
Chapter 199: Respect

Phillip began to see Bianca as an irresponsible wife and mother, it made him so upset that he rushed to where she was still standing and was spilling unreasonable words, he carried her from her leg and made her head to fall over to his back.

" Put me down!! I demand that you out me down now! I think you gave forgotten who I really am, I would place a report against you and make sure my husband fires you from that job, and I am serious about it, I will do that if do not put me down now " Mrs Bianca ranted while she was still on Phillip's shoulder and before she knew it they were both inside the car.

" Mrs Bianca, I would appreciate it if you endeavor to keep calm during this drive " Phillip instructed since he could barely understand how tipsy she already was, he had already wasted a lot of time and he needed to be real quick with this one.

Phillip increased the speed of the car as he zoomed off, from the side mirror he could see how Mrs Bianca eye was really wide enough, she was already awake but this time around she was so quiet and then I already knew that some thing was coming up.

'  even if it did not show as words of wisdom, then please try to reach out to the world ' Philip heard that word been said right in his ear but he did not see any one who said so.

Few minutes later, he stepped on the break as the SUV car and it lost it's power.

' Phillip stepped out of the car as he looked as he looked around to check if Mrs Bianca was also out of the car but to his greatest surprise she sat inside the car and was staring at the sky.

This attitude she was displaying made Phillip more pissed up than he already was, was this woman doing this intentionally because at this point he needed to know.

He quickly opened the car door and dragged her out of the car.

" Do you not know that time is not on our side, we have to move fast " Phillip said to her as she tried to regain her balance in order for her not to trip and fall.

" Do I look like I care?? I do not even know why I am here in the first place and I see that you have lost your respect towards me, that you now call me by my name ignoring the fact that my husband is your boss and one report against you will render you jobless " Bianca said and Phillip who was not aware of the fact that the respect he had towards her was no longer there, that was obviously because of what he saw at the suite.

Why would she be making out to a random guy when she had her husband who was healthy and strong but at this moment was down because of their daughter's condition and yet she was having fun, that was enough for her to discard the respect he had for her.