door on the hallway and barged into the room but the room was so dark and I saw a light not that bright shinning at one end, then I quickly put on my phone light as I searched for the switch and finally I saw it and turn it on and then it dawned to me that i ran into what I was avoiding for a some minutes that I was left speechless because I did not know exactly what to say.

It was like a study room or rather I would say it was a study room, there was an office table and chair, a laptop was on the table along with some envelopes, files and journals.

Obviously the devil I have been avoiding was sitted right in front of me, after I tried my possible best to avoid him till I served dinner.

' oh my goodness, not now ' I muttered to myself because I knew exactly what would come next.


Mr Gavriel was so busy with work in his study room, he needed to find out how his company shares went down while he was not in the country.

But he was so lucky because he solved the problem as quickly as possible which caused him to travel back to see what was going on.

Seamus Group of Companies shares could not just go down to that amount of percentage if someone did not tamper with it and he was suspicious of one person but could not bring himself to mention that name until he was sure and he was not the type to lay a false accusation on someone, so he needed to be sure so that he could act fast.