
Chapter 216: Present




I sat still as Mr Gavriel explained everything that happened in his marriage.

" So what happened after you told your daughter's nanny to act as your wife for that day? " i asked even though a part of her waited for an answer and the other part of her knew that he might not reply her.

Mr Gavriel took a deep breath as he left my hand and turned around and faced the steering wheel.

" Sarah agreed to go with me after all she could not say no to my request because I was her boss and the make up artists had already done their job ..... We got to the hospital a few minutes late but thankfully the nurses and the doctor's in charge were just driving Karina in a stretcher towards the operation room " Mr Gavriel said and I saw tears fell off from his eyes.

I could not believe that I was seeing my almighty cold blooded boss acting so vurnurable in my presence.

I stretched for my hand as I enclosed our hands together...I did not know why I actually did that but all I knew what that I was not in control of my self any more.

" While the operation was still going on...the nurses looked tensed as the pushed the stretcher with my little angel lying in it..... While they pushed the stretcher I stopped doctor Hassami and asked him what was actually going on and he said the situation is out of control and they were taking her to the E.R where other invited surgeons could also work on her...he adviced me to hold my self that every thing was going to be fine but I was having a double mind after seeing what happened... Karina looked lifeless on that stretcher and he was telling me that every thing was going to be okay " Mr Gavriel said in a calm tone, it was also visible how scared he was as he narrated what happened...I could only imagine how he felt that fateful day.

I opened my mouth to say some thing but I shut my mouth back...

' what if I say what I want to say and he just flares up and gets angry? I think it would be better if I just stay calm and listen to him ' I said to myself as I decided to listen and not say a single word.

" Thankfully the operation was successful and Karina became conscious again...I was so happy, every thing went as planned the moment she thought her nanny was her mother but....b..u.t but few days later I lost her...I lost her " Mr Gavriel said as he used he left hand to hit on the steering wheel exacting his pain on it.

" How? " I really did not know when that word left my mouth but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it because I had already said it, I just had to wait to hear if Mr Gavriel responds or not.